InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Falling Stars ❯ Anger and Sorrow ( Chapter 4 )

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Ch. 4 Anger and Sorrow

There was a rustle in the trees as a silver blur shot out, Inuyasha at first couldn't make out who it was due to the tears in his eyes but when he reconized the youkai standing standing in front of him a low growl ammited deep within his chest. "Sesshomaru," Inuyasha gowled as he pulled out tetsiga.

When Sesshomaru looked away from Kagome's still body and looked up at Inuyasha, Inuyasha didn't see the usual emotionless face. Sesshomaru's face was full of rage and hate. His eyes were no longer the butiful sunlight gold but a bright blood red. As he ready himself for attack he remembered the tear at his heart when he saw Kagoome unconcious and body.

Sesshomaru lunged at Inuyasha with his Tokijin, Inuyasha blocked with tetsiga. Unfortunetly under the power of his sword, Tetsiga untransformed and the full power of Tokijin was unleashed.