InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two
As the blue light faded Shippo looked around the bottom of the well. He slumped,
`I didn't make it,' he thought. His eyes filled with tears as he looked up at the sky, only to see wooden planks instead. He squealed and spun around seeing the ladder that he had missed before.
“I made it! I'm coming Mama!” He cried as he rushed up the ladder.
As he leapt from the well his eyes widened at the smell that assaulted his nose. Blood, lots of blood, his Papa's blood.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Kagome gasped and looked at the visitor with wide eyes.
“Sesshoumaru,” she breathed in a nervous whisper.
With a vicious growl Inuyasha grasp the table with his left hand and pulled himself up.
“What are you doing here bastard?” He ground out. His eyes flickered red and his stripes were returning.
Sesshoumaru looked at him with one slim eyebrow raised. He slipped his jacket off and laid it on the counter. As he rolled up his sleeves,
“Calm yourself little brother. I have not come to fight with you. I have come to help.”
“Keh, like I'd believe that,” he coughed up more blood.
“You are in no condition to fight, so there would be no challenge.”
“No shit you asshole. I've got a fuck'n spike in my shoulder and my arms broke in three places for starters. I'm damn useless at the moment.”
“You're not useless,” Kagome said laying her hand on his left shoulder. “What do you want Sesshoumaru?”
“As I said I have come to help. I also wish to make amends.” His voice stayed as calm and cold as ever, but his eyes told her the truth. There was a sadness there and a hope that she never thought the youkai lord could ever express. “I wish to mend our family little brother.”
“Keh,” Inuyasha barked, wiping blood from his chin. “What family? I'm just a no good, lowly, filthy, worthless Hanyou that you want dead for sharing your father's blood.”
Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru flinched almost imperceptibly with every angry, pain filled word that fell from his brothers' blood stained lips. All words he had said for more than two centuries.
“It was no thanks to you that I survived after my mother was killed. No thanks to you that I survived two hundred years of hate and misery, and being hunted for what I am and what I'm not.” His voice was vicious and his eyes glazed with pain. His chest rattled with each breath and it was bleeding again.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome's voice was pleading.
“No, this time I won't stop. This may be the only chance I get for this.” He shook his head trying to clear the fuzzy feeling he had. “Look bastard, I am sick of you and your shit. All your high and mighty `I'm a full youkai' egotistical bull shit. I may only be Hanyou, but at least I've got friends and people who give a damn about me now. Kagome did that for me. Not you and your' so called `family'.” He spat and doubled over gasping in pain.
“Little brother,” there was a slight note of pain in Sesshoumaru's voice.
“Don't little brother me, you fucker.”
“Kami, you are so stubborn.” Kagome said as she pulled him back down and pressed a cloth to the fresh bleeding. “Sesshoumaru get over here and help me roll him onto his side. I have to take care of his back. And Inuyasha you're going to shut up. You two can hash this out when you're well.”
“If I get well wench,” there was fear in his voice now.
“Don't say that, we're going to take care of you. You'll be fine I don't care what tonight is.” The determination was back, yet it was backed by desperation and fear.
Sesshoumaru looked at her his eyes widened,
“The new moon.”
At Kagome's nod he grabbed Inuyasha and turned him on his side.
“Watch it bastard, I'll cut your arm off again.” He gritted through clenched teeth.
“Not if you die you won't, now let me help your miko.”
Sesshoumaru's hands were quick, in a few minutes he and Kagome had Inuyasha's back tended and all but the wound on his shoulder bandaged.
As her friends watched Kagome and the man with the long silver hair work, they tried to process everything they had heard. They understood why Kagome had said she was sick so much, if she had told anyone about these people she would have been locked up for being crazy.
As they laid Inuyasha on his back once more Kagome looked at her Grandfather.
“Would you put the extra futon in the living room? It will be too hard on him to move him upstairs right now.”
“Yes, Souta come help me.”
As her Grandfather and brother left the kitchen a small voice yelled,
“MAMA!!” and a small figure darted across the kitchen.
At the sound Kagome turned toward it without thought and opened her arms, just in time to catch a flying Shippo.
“Shippo!! How did you get here!?” She exclaimed.
“I got the shards from Uncle Miroku and Aunt Sango. Then I jumped in the well and I asked really hard to be with you and Papa.” He hugged her tightly. “I had a funny feeling that you wouldn't be coming back. I wanted to be with you. Is it alright Mama, what I did?”
“Oh sweetheart, of course it's okay.” She kissed his forehead. He looked at Inuyasha, whose eyes were closed.
“Mama is Papa going to be okay?” He asked his voice trembling.
“I hope so.” She answered.
“Oi runt, since when am I your Papa?” The injured Hanyou inquired with a slight smirk.
Kagome put Shippo on the table near Inuyasha's left shoulder. The young fox hugged his neck gently.
“You avenged my father, you take care of me, and you love Kagome who's my mama now. Will you be my papa? Please Inuyasha?” Shippo hugged his neck again.
Inuyasha lifted his hand and ruffled the kit's hair,
“Alright, you can be my pup. I'll be your papa runt.” His hand dropped. “Now go see your Grandma while Mama and the bastard finish patching me up.” Shippo shook his head.
“I want to stay right here, I won't get in the way, I promise.” He looked up at Kagome. She nodded.
“Ayumi, in the kit is a thick piece of leather, please get it for me?” She looked at Inuyasha as she held out her hand. When she felt the leather placed in it she flashed her friend a small smile. “Thank you.” She whispered as she folded it in half. “I want you to bite down on this; we don't need you to put your fangs through your lip on top of everything else.” She held the folded leather up to him.
“Keh,” he opened his mouth and did as she asked.
She looked at Shippo who was running his little hand through Inuyasha's hair, than at Sesshoumaru.
“When I say to I need you to pull the spike from his shoulder.”
“Miko are you sure? If it cut a vein he could bleed to death very quickly.” His voice was icy and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She chuckled.
“Am I a miko or not?” She asked as her hands started to glow blue.
Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi gave a collective gasp. Kagome gave them a quick look.
“As soon as we have him out of danger everything will be explained. I promise.” At their accepting looks she turned back to her charge.
“Alright I need you to put Tessaiga away.” He pulled the leather from his mouth.
“Kagome,” he whispered. “What if…?” There was something in his eyes that she had never seen before. Something that should never be there, desperate fear.
“I'm right here, I won't let anything happen.” He nodded his confidence in her melting his fear.
She gently pulled the sword from his hand and laid the beat up katana at his side. As she laid his injured arm along the edge of the table he bit the leather once again. She placed her hands at the edges of the remaining wound.
“Hold on the table.” He gripped the edges. “Alright Sesshoumaru,” she took a deep breath as he reached over and took hold of the spike in his brothers shoulder.
Kagome's hands seemed to burn with a blue fire as he tore the spike free. Inuyasha bit through the leather, his back arching off the table, and his hands splintering the wood beneath them.
“Close, close,” Kagome muttered. “Close!” Her whole body flared a bright blue before she stopped. Her head hung with her hair trailing across his chest.
“Miko, what happened?” She pulled her head up and looked at the Taiyoukai.
“It tore an artery, not a vein. I had to fight to get it closed.” She dropped her head again and took a few shuddering breaths.
Sesshoumaru pulled the leather from Inuyasha's mouth and tossed it across the room. Amazing Kagome and Shippo with his actions, he pushed Inuyasha's bangs away from his eyes and looked at him intently.
“Little brother are you alright?” His voice had a touch of warmth in it.
Inuyasha took a gasping breath and coughed up more blood, a lot more. When he looked into his brothers eyes he saw what he had always wanted, had always needed, acceptance. It broke something in the Hanyou.
“No Sess, I'm not,” he gasped.