InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Exploring the Sengoku Jidai ❯ Shower of Light ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shower of Light
It started as a miserable drizzle; moisture in the air congealing, growing heavier, clinging to their skin. Soon, gravity pulled at the mist until it gathered to fall, puffing the dust at their feet and beading on the leaves over their heads.
Out of deference to the tears, at first the drops remained few, mixing with their salty kin, unwilling to wash them away. But as the blood pooled, loosened by more insistent splashes from above, the rain became a flood, a relentless effort by the sky to cleanse the earth of the hatred, pride and greed that had led to the jumble of broken human and youkai remains surrounding the glittering black orb in their midst.
The land quivered beneath thunderous growls as the frustrated clouds - mocked by the little thing shining its bleak light into the growing darkness - threw down a great bolt of fire, its crackling light racing the deluge to the ground and striking its target in an enraged inferno that broke the backs of mighty trees.
In a single blinding flash a great shower of light fell down on the peaceful landscape, and like the rain itself, the eternal cycle moved forward again.