InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fallen Sakura ❯ Prologue: Character Profile ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Prologue: Character Profile

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, got that, so no need to sue. If I did he would be mine.

Now on with the story. Please review.

*~~~~~* means next scene

Flashback* means flashback written in italics

Name POV means persons point of view

Sometimes I would be interrupting in the story to fill you in so yeah.

People's background will unfold more as the story progresses.

Name: Inuyasha

Age: 22

Type: Hanyou (half demon/half human)

Height: 5'10

Job: Businessman, works for Sesshoumaru

Weapons: claws, body, tetsuiga, anything

Status: single, but Kikyo "owns" him

Name: Kagome Higurashi

Age: 20

Type: Human (ningen) miko

Height: 5'3

Job: waitress, street racer, drug dealer, basically anything

Weapons: bow and arrows, sword, body, nunchucks < can't spell, big stick, ninja stars

Status: single

Name: Sango

Age: 22

Type: human

Height: 5'4

Job: works with Inuyasha, taiyaija <can't spell

Weapons: hiraikotsu, sword, anything

Status: dating Moroku

Name: Miroku

Type: Human

Age: 23

Height: 5'10

Job: works for Inuyasha ( monk, pervert)

Weapons: air void, staff

Status: dating Sango( can be single when meets pretty girl)

Name: Sesshoumaru

Type: full demon ( youkai) dog

Age: 27


Job: Businessman

Weapon: claws, tensuiga < srry won't have Toukijin, he's kinda OOC, a little nicer to Inuyasha

Status: engaged to Rin

Name Rin

Age: 21

Type: Human

Height: 5'2

Job: Sesshoumaru's personal assistant

No weapons

Name Kikyo

Age: 22

Type: Human miko

Height: 5'5

Job: Inu's secretary( whore, bitch, srry Kik lovers)

Weapons: Miko powers, bow and arrow

Name Kouga

Age: 23

Type: wolf demon

Height: 5'10

Job: local wold tribe leader

Weapons: claws, body

Status: likes Kagome, but trully loves Ayame

Name Ayame

Type; wolf demon

Age: 20

Height: 5'3

Job: something in Kouga's tribe

Weapons: anything she could get her hands on

Status: single, likes Kouga