InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Exhilarating ❯ So Much For Our Happy Ending... ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[intro] O.o;; Why am I making this weird face…? My font is red. Yes, red. You all won't see it ((I hope not anyway XD)), but I sure can. Why is it this shade of crimson, you ask? (sigh) I like to change around the settings of my computer so that the colors of the windows and whatnot ((I'm sure you know what I'm talking about)) match the background picture I have up. What's the picture this week ((xDDDD))? Let's see…. A huge, bloody hand crawling across millions of corpses with the lyrics to the Rurouni Kenshin opening song, Freckles, scrawled across the top in dripping, scarlet letters.

Not. Hahahahaha! Yeah, right. Though… that -does- sound tasty…. >.>; (cough) I mean morbid. Anywho, the background is a picture of big Inuyasha, in ningen form, handing a ball to little, hanyou Inuyasha. It's so adorable… I keep staring at it…. laaaaaa. The image is probably going to be the main inspiration for this chapter. Why? Uh… I dunno. It's cute. But it's the look that's on big ningen Inu's face that has me. (sigh) -That- is the face he has when he looks at Rin in this chapter. You'll see XD. (ahem) Anywho, I got the picture off the of the Sesshoumaru Shrine on the MSN groups thing…. >> But ya didn't hear it from me. ((the name of it is inuinu.jpg… just telling you if you ever decide to look it up on that site. ^^))

Anyway, I have a great, sad, sob story here for you! Yes, all adore me and my awesome ability to turn a mountain out of a mole hill!!! Mwahahahaha. Okay, truth be told, it isn't -so- sad, but that's coming from a person who thinks that baby chickens look scrumptious when they're running around. u.u;;; Oh no, I'm evil! But… but… they're so cute, don't you just wanna BITE them or squish them? Hmmmm? O.o Hahn, maybe that -is- just me…… on with the sob story!!![/intro]

Rug: I'm sure you all know the disclaimer drill by now! ^^ No one owns anything! Not even the idea for the title! THAT partly came from Miss Lavigne's new single! Well… Tenshi owns her computer…. Wait, no, not even that. ¬.¬ Oh well….


Exhilarating Chapter 9 - So Much For Our Happy Ending

By: Tenshi and Marchan


"Sesshoumaru-sama!!"Her young voice filled the cold air as she ran up to the dog demon. "You're back, Sesshoumaru-sama! Rin got scared without you…!!"

"Hm," was the taiyoukai's only reply, as he walked towards the site Jaken, Rin, and Ah'Un had stayed when he was away, not even looking down at the girl whom was so happy to see him again.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, you're back!!" Jaken squawked, just as happy as Rin, if not more so, but for entirely different reasons. Rin thought of Sesshoumaru as part of her new family, while Jaken merely wanted someone else for Rin to bother. And now that their master was back, she could go back to leaving Jaken, mostly, alone.

"Of course I am, Jaken," Sesshoumaru stated, continuing to walk forward, past the dragon-like Ah'Un.

"But, now where are you going…?" Jaken asked, pulling the reins of the large, scaly demon, as he followed his lord.

"Home. Be sure to follow, Rin," the silver-haired demon added, sensing that the girl had halted to stare at a flower on the ground.

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama!" the ebony-haired child replied, looking up from the blossom that was on the ground. Quickly, she plucked the plant up by its stem, and ran to catch up to Sesshoumaru's side, performing a quick pull at his side to try and gain his attention. "But, look, Sesshoumaru-sama! At this flower!"

The youkai didn't, at first, but after a second tug at his sleeve, Sesshoumaru glanced down at the flower in Rin's hand. It looked normal, but apparently, to Rin, there was more to it than he'd first thought. "What is it, Rin…?"he asked, slightly curious as to why she'd want him to look at a seemingly ordinary plant.

"It's the same as you…!"

"Hahn..?" he questioned, slightly raising a brow to this. After all, Rin -was- comparing him to a flower. "All this Sesshoumaru sees is a plant."

"It's colors, see?" She pointed to the silvery petals, purple and dark red streaks going from the inside out. Indeed, it did seem a bit like the markings on Sesshoumaru. The ends of the petals were even faintly lined with the same blue hue that appeared on the crescent moon on the taiyoukai's forehead.

"Rin, stop wasting Sesshoumaru-sama's time with your nonsense!" Jaken demanded, shaking his staff at her, other hand still struggling with the reins of Ah'Un.

"Ah." This was the dog demon's only reply as his gaze turned forward once more, ignoring Jaken's angry yell.

"But, Sesshoumaru-sama…," she continued, staring at the blossom, cradled in her arms gently, "you're so beautiful, even the flowers try to imitate you."


"When I grow up, I want to be as beautiful as you, Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin cried, smiling, while looking up at her master. He didn't return her gaze, even when she added, "I love you, Sesshoumaru-sama!"



'I love you… Sesshoumaru-sama…. Why won't you answer? Ses… Sesshoumaru…. I'm so sorry for leaving….'

"Rin…? Rin!"

"Huh? Hahn?!" She awoke, eyes still slightly blurry from the short sleep. "W-what…?" Who was that by her side? Long, silvery hair and golden eyes, bright like the sun... 'Sesshoumaru-sama?' "No… Inuyasha…?!"

"Rin… you're okay? Nothing's missing…?" he asked her, a look of disbelief in his demonic eyes.

She looked around her, and at her hands. It was dark, and she could feel the cold ground beneath her, and a feeling like mist hung around them both. "Of course… this is the well, right? We fell in….?" Rin looked up, expecting the bright, azure sky to jump at her, but instead found nothing but more dimness. "What happened? Why is it now so dark?"

"You're not supposed to be here… Kagome and I are the only ones who can go through… so why-"

"Ah, Kagome!!" Rin cried, remembering what had happened before their fall. She'd grabbed at Inuyasha and they both tumbled into the well. But, for some odd reason, Rin didn't remember feeling the impact of the ground. Even if Inuyasha had somehow protected her from the fall, she'd still be able to feel a jolt. Yet… not a trace of remembrance of something like that was in her mind. Just that dream… But now she'd forgotten what it was of.

"That isn't important," he stated, standing. "Uh… I have to bring you back home… We have to climb out of the well first, though, so come on…" He motioned for her to get on his back so he could just jump out, but she hesitated.

"Why are you choosing her, Inuyasha?" she asked, still on the subject of his engagement. "She doesn't seem to be very nice to you, nor very trusting, and to be truthful, I don't think she's so cute, either, or-"

"Rin!!" The girl stopped her rant. "Listen, this is my decision, not yours! It doesn't matter what you think about Kagome, but what I think! You're not the one to decide who I go with. I can make my own decisions."

"Inuyasha….," she breathed, unable to take her eyes off of him. He was right; it is his decision of who to marry and who not to. "Fine." With this, Rin climbed onto his back and the hanyou sprang up and out of the well, all in less than a few seconds. He was about to jump back in to bring go into the Past, but she pulled out of his reach before he could make another move.

"Rin…? I have to bring you back."

"I… I've made a decision, too, Inuyasha," she replied, staring at the dirt ground of the dimly lit shrine. "It's the same one I asked you about before. I still want to stay with you."

"But, Rin, you can't. We can't even live in the same -time- anymore," he stated, making a grab for her hand, so as to pull her into the well with him. Unfortunately, she snatched it away before he could touch her.

"That doesn't make sense," she countered, finally looking up at him. "I know Sesshoumaru won't like it if I kept running away to see you, but at least we'll be able to see each other!"

"Listen…" he began, deciding not to avoid her stare as he'd done many times before, "the well you see here isn't normal. It's… a door, sort of, to the Time that Kagome lives in. She lives in an Era that is five hundred years into the future." Rin made a confused face, furrowing her brows to the notion. "Either way… it means that it's impossible for us to see each other anymore. I'm sorry, Rin, but that's-"

"….n…. no…," she pleaded, softly. Rin backed against a wall of the dank shrine, able to feel the old wood of the building through her clothing. A hand rubbed the arm where she was attacked by the mantis demon, her bandages still covering the spot. The old wound throbbed slightly when she did so, despite the time it had to heal.

"I… I want to stay with you… by your side….. I want to follow you…" The teen looked into Inuyasha's amber eyes, her arms reaching around his neck for an embrace. She pulled him close to her, her eyes closing as her cheek made contact with his neck. "I want… you, Inuyasha." His scent was so much like Sesshoumaru's. It was an embrace she'd wished for all her days with her lord, but one she'd never gotten to experience. Slowly, his arms closed around her, as the hanyou wished that it didn't have to come to this: a sorrowful departing.

During this, Inuyasha's mind raced. Had he really gotten so attached to her? Over so little time? Crazy as it was, and as much as Inuyasha wanted to deny it, the feeling was mutual. Unlike Rin, whom never really knew love before, the half-demon had been able to suppress whatever feeling he had towards her. But she… she could still tell her true thoughts. Perhaps because Sesshoumaru never seemed to react to what she said? Maybe. Or maybe because, even though she's older than Kagome was when Inuyasha first met her, Rin had stayed a little child at heart. And children's hearts tell no lies.

He could feel warm tears on his neck from her. "Crying… She's crying…' Gently, Inuyasha pulled away a bit, just to clear away the tears on her face. When Rin didn't look up at him still, he lifted her head chin up with a hand. She stared into his eyes with that dark gaze of hers. The melting glance she gave when she was sad or crying

'Such beautiful eyes… Rin… Even when they're damp with tears, they're so lovely.' Thoughts like these used to be cleared away from his mind, during the week that she'd been with him. But now… they flew naturally. He didn't even seem to hear the voices of these thoughts echo in his head.

And then…. Without notice from either party, their lips touched. It was a short kiss, but that was all it took for Inuyasha to make up his mind, as well.

They would run away together. Rin would forget Sesshoumaru, and Inuyasha would try to forget… Kagome.


The two were now sitting on the ground of the shrine, right beside the well, facing each other. Both were in a bind, seeing as how there was someone else they'd cared about before meeting each other. And now… those they'd cared for would have to be…


"I… don't know if I can forget Sesshoumaru-sama…," Rin said, staring at the dusty floor. A finger traced shapes around in the dirt, symbolic of her indecision. "But, I will do anything to be with you." She smiled at Inuyasha, causing the hanyou to blush, lightly.

He cleared his throat. "W-well… it's hard to forget anyone you care about… especially if it's someone you're still close to." Inuyasha glanced off to the side, a deep look in his eyes.

'He's still really in love with Kagome…' Rin thought, suddenly feeling sad. After all, Kagome would be the one hurt if she ever found out. 'But then… what would Sesshoumaru-sama think?'

She tried to imagine him reacting to this, but it was hard, even -after- all the time she'd spent with the taiyoukai. He didn't exactly have a very wide range of emotions, after all. Still….

'Of course, I still love him, as well. Even -if- he thought of me as nothing more than some random human girl who followed him around.' Rin mentally sighed. What -did- her master think of her? Surely, if what she thought was true, he wouldn't have come after her in Inuyasha's village. So maybe, she was something more to Sesshoumaru? It slightly made her blush just thinking about it. Even with Inuyasha right in front of her, Rin still thought so fondly of Sesshoumaru.

"…. Rin?"

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama?!" Rin jumped, frightened out of her thoughts. "Oh… Inuyasha? Yes?"

The half-demon looked at her oddly. "Why… did you say my brother's name……?" He asked, a slightly annoyed smile creeping across his face, like the kind he wore whenever Kagome offended him in some way with her words.

"Ah, no reason," she answered, smiling innocently. "I… was just thinking." Inuyasha decided to not mind it, and stood up to stretch his legs, having sat for a while. Rin carefully stared at him, making sure that he couldn't see her gaze. 'He can be so alike to Lord Sesshoumaru, sometimes…' she realized, watching the hanyou quietly, as he slightly opened the door of the shrine to let fresh air in.

'Neither like to show their emotions… but in a different way. While Sesshoumaru-sama is always one way or the other, Inuyasha shows a wide range of anger and kindness. Yet, with the latter, you can never tell what he's truly thinking, until he tells you. As if he's wearing a mask, of sorts.'

"Rin," Inuyasha suddenly said, amber eyes gazing her way, as he stood before her.


"Will you… will you run away with me?" he asked again, reaching a hand out to her, so as to pull her up from where she sat.

"I already said yes," Rin replied, blinking in confusion, while staring at his hand before looking back up at him. "Why are you asking again?"

He shook his head. "I mean… no matter what, you won't return to Sesshoumaru."

She hesitated before answering. After all, Sesshoumaru had been a huge part of her life for most of it. It was hard to think that she could never see him again, no matter how much she wanted to be with Inuyasha. Finally, she touched his hand with her own, before standing with his help.

"…. Yes. I will stay with you. As long as you want to be with me, I'll be by your side, Inuyasha."

"Inuyasha!!" The two gasped, as they turned towards the open shrine door.

Kagome stood there, wide-eyed, on the verge of tears. "W-what…?! What are you doing?!!"

"Kagome….." Inuyasha stared at her, a look of regret on his face.

Kagome grabbed his shoulders, the feeling of betrayal evident all over the shrine. "Why….? Why didn't you tell me you loved someone else, Inuyasha?!" He didn't answer, his eyes' gaze falling elsewhere. "Tell me!!"

Rin backed away from Kagome, unsure of what she would do. "It isn't his fault….," she insisted, wavering in her spot.

Kagome glared at her. "How did you get here, anyway…? Only Inuyasha and I can go through the well…!!" She advanced upon Rin, intimidating the younger girl. "If you can come to -this- time, you can go back! And stay there!!"

"Don't touch her, Kagome!"

The woman heatedly turned back to Inuyasha. "Too late." With an angry yell, she grabbed Rin's arms and made a motion to push the girl back into the well. But while Kagome released her as soon as the younger girl lost her balance, Rin's hold stayed firm on Kagome's hands, pulling the woman in with her.

"Rin!! Kagome…!" He looked down, but couldn't see either of them. They'd already gone back in time. "No….. Sesshoumaru…." Inuyasha quickly jumped into the well.

"Damn it all….!!"


[author's notes] Hahahahaha!! I made it as LONG as I wanted it to be! ^___^ Okay, I was actually hoping for it to be a -bit- longer, but what the hey! XD I -was- gonna cut it off where Rin agreed to run away with Inuyasha a second time, but then I decided that having Kagome pulling Rin into the well was a better cutoff! Mwahahaha…. Am I evil? Or am I just sappy? O.o;;;; Maybe I'm both.

I found it easier to write the really close Inuyasha & Rin parts when listening to the song Shinjitsu no Uta by Do As Infinity… aka the 5th Inuyasha season opening song. ^_____^;;; Heh. It's nice and angst-like to me, for some reason. O.o;;; The Every Heart song helps a bit too. XD I'm terrible at writing romantic scenes ((as I'm sure you just saw))…. Do I need more practice? I practiced for this one, sorta, because in my other story ((which isn't posted anywhere haha. It's a little thing I just write for friends)), I have an insane, weirdo dude who does a similar thing to the main character that Inuyasha did to Rin. Am I saying that Inuyasha is an insane, weirdo dude…..? Mebbe, bebbe. x3 Well, review!!! Even if this chapter totally SUCKED! You must tell me what was wrong….!!

((I know, I know I wrote the whole romantic thing a bit too fast… but the entire chapter is about six pages long minus my intro and author-note…))

Ah…. Would you like a really boring explanation on how I was actually able to write Rin's emotions in the hugging scene…..? Uh… >.>;; Well… I sorta had a dream like that once so… uh, REVIEW!!!

Click the button. You -know- you want to. Mmmmm… buttony. Submit your review, and maybe I'll update again this week…. You never know xDDD. Toodles. [/a.n.]

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