InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Everlasting ❯ Is This Feeling True ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return to me
Yasha sat outside his tattered home waiting. It was not long past dawn. He knew she wouldn't return so early. Though, he didn't know if she was going to return at all. But he had few doubts. She may be the angel of death but she still promised. And she didn't seem like the type to not return a promise.
Thinking of you
His mind wandered and his eyes stared at the sky. The sun had started to rise not long ago. It was a wondrous site that few saw. Most didn't rise till one quarter day till center, three hours till noon. Some even got up at center. `Lazy, ungrateful mutts.' He called them. But who was he to judge? He was never allowed in any villages because of his strange ways. No one seemed to believe in demons, angels, devils, heaven or hell. No one but evil spirits. Or what they would call, `gaikoku' or `alien.'
The wind blew in his face. The wind seemed to be calm that day. Compared to the previous day, it was as if there was no breeze at all. He heard the wind start to pick up. The air grew darker, bloodier, for a split second. Then it seemed to fall. A dark whirlwind stood in front of him one second, then the next she was there.
She returned
Yasha rose to his feet slowly. His body was still weak from the bandits attack. But he wanted to be able to go to her with his own strength, on his own feet. He took a few unsteady steps forward then collapsed onto his knees. Kikyou approached him and took his hand. “You should rest. You're still very weak.” He nodded barely. She could see he didn't even have the strength to do that.
He stood again. His legs shook under his own weight. She caught him before he could fall. His eyes closed and he fell into unconsciousness, another pit of darkness.
He woke up when it was already dark. She was still there. She had made a fire and was cooking him soup. He was lying in his bed with a wet cloth on his forehead. A moan slipped his mouth. Kikyou looked over at him. “Yasha, you're awake. You fainted and started a fever.” She sounded calm and organized and slightly concerned. He smiled faintly at the thought of Death being so kind towards him, a human.
Yasha didn't speak again. Instead he just stared at her. His mind filled with various thoughts. Some he did regret though. But then it hit him. `Am I falling in love with Death?'
Love with a devil, is it possible?
His eyes studied her again. But how? How could it be that he would fall in love with the one who would some day take his life? I guess the real question would be; how could he not love her? After all she's done for him. Spare his life, help him till he healed, and worry?
He wasn't one hundred percent sure though, so he dare not say anything. Not yet at least. She turned to him with a bowl of fresh, hot soup in hand. She put her hand under his back and helped him sit up. Her cold hands against his sweaty back. He felt bad though. He liked being close to her, but having her do all this for her? No, it wasn't right.
Don't do this for me
He struggled to sit up on his own. Just how badly had those bandits injured him? Yasha looked at her with weak eyes. Her face was still as expressionless as before. But it didn't bother him. “I'm fine Kikyou. You don't have to do all this for me.” His voice still weak. She said nothing but fed him some soup. He sighed and decided not to argue. Trying to do things when you don't have the strength isn't a good idea anyway.
Let me help you
“Yasha, I'm doing this of my own free will. You have no reason to object.” She spoke. He liked the sound of her voice. It was as soothing as relaxing as a dip in the hot springs. She finished feeding him the warm, soft food and sat the small wooden dish down. He reached up to her. His shaking hand caressed her pale cheek. She looked down at him saying nothing.
No reaction
“I can't thank you enough, for everything. You have done so much.” He breathed. She reached up and placed her hand over his. “Yasha, you have no reason to thank Me.” She objected. But he thought differently. “You saved… my life. I was saved… from Death…, by Death.” His words grew slower and his breathing heavier. “T-thank you… so much…”
Final words
His eyes slid shut. A falling feeling overcame him again. `Not again…' His stomach became queasy and a throbbing pain pounded in his head. His mind was slipping away again. His body was left unable to do anything.
His eyes reopened with the light of the new moon. And there she was, sitting in the corner… doing something. He couldn't see exactly what it was that she was doing though. He turned his over to the side just as a bright red light shimmered around her body. It only lasted a few seconds, but still, it was there.
Kikyou turned her head to him. Her orbs, appearing so innocent, yet they hid dark secrets that no one would ever discover. It didn't take long for him to realize what the red light was. `The blood from those whom lives have been taken.' He thought. “Did you leave earlier?” he asked aware of when he had blacked-out.
She gave no reaction. No expression on her face, or any words coming from her fragile lips. “Please tell me, did you go out and kill?” His voice was stronger now. She was well aware of how serious he was being also. A brisk sigh slipped her lips. “I only did my as I was told. It does not concern you.”
Her voice was cold and mysterious. A depressing look shaded her bleach-white face. No one he knew was as baffling as her. He never could figure out what she meant or why she acted a certain way. And it bothered him. Everything about her was so… perfect, except for her secretive ways.
It hurt. His heart sank into a deep, aching pit of sorrow. Was this what he thought it was? `Am I truly falling for Death?' No. Impossible. Mortal and devil cannot be together. It was against the Laws of the Realms.
The Laws of the Realms clearly stated:
No Angel could enter Hell.
No Devil could enter Heaven.
Mortals or Earth Dwellers stayed on earth but went through the Nether World for reincarnation.
If an Angel were to mix with a Devil, the greater being, the male, would loose their right eye. The lesser being, the female, would loose their left eye. Then neither would be allowed back into their formal placements, no matter how great their position was.
If an Angel or Devil were to ever mix with a mortal, the greater being, the Angel or Devil, would be banned from their formal placement no matter how great their position. Their power would be drawn away from them.
If it were an Angel, their power would go to The Tree of Creation, where baby angels were born. If it were a Devil, their power would go to The Crystal.
The only Angel and Devil allowed to have human contact were Life and Death. Any others needed to have been given grants by their lords; God or Satan.
Though these laws existed; he, like all other mortals, had no clue of their existence. All that he knew was that Life was an angel from Heaven and Death was a devil from Hell. Bara was the name given to the Angel of Life. Kikyou was the name given to Death. Bara meaning Rose and Kikyou meaning Bellflower. Most wondered why Life and Death were given names and why their names could be translated as flowers. But none seeped through the legends to find the answers.
Yasha just sat there, staring. She did nothing to give him a hint of her feelings. He wanted to reach out to her, to touch her. And he did. His hand reached out slowly and in time, tapped her shoulder. She flinched slightly in surprise. But still no real reaction. No softened or confused looks. Not even a glance. She just kept looking away.
Look at me
He wanted to say something to her, but he felt unable. Her body was as cold as a corpse. He felt no heartbeat in her, no life. It was awkward to him to be touching someone so… dead. But could you really say that she was dead? Did a devil ever really have life?
And what about angels? Were they dead also? Or did they seem full of life just as the land they were born on. He just had to ask her. “Have you ever come across an angel?” Then, to his surprise, she nodded. He didn't expect an immediate answer. He didn't even expect an answer at all.
“Bara.” That was all she said. Yasha stared at her for a moment. Bara. The name ran through his head repeatedly. `Who is Bara? What does that mean?' She spoke again. “Life.” It was simple. After that simple word, he knew. “You, Death, came across Life?” She nodded. “Bara is the Angel of Life. I come across her often.”
“Is Bara like you?” he asked almost immediately. Kikyou shot him almost a cold glare. “Bara is a horrible person. She helps mortals but desires only pain and misery for me and my kin.” This he did not believe. “Why would Life be cruel?” She rolled her eyes. “Bara is my rival. Angels are the enemy of Devils. Do you not know of the Everlasting War between Heaven and Hell?”
Yasha shook his head. “I always thought Heaven and Hell were separate and had nothing to do with the other.” That's beside what he believed, it was what he learned as a child. All are taught the ways of God and the evils of Satan. The rights of Angels and the wrongs of Devils.
“Angels cannot enter Hell. Devils cannot enter Heaven. But Life and Death may enter the Mortal Realm. Also, Angels and Devils with grants by their masters may enter this world. Unfortunatly, Angels and Devils who enter the Mortal Realm fight and take form of humans. That's when wars start and the bloodiest of battles begin.” She corrected. Yasha nodded to notify her that he was listening.
“Have you ever heard of a bloody sky?”