InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feeling ❯ Touch Me ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Touch Me
Category: Drabble
Author: bBlack Dahlia
Rating: PG ( K+ )
Challenge: Feeling
Words: 210

He loved the feeling of her skin, of her hair; the way it felt when she touched his own skin.

Sometimes, under the guise he wanted to work at the kinks, Miroku would rub her legs; working
his way from her ankles to her thighs to the edge of her panties, sometimes underneath, just to
see her blush.

He would even sneak gropes while they traveled. Nothing slap worthy; just a brush of her lower
back where her shirt met her skirt or little brushes on her thighs when he carried her if she got too
tired to go on herself.

After all, what was wrong with touching the woman he loved?

Oh, and the feeling of her skin against his own.. Sure, they had been sleeping in her sleeping bag
for weeks, but lately she had taken to only sleeping in her panties when Inuyasha went on his
little visits to see Kikyo. How he loved the feeling of her bare skin on his own. He longed for the
day he would be able to sleep with her completely naked.

Now that would be a happy day for him.

For now, little sneaks would highlight his days.


Hope it doesn't suck too badly!