InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Explode ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I just discovered 64damn_prompts. I love `em. And I really want to write something for explode. AU.
Prompt 20: Explode
Sango was staring wide-eyed. Kagome was slack jawed. Inuyasha was cowering. Miroku was, more or less, amused.
“You…” Sango turned slowly, eyes not really focused. “You blew up…”
Inuyasha hid behind Kagome, who promptly pushed him into view.
“This is most certainly an interesting turn of events,” Miroku mused.
Anger took over Sango, and she lunged forward, grabbing Inuyasha around the neck and slamming him into the pavement.
“You blew up my apartment!” she screamed.
“I told you not to let him use the microwave,” Kagome said.
“It was popcorn! Popcorn! How the hell did you blow it up?!”
Inuyasha gagged, attempting to push her off. By the look on Miroku and Kagome's faces, it was probably better if he just let himself get killed.
“I swear we need smarter friends,” Kagome muttered, watching Sango bash his head into the sidewalk.
“I don't know,” Miroku answered. “We wouldn't be half as amused.”
Crappy ending, and really short.
I don't think I'll ever convince my sister to watch FMA. I just explained that Al was not a robot. She just looked confused.
And I've got new clothes. I rock.