InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Chapter 19

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Nineteen
Kagome was warm, comfortable, and felt very much like she was loved. The whole group had retired to the media room after dinner. They were currently sprawled out over the couches watching a movie.
Inuyasha was lying on his back with his head on the arm of the couch. Kagome was laying on him her head on his chest. His arms were draped around her and Shippo was curled up asleep on the small of her back.
She barely noticed the movie as she revealed in contentment. This is what she wanted, to be able to enjoy quiet times with her mate and child. The rest of their pack being here along with her friends, and her in-laws just made it all the better. She was very happy with how everything had turned out so far.
She rubbed her face against Inuyasha's chest and drew in a deep breath. Kami, how she loved the way he smelled, and there was no way she could really describe it. His scent reminded her of the forest and of the wind. There was something wild in it as well. It didn't matter if she could never find the right words. It was his and she loved it.
As she snuggled a bit closer she reached up a bit and buried her hand in his hair at the nape of his neck. His eyelids drooped, a small groan escaped him, and his rumble started deep in his chest.
She loved the way it sounded. It filled her with an even deeper contentment. Her eyes slid closed, and as Inuyasha's rumble became audible to the others it was joined by the sound of Sesshoumaru's.
As Inuyasha flicked an ear in his brothers direction Kagome looked over at him. Sesshoumaru was sitting in a large overstuffed chair. With Rin curled in his lap, his cheek on her hair, and his eyes closed he looked completely at peace.
Everyone forgot about the movie as they listened to the strange yet comforting harmony the brothers filled the room with.
As they sat there listening, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi thought about all they had seen and heard that day. They were all happy for Kagome. After watching her during the battle they realized that the world they had grown up in was too small for their friend.
Not only was she strong and skilled, she fit in with the strange people filling the room. She looked right lying on the hanyou's chest with the kitsune sleeping on her back. She looked natural, like any happily married young mother should.
They were grateful that she had trusted them with her secrets. She trusted them to keep them so that she could share her world with them. And they all hoped that they found even a shred of the happiness that she had.
Sango and Miroku were snuggled together on a love seat. They both closed their eyes as the rumbling washed over them. Though they had heard Sesshoumaru rumble for Rin a few times over the centuries it had never been anything like this. They were so glad to have their friends, their family, back. There had been a hole, an empty feeling to their lives with them gone.
Awhile later as the sound slowly died Sango stood and crossed the room.
“Would you like me to put Shippo to bed Kagome?” She asked as she reached the trio. Kagome cracked one sleepy eye.
“That would be great.” She managed to open the other eye. “Would you ask Kirara to stay with him? He's not used to sleeping in his own room.”
“I will,” she lifted the sleeping child off his mother's back.
“Own room, what are you talking about?” Inuyasha's voice was gruff and tired.
“While you were playing video games Rin showed me around. Shippo has his own room and we have one too. Rin said that they've had them ready for us for awhile. They're our rooms now and whenever we're here.”
“Really?” He was a bit skeptical.
Sess why?
You and your mate need your own space little brother. Though her mother welcomes you and the pup into her home with open arms the house is a bit small.
That's not nearly all of it, Inuyasha stated.
No, it's quieter here than in the city. I thought it would be a better starting point for you in adjusting to this time.
I'll talk to Kagome and Shippo.
There is no need to hurry.
Inuyasha sat up lifting Kagome with him. Once he had one arm under her knees she put her arms around his neck and he stood.
“Point the way wench and let's get some sleep.”