InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Ten
Inuyasha stood slumped in the door way, a look of complete shock on his face. Here was his older brother, the youkai made of ice, acting like a love struck teenager. He shook his head completely baffled. It took him a few seconds to realize that someone was speaking to him. He turned to see Kagome's mom standing behind him.
“Here dear, I thought you would like to have this since you're up and about.” She held the Tessaiga out to him.
“Thanks Mama,” he said with a blush as he took the sword from her.
Her smile was radiant.
“Thank you Inuyasha.”
“For what?” He was honestly confused.
“For realizing how much I love you and see you as my son.” Her voice was so quiet that only he heard her. He nodded.
“You're welcome,” he whispered back.
She touched his cheek and walked back inside.
Using the Tessaiga as a cane he walked towards Kagome. It was nice feeling his strength returning. In a couple of hours his leg would be mended enough for him to no longer need aid. He couldn't wield the sword yet but at least he'd been able to eat unaided. One more day, two at the most and there wouldn't even be scars left.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
Kagome turned her gaze from Sesshoumaru and Rin as Inuyasha limped over to her. Smiling brilliantly she turned towards him and touched the same cheek her mother had. He gave her that sexy smirk in return, than he looked at his brother.
“Oi Sess, it seems we've both turned out like the old man.” He called.
“You state the obvious Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru glared at him.
Inuyasha laughed at him.
“What made you choose the pup?” He asked truly curious.
“She cornered me.” He said flatly.
“Sesshoumaru,” Rin slapped his shoulder. “Don't be an ass.” She hugged him again and walked toward Kagome.
“The truth is I seduced him.” She smiled at Kagome's shocked look. “It took me nearly three years before he capitulated. There were many times I nearly pulled my hair out. If his wasn't so beautiful I would have pulled it out instead.”
Kagome laughed as she hugged Rin. As she pulled back,
“Let me look at you.” She walked around the shorter woman. “Five-hundred years looks good on you.” She smiled again as she held Rin's hands.
“F-f-five-hundred years!” Yuka exclaimed.
“How is that possible?” Eri asked.
Rin looked at the seated girls and then at Kagome.
“It's okay to talk about it they've learned a lot since yesterday.”
“My mate bound my life span to his.” She answered.
“How did he do that?” Ayumi wanted to know.
“We marked each other. While we did he reached for my soul with his youki and tied it to his.” She looked at Kagome. “It was hard for Sess to do it. I have no powers of my own and that made it difficult. The only reason it worked was because I love him so much.”
“Can Inuyasha and I do the same?” There was a hint of worry in her voice.
“Yes, we can.” He said from behind her. She turned to him.
“Are you sure?”
“I am, all you have to do is reach for me when I reach for you.”
“How do you mark me?” She was a bit nervous.
He stepped close to her, pushed her hair away from her neck, and pulled her collar over a bit. He ran his claws gently over the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
“I have to bite you right here.” His voice was husky as she shivered from his touch.
“Do I have to bite you too?”
“Yes,” he nuzzled where his claws had been. She shivered again.
“Does the skin need to be broken?” She could barely think as he started kissing her neck.
“Yes,” he ran his tongue over the spot and wrapped his arm around her as her knees got weak.
“H-h-how do I…” She panted.
“Don't worry, Sess will help you.”
“What!?” She exclaimed and looked to say more.
Inuyasha stopped her with a heated kiss. He dropped the Tessaiga as he buried his hands in her hair. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes.
Her friends were too shocked to look away let alone say anything.
Inuyasha broke the kiss despite her whimpers of protest.
“I want to mark you now.” His voice was raspy.
“Okay,” she breathed.
Mrs. Higurashi, standing in the doorway was the only one to see his eyes turning red.
He crushed her lips with his once again, than trailed down her jaw to her neck.
I'm here little brother.
Be ready.
Sesshoumaru stepped behind his brother and raised his hand to Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Kagome reach for me!” He growled.
As he felt her aura rise he bit down sinking his elongated fangs into her shoulder. As she gasped Inuyasha pushed her to his own shoulder where Sesshoumaru had cut him.
When he felt her teeth on his skin he reached for her with his youki. When their auras came together they melded smoothly. They both felt as if they had found a piece of their soul they hadn't known was missing.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*
Once Sesshoumaru had cut his brother he stepped away. Between smelling the change in Inuyasha's blood and seeing the glow of Kagome's power, he knew something unexpected was about to happen. When Inuyasha's red youki rose he was shocked at its strength. It was equal to his own if not stronger.
He was worried that her miko power would reject it, he was completely shocked when the two smoothly melded together, into a deep purple. The power radiating off of their melded auras sent him to his knees in overwhelmed awe.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Shippo feeling much better after a nap went down stairs looking for his parents. He came up behind Mrs. Higurashi as Inuyasha's youki began to rise. The power of it made him panic, he climbed up her back, over her shoulder, and into her arms. With his small face buried in her shoulder he whimpered in fear.
With her arms protectively around the child she watched as the whites of Inuyasha's eyes bled red. She was nervous when his brother cut him. She was downright scared a second later when he bit her daughter.
She quickly realized that Kagome was alright when she bit him back. And she was filled with awe when their auras became visible and melded.
“Shippo look,” she whispered.
To say the child was stunned when he saw his parents was saying it mildly. There they stood arms wrapped around each other engulfed in a deep purple glow. He suddenly realized what had happened. He knew as well that the powerful youki was from his Papa.
“Grandma,” he whispered patting her cheek.
“Yes honey?” She looked down at the awed child.
“Papa feels as strong as Sesshoumaru does.”
“What do you mean?”
Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi listened closely.
“Papa's youki, I can feel it, it pushes against mine.”
“I still don't understand dear.”
He shook his head and tried to think of a way to explain.
“Does the air feel funny to you?” He asked.
“Do you mean that thrumming I feel?” Ayumi replied.
“Yes,” Shippo exclaimed. “That's Papa's power.”
“You mean Inuyasha is causing all of that?”
The air pulsed.
“Nope, now Mama's adding to it.”
They all looked back at the pair.
With eyes closed, heads back, and held in each other's arms, they pulsed with their combined power. Slowly it receded till they stood looking at each other with expressions of enraptured joy.
Kagome leaned forward and laid her head on his chest. With a gasp she pulled away.
“What,” he looked at her.
“Inuyasha,” she breathed. “Your chest.” She ran her hands over the unblemished skin.
He stepped back and looked for himself.
“Damn,” he whistled. He gave his body a quick stretch. Finding everything to be back to normal he swept the Tessaiga from where he had dropped it. Leaping as he unsheathed it he did a double back flip and landed perfectly. With the sword resting on his shoulder he threw back his head and howled for joy. Kagome couldn't help but laugh.
He rushed her, sword in one hand he pinned her to him and spun her around.
“What's so funny wench?” He growled playfully.
“I'm happy to see you well and in such a good mood.”
“Keh,” he snorted with a smile.
His smile suddenly turned into a look of pure rage.
“Inuyasha what is it?” Kagome asked concerned.
“Koga,” he growled in a brutal tone.
“Oh no.”