InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Drown ❯ Chapter 15: And it’s not alright ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Drown
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...

Pairings: Inu Yasha/Kouga, Kouga/Ayame, Inuyasha/Kouga/Ayame, m
entions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/Kikyo InuYasha/OC
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg,
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.

Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!

The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Drown" by Bring Me The Horizon

Chapter 15: And it's not alright

Spring had turned into summer and with the summer came the insufferable heat.

My time was split between caring for both Yuki and Ran and helping to keep the den clean and straightened. Ayame had returned to the hunters and helping Kouga with pack politics and so I happily nursed my son and hers. I hadn't birthed Ran but he was a son of my heart. Ran was already six months and he was already crawling on hands and knees and trying his hardest to get up and walk on his wobbly legs. Yuki watched after him and was just beginning to crawl at five months. He tried to follow Ran everywhere and oddly enough it seemed as though Ran would wait for him sometimes, cooing and babbling as if telling Yuki “come on” and “you can do it”.

Everyday Ran's eyes turned more and more green and I watched as Yuki's lightened even more though his left had oddly stayed darker than his right. His right eye had begun to develop specks of gold around his iris and I noticed that his left had specks of copper.

Other than the pups growing I found my life I the caves fun and interesting with each new day. So far I had seen winter, spring and after the summer I would have been with the pack for a year. I felt elated and happy and I each day brought new excitement.

Summer in the caves was an odd time, time schedules seemed to change. Everyone, especially the actual wolves themselves spent most of the day sleeping or trying to. The heat made everything harder to do and even the smallest task felt monumental. Cubs and youngsters were especially moody and barely tolerable. Instead of doing what needed to be done in the hot midday son everything halted and naps were had by all until the sun set. We all became a bit more active at night. Cubs were given permission to be up later and play under the protective eyes of those in charge of their welfare and the hunting parties did their hunting under the stars of night. The cooler evening left even the hottest of tempers cooled.

One of the hottest tempers as of late was surprisingly Ginta's. The poor guy was suffering through morning sickness and other aches and pains due to his early pregnancy. Hakaku was very patient and bent over backwards for his cranky mate and I was glad I hadn't had such a difficult time in my early months. I suppose I had enough on my plate at the time that even if I had such a difficult time I probably wouldn't have noticed.

On nights when Ginta was feeling up to it, he would watch the boys and I was allowed to follow on the hunt. It was invigorating to stretch my legs and run with Ayame, Kouga, Hakaku and the others along side the wolves. We would use ears, eyes and nose to find prey and as a group we would hunt and capture our prey. I had helped to easily bring down boars and large deer, enough that we often feed the pack and had leftovers to make into jerky. Kouga swears the pack is fattening up with my help.

To run alongside Ayame and Kouga was amazing. To see the cues and looks and learn their meanings as we cornered prey or surrounded it to go in for the kill was like getting to know a new side of them.

As summer came to an end I watched a few of the gangly wolf pups born in the summer walk with the adults now learning just as I was how to hunt or watch younger cubs. Those young wolves replaced older wolves which we lost two of in the hot summer month. We had gathered around their graves on the right side of the mountain and howled our grief to the heavens.

Fall came in a flurry of breezy weather and Sesshomaru visited once more, dropping off a newly made firerat robe made in the crimson color I had worn for years. When he handed it to me I found myself lost in a quiet grief and oddly relieved as I realized the familiar scent of our father and my mother somehow resided on this newer one. Sesshomaru surprised me further by informing me that he had found my torn robe in the abandoned wolf cave and made certain to find the finest weavers and sewers to make sure that my robe was as close to its original shape if not better.

At that I hugged my crimson firerat robe to my chest and allowed the tears I had held in to fall freely down my cheeks and onto my new robe. Sesshomaru patted my head letting me know he understands and that my words were unnecessary.

He also gifted Yuki'ren with a matching robe which did nothing to end my tears. It was large on him but he would grow into it and with it came the promise he would provide larger sizes as Yuki himself outgrew it. I was even more surprised at the presents he presented to Kouga, Ayame and Ran.

He had brought Ayame a pretty kimono in pink and white with morning glories blooming along the hem and a deep green sash to match her eyes. He gave Kouga a gift of a fine sword with a promise to one day practice with him or as Sesshomaru put it, “This one will spar you and see if you were graced with the talent to wield it”. I promised Kouga I would spar with him and show him what little I knew. Ran was given a firerat robe as well in a deep shade of golden yellow. He left us also with new water pots, some gifts of pastries and treats with a promise of a visit in the winter.

Like always Sesshomaru left like he came; quietly with little to no words needed to express him self and no needed in thanks though we gave them anyway.

As leaves fell around us Ran and Yuki both learned to stand and take little toddling walks through the den and cave with assistance. They also were allowed to have meat if it had been chewed to mush by the adults at meal times. It was amusing to see Ran be so adamant with his father like an angry baby bird babbling and saying “Too too” patting Kouga's leg opening his mouth as he asked for softened food.

Ran was certainly his father's son, demanding but almost regal about it with just an air of snottiness that I noticed came with those of regal birth.

Yuki was quieter and seemed to take the softer route with gentle pats and patience. As I watched him I wondered just where his patience came from.

I had become “Chew way” instead of ChiChue to my little Yuki and I was amused that he insisted on calling Kouga “Too too” along with Ran and even more amused that he called Ayame “okaa”. I realized that he had recognized them as parents much like my self. I felt my heart grow to bursting when Ran had called me “Chew way” as well and more embarrassed at the smiles I received from Kouga and Ayame when I cried over being called that that way.

The fall was amazing and as I felt winter around the corner I couldn't fight the feeling that something bad loomed in the darkness, that things would soon come crashing down around us and that my happy fairytale would soon come to an end. I hoped and prayed that I was being ridiculous and that my mind was my own worse enemy.

To Be Continued….