InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entrapment ❯ Run Like Hell ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By: Jazmin Turner

Chapter Seven:

Run Like Hell

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!

Warning II: Short chapter ahead

Enjoy! Ciao!

"Miroku," the demon whimpered. She looked at him with passion fogged eyes, a small smile forming on her pert, ruby red lips. The monk wiped the saliva off of his chin and quickly walked over to the youkai. He began chatting avidly with her, eyes closed as he smiled amiably. As soon as the transformer wasn't looking he rubbed her backside quickly, a goofy smile splitting his face, while his eyes became somewhat gazed with pleasure. The girl gasped and turned around to face him as he fondled her. "Miroku!" she giggled.

"Mm…" he moaned. He was in pure heaven. He was feeling up the prettiest woman he had ever laid eyes on and it felt good!

The other monks stood there, staring, wide-eyed as they shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. They had never seen this lecherous side of Miroku before.

He's a priest goddammit! Sango fumed, face reddening with anger. They were on a mission, not some Grope Fest! She's the enemy - not some pretty girl in a village! Stupid! Stupid! STUPID! Sango stamped her foot in anger. The monks cringed, from Miroku's naughtiness and Sango's extreme aggravation.

She looked upon the pair in obvious rage. How dare he! How dare she let him grope her! She wanted to be molested!?

"My fair maiden," Miroku began slyly. "You know my name, but I don't know yours. May I ask?"

"Suki," she replied. Suki shot a nasty look at the fuming Sango before grasping Miroku somewhat roughly by the face and crushing her soft, ample lips against his and the monk pulled her against him. Soon after he took advantage of their closeness and began groping Suki again.

The demon had found Sango's weakness, too - jealousy over Miroku.

What is he doing, putting on a show? Sango seethed. She turned her head quickly away from the embracing couple. She felt a knife slipping between her ribcage and sinking into her heart. How could Miroku do that? In front of her? In front of the monks of his temple? Had he no dignity?

Suki broke the kiss and gave Miroku a quick peck on the cheek.

"Mm…Miroku!" she giggled mischievously. Her gaze slid over to Sango who looked at them, body trembling in rage, face blood red, hands balled into fists, while her left eye twitched crazily. Suki ran her long slender fingers through Miroku's jet black hair. His hand was back on her butt.

"Ah Suki. You have made this trip a quite pleasurable experience! Nothing else has compared to this!" Sango felt the knife twisting and writhing in her flesh, causing her heart to clench almost painfully.

Nothing compared to this? Not even that moment on the log last night? She had revealed her soft side to him! She had apologized! They had talked without him groping her! And she knew for a fact that he was checking her out!

"Why do I even try?" she cried out loudly. "SHE'S THE DEMON YOU IDIOT!" Before she knew it she was screeching at him loudly while failing miserably to keep her tears at bay.

Why did I even think that Miroku saw me as a person, an equal? Why did I even think he had feelings for me? She wiped her slightly moist eyes on the back of her hand. Why did I get my hopes up? He'll never see me as anything more than another item to grope.

"She's not the demon!" Miroku said, twisting from Suki's tight embrace to face Sango. "Can't you see that she's a beautiful woman that enjoys my attention?" Was that spite? Sango sniffed quietly.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" Suki asked, grinning.

The monks, who had stood there in shocked silence, prayed for Miroku and quickly rushed away, yelling something about, `searching for enlightenment and cleansing.' Sango turned from Miroku angrily.

Why should she care if he died? That was one less groper to worry about and besides, she would be free! But that wasn't honorable. Sango sighed. She looked back up at Suki who grinned at her, revealing long, pointy fangs.

"I'm sorry Miroku," Suki apologized quickly, before sinking her long teeth into the tender flesh of his neck. Sango's cry and Miroku's scream of pain clung together and echoed loudly in the clearing.

Suki chuckled, throwing his limp body to the ground and wiped his blood from her lips and grinned at Sango.

"You bitch," Sango muttered darkly. She rose Hiraikotsu into the air, muscles in her arms flexing.

"Correction," Suki laughed. "You're a bitch. You knew what I was. And you refused to help!"

Sango failed to come up with a witty comeback. She faltered, suddenly looking guilty. Suki's lips curled in a malicious smile.

"Oh. I see. You were jealous? You thought he would get what he deserved, eh?"

"Enough talk!" Sango shouted. She hurled her giant boomerang to Suki's prone form, but she quickly dodged.

"Poor skill. Poor aim. You call yourself a professional Slayer?" Suki taunted. Miroku let out a muffled groan from his spot on the ground, eyes closed with pain.

"Miroku," she whispered. How could I have let this happen? I'm no better than he is! She worried. This is all my fault! If I had never been jealous in the first place, he'd be here fighting by my side! Stupid human emotions!

As Sango beat herself up mentally, Suki snuck up on her.

Her long, wavy black hair tightened and scales formed on the locks, transforming into hissing black snakes, complete with piercing yellow eyes and long fangs dripping with black venom. Her eyes flashed and turned blood red, her pupil completely swallowed by the flaming iris. She grew taller and wider, her tight clothes now constricting her blood flow. Her smooth, pale skin starting sprouting bushes of ebony hair and her small, rounded ears morphed into the pointed ears of a wolf. Suki's hands and feet turned into small, slender paws and from her butt sprouted a bushy black tail. The skin tight clothes ripped and floated to the ground. She now resembled a pure black wolf with a squirming crown of hissing snakes as a fashionable hair accessory.

Sango turned around in enough time to dodge Suki's well aimed blow and she landed a few feet away, panting.

"You won't get me that easy, demon." Suki lunged again and this time Sango rolled away, wincing as the sharp tip of Hiraikotsu sunk into her tender flesh.

"Don't underestimate me!" Didn't she say something similar to Miroku earlier? Sango swallowed away such thoughts and threw her boomerang towards Suki, missing horribly. "Haha! Your aim is hilarious!" Little did Suki know that that was part of Sango's plan.

She tugged her sword from its sheath (*wink* *wink* boredom) and ran towards Suki. She launched herself into the air and was about to bring her sword down on Suki when the demon jerked suddenly away, hissing, landing lightly. The snakes in her hair seemed to laugh at Sango's failed attempts and Suki was clearly smirking.

"You're worse than I thought. Seems you and poor Miroku," she shot a small, sad look over at the fallen monk. "Will have to die to day."

"You like him?" Sango charged for Suki.

"Yes," she grunted. "He's very loving and you never have to *umph* worry *ugh!* about being ignored!" Suki dodged Sango's blows effortlessly. What a useless fool.

"But that's *ow* perverted *ack!* attention you *ugh* moron!" Sango shielded Suki's attack with her Hiraikotsu.

"If you actually stood still long enough to enjoy the attention, it feels quite nice," Suki informed her. "Especially when he squeezes…"

"You're just a perverted as he is!" Sango yelled, hurling Hiraikotsu at the preoccupied Suki. The boomerang cut into her tender flesh and landed neatly on the ground. The wolf demon thing whimpered in pain, twisting her head and licking the wound.

"You wretch!" Sango pulled out her sword, preparing to rip out Suki's guts, but before she could react, the demon's teeth were around her blade and she crushed it effortlessly.

"My sword!" Suki pounced on Sango. The Demon Slayer fell to the ground with a loud thud, all of the air escaping her lungs in a whoosh. The wolf youkai growled, its putrid breath spreading across Sango's face. The girl groaned as Suki brought her long yellow fangs closer and closer to the fatal vein in her neck. "NO!"

"STOP!" The youkai and Slayer paused in their fight to search for the source of the sound. The Village Elder stood in the clearing, worn and tattered, looking older than the sun and the moon, the wrinkles etched in his weathered skin sharply outlined by the rays of sun. "Do not touch that helpless girl!"

Suki snickered. Sizing up the Elder with cruel, critical brown eyes.

"And what are you going to do about it old man? Beat you with your cane?" A smile crossed his face.

"How did you know?"

"You dare challenge me?" Suki removed her paws from Sango's chest and began to pad steadily over to the Elder.

"Why Suki, I never remember you being so arrogant." The snakes that mimicked hair, hissed violently, as Suki wrinkled her maw.

"It can't be you…not Subaru…not the great Wolf Youkai." Sango, who had been currently collecting Hiraikotsu and mourning over the lost of a great katana, started and stared at the battered figure to which Suki was referring.

Wolf's possible that he's a demon…Neither I, Miroku, or monk sensed a demon aura. He must have masked it Can I trust him?

"Yes. I am Subaru." He turned to Sango, who was staring at him, eyes wide, mouth agape, and cracked a smile. "I will not harm you little one. I just need to settle a score, if you don't mind." His nose twitched. "Take your wounded friend to the village. I will deal with her." His warm eyes suddenly turned hard and calculating.

"You may have been great in your day, Subaru, but I know rule all of the Wolf Youkai and Transformers alike. You have no power."

While the two youkai were bickering senselessly, Sango ran over to Miroku and put a tentative hand of his forehead. It was scolding hot and his skin was slicked with sweat. She lowered her gaze and whimpered as she saw the gaping slash in his neck. How long did he have left? He had lost way to much blood! Even if he was a perverted master, she couldn't stand for him to die. Thinking fast, she ripped her tie from her hand and pressed it to his wound.

"Sango!" someone hissed. "Over here!" Her head snapped up and she let out a smile of relief. The cowardly monks weren't so cowardly after all! "We decided to come back! We thought you might need some help!"

"Get over here!"

"S-Sango, l-look!" Hojo, his face a sickly white, pointed shakily to the two wolves clawing fiercely at each other. One was pure white and shaggy, with golden eyes and bushy eyebrows. She knew that was Subaru. Good luck. It's all up to you now.

"Never mind that! Help me get Miroku!" The monks nodded quickly and scrambled out from their hiding spot between the trees. Hojo hoisted Miroku on his back, while the others held him in place.

"He's really got it bad this time! But he should be fine." Sango nodded, but she was surprised as she felt her heart flutter in relief. Did she truly care for him that much? Even after a few weeks? Was that possible? She cast another forlorn glance at the unconscious priest. His eyes were closed, mouth open, his usually clean robes splattered with blood. "There has got to be a village healer around here somewhere."

As the monks started to slip between the trees, Hojo turned back. The Slayer was looking at the fight in awe, Hiraikotsu limply hanging at her side.

"Aren't you coming, Miss Sango? It's dangerous out there." He let out a pitiful whimper as the two youkai clashed, roaring viciously. The smaller black one, Suki, wrapped her fangs around Subaru's neck, and bit down hard. Blood stained his pure white fur and he let out a howl of pain that rattled the heavens.

"I'll be alright!" Sango yelled. "But if you don't hurry, I'm afraid Miroku won't make it!" Hojo's eyes widened, but he nodded dumbly.

"Let's go! Sango's strong enough to handle herself." The group of monks ambled, well…more like tripped and bumbled back towards the village. Even though they were somewhat naïve and sometimes slow-witted, they were intelligent and she didn't doubt that they'd be able to heal Miroku.

Subaru was now on the ground, bleeding heavily, breath coming out in raged pants, eyes glazed in pain. Suki approached him, a grin on her black lips, and just as she was about to apply those lethal fangs to the jugular vein in his neck, Hiraikotsu went twirling for her and smacked into her neck. Suki let out a roar of pain and turned her slitted eyes towards Sango, who was glaring at her in determination.

"You dreadful wench!" Suki screeched angrily.

"Leave Subaru alone!" The angered wolf began to race for Sango. Er…I hadn't thought quite that far ahead. Okay…Hiraikotsu was currently lying on the ground a few feet of Subaru and her poor katana had been shattered…so what were her options?


Sango groaned as she picked up her tired feet and began to run away from the pursuing Suki. But they were in a clearing…She'd definitely trip and fall in the woods, so that choice was out. Running around in circles…Suki wasn't the brightest paint on the canvas, but she'd figure it out eventually.

Just as Sango was about to accept her fate, something huge soared overhead. Something so big that it blocked out the sun. Both Sango and Suki turned to stare at the sky in wonder. A flicker of realization flashed through Sango, but she dismissed it.

The "thing" landed in front of Sango and let out a furious his. It had tan, shaggy fur and its paws, ears, and two feet were dipped in black. The great creature was engulfed in eternal flame.

Sango's mouth fell open in shock.

It couldn't be…

But when the flaming creature turned to look at Sango, she was sure.

"Kirara…" The neko purred happily. "KIRARA! It is you!"

"This makes me sick!" Suki complained. "One more foe to defeat, no problem."

"Kirara, I will stay and help you!"

The fire neko shook her head fiercely. A brief flash of understanding coursed through them, and Sango nodded. Kirara wanted to be alone. She could only pray that she would be okay. The Slayer searched around for the injured Wolf Youkai, but he was gone. Ducking down to retrieve her Hiraikotsu, Sango cast one last look at her friend, who was currently clawing at Suki's face, and disappeared into the forest.

.************************************************************** *********************.

I HATED that chapter. I hope you liked it. Remember to review.