InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Father's Favorite ❯ What Happens on the Ferris Wheel, Stays on the Ferris Wheel ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry, been awhile, I know. But here you go, something to ease ya’lls nerves. I hope.

What Happens on the Ferris Wheel,
Stays on the Ferris Wheel

It was late afternoon before Sesshomaru stopped again. This time, it wasn't because he felt hot or bothered. No, never him. This time, what caught his attention was a huge Ferris Wheel in the distance. He grinned to himself, figuring that he'd finally get a chance to ride the huge wheel, an experience denyed him in his childhood.

A flashback occured to Sesshomaru and he was left with an expression on his face like Raven has when she's predicting the future. In the flashback, he was a child of no more than eight or nine (in human years). He was going over the crest of a hill when he saw a similar Ferris Wheel. "Oh, Father! Isn't it magnificint?" He said, pulling at his father's pants leg. "Yes, nothing compares with spending five-thousand yen to make out with a geisha," Inutaisho said with a dreamy stare and a smile on his face. "Um, no Father. I mean the huge spinning wheel thingy." His father stopped abruptly and stared at him. Then, without warning, he pulled out his belt.

"What'd I tell you about using improper grammer?! No...more...fragmented...sentences! I'm tired of you doing my writing for me on Word and the damn shit has red lines all over it because you want to take short cuts with spelling." Sesshomaru rubbed his now sore ass, then said. "I'm sorry father." "Even if you are sorry, just don't do it again. Damn, you're not helping to teach your younger brother good ethnic skills, using words like 'dis' or 'trippin'. We Japanese don't use that kind of language! Now, what is the right thing that you wanted to say?" "Nothing," the younger demon said, lowering his head in shame over his illiteracy.

Flashback to the present. Yes, he never got over that ass-whooping. So, now was his time of redemption. He cut across the field seperating him from the awaiting ride. What he failed to notice was that there was a main gate. Instead of going through it, he slipped in through the back where there were pig pens. Several people gave him curious looks but he did his customary thing to get it all to stop. "What the fuck ya'll lookin' at?" They immediately turned their heads. Yeah, that's how you do. Straight don't give a damn.

He wrinkled his nose as he passed the pigs. But there was a very large form crouched among them. Sesshomaru's curiosity got the better of him and he went to see exactly what it was. He was shocked to find that the form was a pig, no, scratch that, a hog. Chokyukai was standing on all fours, while four judges inspected him. He held his head up with pride, trying to look as "humble" as possible.

"Well, I tell you fellers now, you'd be hard-pressed to find a pig better n' that 'round herr. Unless, of course, you count Wilbur." The judges glanced at the smaller pig who was staring intently at a spider's web. Unfortunatly for Wilbur, he could speak (only to other animals) but not read. For example, he was completly oblivious to the fact that the web which was supposed to prolong his life read "Finger lickin' good." A few spectators near him were nodding assent.

Sesshomaru went over to Chokyukai. "So, I see that you've found a new past time hobby. What, hypnotizing women wasn't fullfilling enough?" The pig snorted. "You're one to talk. No, I had tried a new method of hypnotizing with some Hypnotic. Unfortunatly, the name doesn't quite live up to its supposed outcome. The women were only drunk, not hypnotized and it wore off too quickly. Though they had hangovers when they woke up in the morning, they still remembered me." "Well, uh, yeah! I mean, look at you! There's no way you can forget your big ass!" Strangly, the dog demon gave himself a smirk. Score one for Sesshomaru.

Chokyukai looked like he was about to attack when the judges placed a large blue ribbon around his neck. He stared at it for a moment, then stood up on two legs, tears streaming down. "I--I'd like to thank my farmer, Mr. Brown, and I'd like to thank Joe for giving me his slop every morning. I'd also like to extend a thanks to my mom, what a wonderful sow she was. And to anyone who I forgot, thank you!"

A farmer grabbed his arm and led him to a very large shed looking structure. He stood aside as Chokyukai entered it. "Hey, this place is kinda nice. Is this what I get for winning first place? Though there's a bit too much metal for my liking. And everything's so sharp! Wait! What! Noooo--" A loud grinding could be heard as a wave of crimson shot out of the "shed". Mr. Brown walked over to the other side and started picking up the bundles on the ground, all that was left of Chokyukai.

A/N: Yeah, the slaughter house (which is what it was) also did the packaging. A strange twist of ingenuity, if I may say so myself! And yeah, you can tell that I don't know a damn thing about them since I said that a wave of crimson just shot out of the "shed". Well, I wanted you to get the picture. Okay, get's back to readin'!

How unsanitary! Sesshomaru thought. That farmer blew his snot on the ground! He continued his path toward the ferris wheel. But something out the corner of his eye stopped him. He was being followed. There were too many people to pin-point who it was or if he even knew the person. They were hiding in the shadows. He shrugged and kept on walking. Yet the form still followed him. His breathing became faster. He started running but the form kept up with him. He dipped and dodged through the game stands. The form was still on his heels.

“Oh, God! This is I Know What You Did Last Summer all over again! Except I didn’t do anything last summer!” “Oh, yes you did!” The form said from behind the lucky ducks game. Coming out from the shadows, Sesshomaru near fainted to see...

“Naraku! What the fuck you doin’ following me?! And what’d I do last summer?” “You slept with my cousin!” Sesshomaru was about to yell at him, but stopped. “Wait, that ain’t true cause I’m still a virgin!” The word “virgin” rang throughout the carnival, making every head snap in his direction. An old newspaper rolled across the grounds like a tumbleweed during the defening silence that followed. Somewhere, a frog croaked. Or maybe that was just Jaken.

After another minute of quiet, the people slowly returned to their activities. “Hm, yes I do recall you saying that you have yet to have had any front butt when I confronted you on Kagura’s mysterious pregnancy. Still, she says it was you. Kid kinda looks like you too.” Sesshomaru shook his head. “Nope, sorry. Did you try my brother? What about my dad?” Naraku slaps his forehead. “I knew there was someone I forgot to ask! I already asked your brother, so that leaves your father.” “No prob. So, what are you doing here besides stalking me?” Naraku shrugged. “Just trying to have fun like any normal, decent Japanese.” Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at the comment.

“Yeah,” he said slowly. Striding past him, he continued to his target. Naraku followed. “Damn, you followin’ me like a dog!” The spider hanyou footed the ground. “It’s just that...Onigumo never wants to go to the carnival. He’s finally agreed to go this time but despite the fact that we’re one, he doesn’t want to join in on the fun with me.” Sesshomaru stared at him, trying to figure out what level of psychiatric help he needed.

Giving a huge, weary sigh, he said, “Fine, you can ride with me on the ferris wheel. But that’s it! After that, we also need to do some buisness.” “Yippie!” the spider said, jumping in the air. He stayed there for a good five seconds, seemingly frozen. Sesshomaru didn’t get it, but shook his head, waiting for the spider to come back down. When he finally did, they finally reached the damn ride. Took me long enough!

They got on the ride with some more curious looks, ones similar to the ones that Sesshomaru had recieved in Target. Slowly their seat rose as the wheel spun to accomodate the other passengers. After a minute, it was full and began spinning faster. Sesshomaru held on for dear life, not liking the feeling of his stomach dropping out from under him, while the estatic Naraku cheered and waved his hands in the air, as if he just didn’t care (ah, what a fine old dance...). “Wheeeee! Sesshomaru, lift your arms up! It’s funner that way!” “Look, I got the BG’s (bubble guts). I’m nervous and I’m about to shit on myself,” the dog demon said with a green tint to his face.

Suddenly, a loud grinding sound of metal on metal came from the ride. The seats stopped spinning, Sesshomaru’s at the very top. Naraku’s cheer faultered to a stop. “Hey, what’s going on? Oh, wow! Hey Sess! You can see the whole world from up here!” Sesshomaru gave him a look. “What the fuck are you talking about? You see more of the “world” than anybody I know with how much you duck and dodge up in the clouds.” Naraku didn’t respond.

A few more minutes went by. Naraku started entertaining himself by, to Sesshomaru’s horror, swinging the seat back and forth like a child. “Would you stop?!” Naraku stopped, but still a happy ass smile was plastered to his face. “Hey Sesshomaru?” The dog demon sighed. “What?” “Knock knock.” “Damnit, Naraku. I ain’t in the mood.” But the spider wouldn’t be deterred. “Knock knock,” he said again. With a heavy sigh, Sesshomaru said, “Who’s there?” “Your friend.” Sesshomaru was thinking about not saying anything after that but he knew that the damn grown ass child/man beside him wouldn’t leave him be until he finished the joke, so he said, “Your friend who?” “Your friend Naraku and I’ll always be there for you.” More head turns. Sesshomaru gagged.

A/N: The friend joke came from an episode of Family Guy, just to let ya’ll know.

It was about another ten minutes before the ride was fixed and it continued moving again. When it was over, Sesshomaru stumbled off. Naraku grabbed him to keep him from falling. “Fun, huh?” “Man, if I ever ride that shit again, it’ll be too soon,” Sesshomaru slurred as he struggled to hold on to his lunch. But Naraku didn’t give him time to recover. Soon, he was dragging the poor dog demon all over the park.

Okay, took me awhile to update again, so sorry. Anyways, review please and tell me what you think!