InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Fall In Love! ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi All!
I'm sorry `bout not updating Why? and FTOYL, but the inspiration for this one hit me the other day and wouldn't let go. I think it's fairly unique, but that's my opinion…. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own no part of the series Inuyasha by Takahashi Rumiko, nor do I own any part of Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas or its songs.
P.S. I'm not trying to give away the plot or anything, but for reading ease, here is a legend for later on in this: Human Youkai Both -Thoughts-
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Don't Fall In Love
“Hi, everyone!”
Kagome's voice drifted up to the hanyou; up to where he was keeping watch on Kaede's roof. The young girl had just returned from a trip to the modern era after the defeat of Naraku. Although, Kagome couldn't properly be called a young girl anymore….
Their search for the shards and their quest for the destruction of Naraku had taken them nearly three years - three hellish years - and all of them had grown in that time…in more ways than one. Inuyasha took another whiff of Kagome's scent as it began to mingle with the other ningen and youkai in the hut below, smirking.
-Yup, definitely not a girl anymore.-
The hanyou was still confused, however, when it came to the miko. She hadn't left immediately after Naraku's defeat and the jewel's completion, like he had thought she might. Nor had she made it clear since then what her plans were from that point.
Every so often, he had the possible thought that she might want to stay here, in the past, with him. But whenever he thought of that, no matter how much his heart leapt, he forced himself to stop. There was just no way that a girl like her - someone so perfect, so pure, so…whole - could ever see the half-breed that was he as anything but a friend.
He didn't know exactly how long he lay on the roof after her return, but it was soon dark, and, after taking a quick sniff to ensure everyone was still inside, he shut his eyes to settle in for the night.
Inuyasha opened his eyes.
-What the.... It's still dark. Way too dark.-
The hanyou could see nothing aside from a few faint green glows at the edge of his vision. It wasn't supposed to be the night of the new moon for several weeks, so why was it so dark? And where were the stars? Usually their light, though faint, gave him enough to see with.
The green glows that had been crowding the edges of his sights crept closer to him…growing brighter and brighter…until he was forced to shut his eyes against them.
When the glows had receded enough to allow him to open his eyes again, he was faced with two figures standing in front of him. One he knew - he had seen it so many times in his life that he knew it nearly as well as himself. But the other….
He had heard of it, seen the destruction it had caused, but had never actually seen it face-to-face. Inuyasha had opened his eyes to face both his ningen and youkai selves.
“We hear you're having some problems deciding on what to do with that wench.
“We're here to give you a bit of advice - it should help you decide.
-Advice? What the hell is going on here?-
Then of all the absurd things, his other halves broke into song…an odd, creepy, catchy song….
And they weren't alone, either - those freaky green glows were back - and they were acting eerily like Kikyou's shinidama-chuu…slinking all round Inuyasha's other selves as well as the hanyou himself.
The quickest way to break your heart
Make you depressed and ill
Is to get tangled up inside
The side effects could kill
You thought Kikyou was the one for you, am I right? Then Naraku turned you against each other. But you had already fallen for Kagome,” said his ningen half.
So now you've got a problem on your hands…do you go to hell with Kikyou after avenging her death, as you promised her? Or do you stay with Kagome, forever protecting her, as you also promised her?
Inuyasha didn't understand it. Somehow he was seeing the two figures in front of him, yet also was seeing Kagome and Kikyou at the same time. But the two girls were images from memory - images from when he had made both of the promises that the human had mentioned.
All passion is a waste of time
A deadly game pour vous
I am your friend, your cher ami
I wouldn't lie to you
All your life, you've wanted to let me loose, to let me take control,” said the youkai.
Yet as soon as that witch of a girl got her hooks into you - you wanted to toss me away like yesterday's rubbish! Just to make her happy!
By this time, the green glows had thoroughly wrapped themselves around Inuyasha and pulled him up into the air, spinning him around and around, showing him images that coincided with what the two spirits were saying.
If you must love someone
May I suggest
You love yourself
Just think it through
You'll never leave and you
Will find you'll get more rest
You'll always feel as good as new
All the time you spend worrying about those so-called `friends' - you know they'd all turn on you at the drop of a hat! Humans are weak - no power, no strength - isn't that why you wanted to get rid of me in the first place?!” spat the human.
-N-No…that's not…-
Inuyasha tried to speak, to fight, anything to break him free of this spell that was keeping him trapped - but nothing worked…he was trapped.
Your freedom is the most
Important thing, my friend
You must be strong
You mustn't bend
If you let them go, cast them aside, you'll be free,” said the youkai.
Free to live your life as you want to - no more playing the hero, no more `looking to the saint inside you'.”
The last was said in a poor imitation of Kagome's voice as the tendrils that had Inuyasha caught in their web sped up their spinning.
Don't talk for hours
Don't send flowers
Don't read poems
Don't sing songs
And dance beneath
The stars that shine above!
Don't fall
In love!
{Oh, don't do it….}
The tendrils slowed themselves back down slightly before jerking to a stop, leaving Inuyasha still feeling as if he was going as fast as one of those metal, horseless carriages from the modern world. Before he could fully recover from the change in speed, the tendrils began to spin again, only this time in the opposite direction, as the spirits broke into song…again.
As soon as your heart
Rules your head
Your life is not your own
It's hell
When someone's always there
It's bliss
To be alone
That human girl you're fawning over now is making you act like a pathetically lovesick pup!” hissed his youkai.
You follow her to the other world and you're completely helpless when she's not here!
When she is here - when she deems us worthy of her time - she's a damn tease! Always flitting about in that tiny outfit of hers, showing so much skin it's indecent....” griped the human.
Not to mention, very unhealthy for her....” mumbled the youkai, with a lusty growl; the remark was clearly meant for the hanyou's ears only.
Inuyasha's struggles against the spell intensified, but still to no avail.
And love of any kind is bad
A dog, a child, a cat
They take up so much
Precious time
Now where's the sense in that?
That's the other thing about her - after she came, it was no time before we had the monk, the kit, and the taijya following us,” said the human.
Do you have any idea of the land we could have covered - the shards we could have found - by now if we haven't have had to keep stopping?!
Love takes the wildest heart
And makes it tame
If you're turned on,
Then just turn off
Emotions are a thing
All great men overcame
Please don't make this
`grande catastrophe'
Don't get attached to anyone
Or anything
There's nothing worse
Than things that cling
You've seen the result of feeling anything for another person, haven't you? Your father fell for your mother - where did that lead him?” said his youkai.
Your mother cared for you - what happened to her? You wanted to care for Kikyou - where are the two of you now? All of that, all the pain from your past - you wanted to leave it behind and let me take control, to let me give you the power to prevent those events from happening ever again.
Sometimes, I wonder what those `friends' of yours see in you,” said the human.
But then I remember - just something to be used and thrown away! Face it - any attachment to anything other than your own self results in pain and heartbreak!
The green tendrils that had been spinning Inuyasha just enough to keep him disoriented began to spin him faster and faster, higher and higher, in perfect time with the music and the cadence of the spirits' voices.
You'll go to pot
You'll turn to drink
You'll never rest
You'll end up mad
And looking like some
Poor demented dove!
Don't fall in love!
In Love!
The tendrils and images of Inuyasha's otherselves winked out of existence with the fading of the last note of music, leaving Inuyasha to fall into the unending blackness.
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No, that's not the end. I wouldn't be that mean. I'm still working on the second half of this, but it should be up relatively soon. Look for it, `kay?