InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Diseased Visitor ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey ya'll! Sorry I haven't update in a long time, most of you don't care at all because you don't even review!!! If you don't know how to review it's at the bottom of the story which says "Write Review" plz review!! I would love to hear any review!!

Disclaimer: I'm glad I don't own Inuyasha!! Heaven know what my sister would do to him!! Poor guy!!!

Diseased Visitor: Chapter 3

"Those 2 are going to get it!!! Nothing but trouble they are! When I get my hands on them OHHHHHH!" Kagome kept rambling as she went into the well.

Kagome reached the feudal era and got out, then tried to find those buggers! But instead of seeing 2 girls ( whom she wanted to kill) she a frenzied Inuyasha. She walked over to him and asked, "Inuyasha, are you alright?" Inuyasha recognized that voice and looked at Kagome and talked fast and scared.

"Kagome, 2wierdwomencameoutofthewellandblindedmewithabox!" He rambled. "Inuyasha, slow down. I can't understand you!" Kagome said slowly but he didn't comply. He kept rambling, and Kagome was getting a headache. So she shut him up the only way she knew how, she "sat" him. Still he didn't stop his ramblings, so she stood him on his feet and slapped his face a couple times that's when he finally came out of la la land. She seriously needed a bath to relax after this at the near by hot spring. "Now," she said, " try it again." Inuyasha took a deep breath and started. "There were 2 girls that came out of the well and then they blinded me with a flashy box thingy of theirs!" he said finally. " Do you know where they went?" All Inuyasha did was shrug his shoulders and shake his head. She gave up and headed towards keades' hut.

* At the spring*

"Oh, that bath was wonderful!!" sang Cloe. "You said it! I wonder if Kagome's near by." Kiada wondered aloud. "We better high tail it before she gets here and hurts us!" Cloe suggested. "Ok, let's get dressed and pack up then leave. I doubt that we want to be seen naked among the villagers." Kiada replied. `I need to check my blood sugar first." Cloe said as they dried off.

Unfortunately, Cloes' sugar was indeed low. That meant she would have to take a SUGAR tablet, which was made up of nothing but pure sugar, which would make her even more hyper that she was now. `I knew I should have brought my handcuffs and leash. This is going to be a long day.' She stopped thinking so she could keep her eye on Cloe. "Oh, wow!! We came on a festival day!! Look they have Kimonos! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!" Cloe yelled happily. `Oh boy the sugar is kicking in. better keep a sharp eye out.' Kiada thought as she watched Cloe go from stand to stand spending American money in a non- American country. Not that they noticed anyway. "Wow! These kimonos are beautiful!" she said happily.

Suddenly, Cloe stopped and listened hard. Kiada listened and thought `Oh hell no! Don't dance Cloe!' She was snapped out of it Cloe was missing. She looked for her and saw her dancing in the village square. The exact thing she didn't want Cloe to do. Kiada ran over to stop her from dancing, when she did try to stop her she flung her arm around and knock one of the best village men out. That's not a good sign. The village men started to beat them and were accusing them of being kitsunes.

Just then Miroku and Sango walked into keade's village. They saw what was happening, they yelled at the villagers "Hey stop that!" just in time before anyone touched a square machine on Cloes hip. If anyone touched it, she would slash them to pieces. The villages answered them, "The 2 youngens knocked our best man out. And they seem as a threat to us! They might be kitsunes in disguise!" the villager replied. Sango then wondered `Is Shippo playing tricks on the poor villagers again?' Miroku and Sango walked towards the mush pit, the villagers backed away revealing 2 young ladies on their backs unconscious.

"Miroku, they're not demons! They're humans!" stated Sango. "Let's take them to keades. She'll help them." Miroku bent down to pick up Cloe, and ascendantally touched Cloes square machine on her hip. When he did she shot up, took his arm twisted it back behind him, and put her knee in-between his wings and pushed him down. "Don't you ever touch my pump, ever!" she emphasized `ever'. Sango was poised to attack, and about to knock Cloe out, until a voice said "Stop it Cloe. Cloe cease and desist. Do you recognize him at all?" Kiada said weakly. Cloe looked at him and then back to Kiada. She gasped and realized it as the Miroku, she said a million `sorrys' and "Please forgive me' after that went to help Kiada up. Sango thought they were very curious.


Hey how'd ya'll like it? Plz tell me! Review! I haven't gotten any! T -T . It's not fair!!!! Well anyway review and tell me how it is good or bad. Thankyou!!!