InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Chapter 35

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Important A/N: Okay I know that a lot of you are wondering where this is going. Also you're concerned about how much of it is about Shadara and her pack. I really didn't mean for it to run away from me like this. I'm sorry for that. I do have a point and I'm getting to it. There is something very important she has to do for Inuyasha. I'm just trying to set it up right. There is only one other character to come in later and his involvement is very small. Everything will be explained shortly, I promise. Just a few more chapters to go and it will all be over. But before we get to the end my shifter has an important errand to run. And it will make our favorite Hanyou very happy. And no I'm not telling you what it is. It would ruin the surprise. So please hang in there to the end with me, only another five maybe six chapters to go. I am grateful for every reader and reviewer I have you guys are great.
I'm working on a series of one-shots too called `What About?' I hope you'll all like it. Thanks again for reading my work.
Till later,
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Inuyasha paced back and forth before the front door, his bare feet silent on the veranda. He ran his claws over the scar on his arm. He looked at the mark from binding himself to the shifter. Somehow he knew he would bear it always.
He looked to the west hoping Starlight would get to her and get her here in time. He knew she was in trouble, that she was hurt badly, for the mark on his arm burned and pulsed like a heartbeat, one not his own.
Wiseone had sent Miroku to the barn to have the men prepare for the stallions return. Sango and Shippo had helped prepare Shadara's room. The healer had Kagome and Snowwind, Starlight's mate, collect the herbs she would need. From what Snowwind had relayed from her mate Wiseone knew the shifter had been poisoned. She didn't know what kind of poison for sure, that knowledge must wait until they arrived, but there was one she feared.
Over the couple of hours it took everyone to prepare to care for the returning party he waited. As Kagome joined him he growled and scratched at the mark again.
“Are you alright?” She asked seeing the red marks he had left on his skin.
“She's hurt bad wench, I can feel it.” His head jerked up as he caught the sound of wings and Starlight's scent. It was mixed with sweat, fear, desperation, and something bitter. He could smell the others right behind the pale stallion.
“Here they come,” he growled as he leapt down the stairs.
“Oh,” her eyes widened and she bolted for the door. “Wiseone, they're here!” She called.
Starlight stumbled as he landed before the house. He forced himself to stay upright as the hanyou rushed to him.
Inuyasha hurried to the exhausted stallion. The sight of the woman on his back tore at his heart.
Shadara, barely conscious, laid against her bonded one's neck. She was tied to his back her limp arms wrapped in his mane. Her breathing was quick, shallow, and her heartbeat too fast. The scent of pain and a bitter poison flowed off of her.
“Damn it,” Inuyasha sliced through the ropes and pulled her limp form into his arms. Her bare arms were crossed with freshly stitched wounds. She struggled to open her eyes. When she met his the pale shade they were startled him.
“B-b-brother,” her whisper was ragged.
“Shhh, you're home, I've got you.” He ran for the stairs. “Kirara, Miroku, get them taken care of.” He shouted as he past into the house.
Moments later he had her to the healer. The mare pulled the scent of the poison in deeply.
“It is as I feared,” she turned her head toward the door. “Brook,” she called to the redhead as she came through the door, “go down stairs and get the shackles.” Her gray eyes widened.
“It's that one?” Her voice shook.
“Yes, now hurry. Kagome come here child. You remember which herbs I told you of?”
“Mix and crush them as I told you.”
She nodded and hurried to the laid out medicines.
“Inuyasha,” the mare turned back to him, “lay her on the bed.”
“No way, I'm not letting go of her.” It felt like he was holding a fire in his arms, she raged with fever so.
“You must, we must take care of her, or we'll lose her.” Her voice was soft and scared.
“It will be alright, please do as she asks.” His mate's calming voice reached his pinned ears. He caught the scratching sound of her crushing the herbs and the clink of chains from in the hall.
He looked from the healer to his mate. She gave him a small reassuring smile. He turned his eyes back to the woman in his arms, her copper skin was ashen, her smooth hair tangled, and her emerald eyes turned grass green and hazy.
“Sister,” he whined. She stirred in his arms.
“Please,” the healer begged.
He cast his eyes around the room, from his mate, to his new sister's pack mates, and he laid her on the bed.
Kagome brought the medicine to her side and looked to Wiseone. The healer laid her horn against the shifter's cheek. It glowed slightly as she did.
“Wake My Lady, I have something for you.”
“W-Wiseone what is it?” Her voice was thick with pain.
“The antidote.”
“Good, I did not feel like dying today.” Annie helped her to sit up and Kagome fed her, slowly spooning it into her mouth. With each spoonful she grimaced and swallowed, and her eyes grew brighter. When the bowl was empty they laid her down again.
“Brook, Fawn, now,” her voice was stronger but there was something strange about it. “Annie go to Saber.”
“Why, I want to stay with you.” Her voice trembled.
“I need you to go.” She clenched her teeth as Brook and Fawn wrapped her wrists and ankles with long bandages.
“I want to help you.”
“I will be okay, Fawn will be there soon. Please little sister,” her back arched, “go, for me.” Her glowing eyes were pleading.
“Okay,” with tears running down her cheeks Annie darted to her, kissed her forehead, and ran from the room.
“What the hell is going on,” Inuyasha asked Wiseone. “You gave her the medicine. She should be better now. Why does she smell weird?” He heard the click of closing shackles and turned. They were chaining Shadara to the bed. “What the fuck?!” He tried to jump forward only to have his mate wrap her arms around him, stopping him.
“They have to Inuyasha. Wiseone said the antidote is going to make her crazy for awhile.”
“What! Why in the hell would you give her something like that?”
“Because it's the only one there is.” The healer answered sadly.
Brook clicked the last cuff in place and brushed some hair away from Shadara's face.
“I'll be right here the whole time you won't be alone.”
“I've made Starlight block me out, I shall be very alone.” Her back arched in pain again. “Fawn go take care of Annie.”
“I will,” she too fled the room.
Inuyasha pulled out of Kagome's arms and went to the bed. When he reached it she turned her eyes on him. He didn't like what he saw in them.
“Hey,” he touched the back of her hand.
“Brother,” a slight smile graced her lips. “You look so like him.”
“Like who?” His eyes were wide.
“Like Tai, your father.”
“What, how-“
“Brook is not the only one who has visions.” With that the sanity left her eyes, her head was thrown back, and her scream filled the room.