InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Falling Stars ❯ Kikyo ( Chapter 3 )

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Suddenly there was a gust of wind and Inuyasha took off. Inuyasha was headed off to find Kikyo again, I should realy go after him, Kagome thought as she walk off in the direction of Inuyasha.

"Kikyo, you must know I didn't betrae you, Another Hanyou named Naraku who can shape shift set us ageinsted each other. You must also know that I still love you and that will never change," Inuyasha said softly to Kikyo.

"Oh Inuyasha, you don't know how long I've wanted to hear that," Kikyo said as she glided into Inuyasha's arms. Kikyo tillted her head up and pressed her lips on to Inuyasha's. He was at first shocked but closed his eyes and responded to the kiss.

"Inuyasha, where did you go," Kagome muttered as she leaned ageinsted a tree so she could catch her breath. Kagome started running some more and finnaly reached the spot where Inuyasha and Kikyo were.

Inuyasha smelt Kagome near by and broke the kiss. "Kagome, what are you doing here," Inuyasha said as he walked over to her. "I was going after you because I didn't want you to go see her," Kagome said throughing Kikyo a dirty look.

"How dare you say that," Inuyasha yelled as he picked up Kagome and through her across the clearing. "You have no say in who and who I don't see," he hollered. Kagome liffted her head with a stund look in her eyes. "Inuyasha Wh...," was all she could say before passing out.

"What have done, Kagome," Inuyasha said as he dropped to his knees and stared blankly into his hands, and his eyes swelled with tears.