InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Disclaimer ❯ The chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha... damn it.

IY: That's it? Just `damn it'? C'mon, you've GOT to be more disappointed than THAT.

AD: So?

IY: So, you should be more... expressive.

AD: You found the dictionary again, didn't you?

IY: *ignores* Look, if you're disappointed, you should curse more to show it.

AD: Why? My mom threatens to pinch me if I do.

IY: Ha! The mighty authoress-dragon is afraid of being PINCHED?!?

AD: Um, yeah, that sounds about right…

IY: *laughing hysterically*

AD: ... ... ...*twitch* Ok, secret weapon time.

??: SIT, BOY!

IY: *slam* WHAT THE HELL?!?!? You didn't say SHE was gonna be here!!!!

AD: *pppbt* I wasn't going to, unless you decided to be an ass.

Shippo: You mean himself?

IY: What?!?!? Little brat, get over here!!!

Kagome(please tell me you'd figured that out already): SIT!


AD: Tsk tsk, what a mouth... Kagome?

IY: Agh!!!! Nonononono!!!!!!! I didn't DO any-

Kagome: Sit boy. *wumph*

~AD and Shippo having a giggling fit in the background~

AD: Ah, such high-quality entertainment...

IY: HEY!!!!!!

AD: *looking innocent* What? It's true.

IY: *growl, twitchtwitch*

AD: Stop whining... or I'll get Pyro.

IY: *look of horror* Nonononono pleeeeeease don't!!!!!

Kagome: Wow, I've never seen him look that scared... *thinks* who's Pyro?

AD: Female drama techie with a tendency towards fire and sharp pointy objects. And affectionate cursing and attacking.

Kagome: *shivers* Ah.

AD: Well, anyways, I should be going... *pats IY on the head* later, puppy.

IY: I am not a puppy!!!!!

AD: *sigh* whatever. Oh yes, and Shippo?

Shippo: what?

AD: enjoy. *hands him a 2 lb chocolate bar*

Shippo: YAY!!!!!!!


*sounds of hyper-Shippo in background*

---------------AzureDragoness \^-^/