InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Falling to Pieces ❯ Sides ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

2 sides of me, 2 very distinctive sides. The sweet angelic Kagome that things all is right in selfless and forgiving. The one to turn to in a bind. Then there's Kagome, the evil cold-hearted wench who could give 2 fucks less about her surrounding situation or people. Isolation and Solitude is greatly valued except for the select that is fortunate enough to be allowed in her world.
My world - omg is a wonderful place. It's a paradise where I play by my own rules everyone gets along and there is happiness for everyone. Not many have actually seen all sides of me, or even enjoyed my world. I've had that secret hideout amongst myself. In elementary school, when I moved out to Tokyo for the 1st time and went to Kyoto elementary. I was the new girl in the 5th grade with unruly raven hair, a weight problem, and a severe overbite. I was teased, ridiculed, tortured, and ignored. I was the brunt of all the fat, ugly girl, who no one wanted to play with. I was “Kagome- it is” a part of the group of “itises” who no one wanted to associate with. I was dirty, left alone, and segregated in every possible way.
When it was time to work in groups or with a partner, I was always assigned one by the teacher because no one volunteered to. When recess rolled around, I would read Nancy Drew mystery novels or the Series of Unfortunate Events in the library to pass the time or I'd volunteer in the Kindergarten classroom grading papers for apiece of a candy or a sticker. No one talked to me. I remember one time a group of students lied and told yard duty that I cussed at them. I was sent home with a referral.
I was never invited to birthday parties or slumber parties, I never had a best friend to gossip with or share secrets and I definitely never had a boy like me in those days. I absolutely hated every single second of my 5th and 6th grade. I endured it because I had no choice. I tried standing up for myself and telling but that seemed to only make the problem worse for me. One again 30 is an unfair advantage and I Was too weak and shy to do more.
But when the same trend of bullying appeared my sophomore year of high school. I took a different stance. I was not a willing victim in the end. At first I began ditching my world history class, and moving seats but by the end, I was making sure those girls suffered just as much as I had. But that spat out a different me. I wasn't as sweet and loving as I had once been. I was determined not to be abused again by harsh words and ignorant assholes. I built a wall between me and the others. I was rude, cold, harsh, bitter, and easily angered. Teachers, Staff, and other students stopped trying to reach me. I was a triple threat. I was smart, needed little from anyone and quick to catch an attitude. I had grown into my looks, invested in braces, and a mouth that was my most dangerous weapon. I wasn't afraid to talk shit to people's faces. I grew into the girls I hated; hateful, hurtful, and spiteful. I kept a close group of companions but they were all pretty much I had, beside my school. All feared me and all avoided me, but at last I was in control of the situation this time. I never wanted to be perceived as weak again. I didn't need the office or friends defending me.
I just had myself and honestly that's all I rely on. Now with Sesshomaru ((Sorry about that but I felt like I needed to explain)) he had me pick him up from Kagura's. Of course I was royally pissed because he spent the whole day at her fucking house. As I sat idly in the driveway, waiting for him to come out, I prayed Kagura would keep her ass in the house. I had already had a pretty shitty day and I didn't want my soul's hate in my face. But of course, Sesshomaru dragged her out to see me. I faked a smile and managed to be civil but it was obvious it was all thru strained teeth.
Once Sess was in the car and far far away from her house, we got into an argument. Sess admitted to me that Kagura asked him if she should come to the car to see me and he told her to. He had some twisted idea that She and I should be *gasp* friends *gasp* but that will never happen. I drove us straight to Target cuz I need rechargeable batteries and some USB hub for the Play station 3 but we didn't speak. I know my tone was so heavily laced with attitude that the silence was unbearable but I was aggravated by the turn of events and we ended up working it all out at burger King.
In the parking lot, Kagura called and I spoke to her. We even went so far as to discuss something, including their one sexual encounter. She said he wasn't bad but not noticeable and she even tried making jokes and being friendly. But she guaranteed me that it was a onetime thing between them but it'd never happen again and she regretted doing it.
Surprisingly, I found solace in that and I added her as a friend on Facebook and took her cell number from Sesshomaru. I want the friendship to stay just where it's at now though. So today ((FYI that all happened yesterday, except the elementary school stuff)) I was sitting in my computer science class at Tokyo U and she sent me a message asking if she could ask me a question but I didn't see it until 20 minutes later and after that she was idle so I didn't really get to find out what she wanted and now I have so much to ask he and Dominic both together and separately.