InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreaming ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: My friends can record my crazy Jap teacher swinging her arms around and jumping up and down with their camera, then laugh their heads off (it looked sooooo funny. Get a camera that can record videos), and claim it as their own, but I can't claim Inuyasha.
Chapter 1
Buyo is the family cat. Which means that I feed him in the mornings, before school, and Kagome feeds him in the evenings. That's the way it works.
I couldn't find him. I wandered around, calling for him, and ended up at the well house. It's shut, because it's very old and Mama and Jii-chan don't want us getting hurt. I know Buyo wanders in there sometimes.
`Souta, what are you doing there? You know you're not allowed near the well house.'
That was my sister.
`I couldn't find Buyo, I think he's…'
That was me. The words seemed to roll off my tongue so easily. Maybe I should've given her a reassuring smile.
`…in the well house?!'
We both go in. It is dark and dusty, and the only light was coming from the open door and the small window grates high along the walls. It is a raised platform we are standing on, and steps lead down to a dirt floor, and the wooden well. When Papa was still alive, he made a ladder and nailed it to the inside of the well. `So that I know that my children will always be happy and safe,' was what he had said.
He also said that it would eat our bones if we fell in, so I always feel its creepiness around the well house. Nee-chan doesn't believe in those stories. I know Jii-chan's are completely ridiculous but Papa's always has a grain of truth in them. That's what he used to say, anyway.
I heard a strange scratching noise. Both of us did. Kagome starts, but I am completely terrified. Boys are brave and strong, they can hold their own, easy. I forgot it all, latching onto Nee-chan like a lifeline. My voice is uncontrollable. `T-there's something down there!'
She looked down at me, an amused look on the face. `Like… our cat?'
Nee-chan smelt nice, and her warmth calmed me. I felt foolish. Still, I felt scared, and convince Nee-chan to look around for me. She chastised me in her matter-of-fact voice, but her threats were void of danger. She knew it and I knew it, and she knew I knew. She finished her speech with a, `Souta, you're a boy, aren't you? You shouldn't be scared, it's only Buyo.'
She sighed and bouced down the stairs. I stared at her confidence with a kind of fascination. My arms tingled uncomfortably, even though I was wearing a jacket. Resisting the urge to hug myself, I peered at Nee-chan below.
Her back was to me; she seemed to be staring into the well. She was motionless, though swaying slightly, her movements uncertain. Then, suddenly, she froze, and yelled out loud. There was fear in that voice and it caused me to yell too.
Half her face was visible to me as she looked behind herself to her feet. I followed her gaze. It was our fat, fluffy cat, rubbing against her legs. I slump slightly, and became aware of my beating heart. It was fast, irregular.
Nee-chan was facing me then, looking at Buyo in her arms with a tender gaze. She seemed to be making to sit on the edge of the well. The prickly feeling is back.
`Nee-chan!' I cried out; Kagome had jerked back, her face turned to look into the well. Buyo had jumped out of her arms and passed me, out of the well house. Nee-chan was tense with shock, gasped in surprise, her face frozen to match her gasp.
Then I couldn't see her.
I must've called Jii-chan, for the next thing I could remember, Jii-chan and I were bending over the well, Jii-chan shining a torch down, looking at her unconscious form. I feel tears build up in my throat, but I fight them back, making a strangled whimper.
I'm a boy, after all, aren't I?