InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feudal Adventures ❯ So What Do You Say...? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Read, review, and ENJOY!
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Disclaimer: Me no own Inuyasha… Rumiko Takahashi did!
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--Feudal Adventures--
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#Sesshomaru's thoughts#
(Sesshomaru's beast's thoughts)
--Kagome's thoughts--
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--So What Do Ya Say…?--
Last time-
Kagome glared lightly at him before dropping it, thinking it wasn't worth the trouble, or the time at that. “Well, I said I wanted to speak to him about something, and so I invited him. I don't see anything wrong with that.”
Inuyasha stared at Kagome, a little suspicious. “Feh, whatever, I don't care. Let's go and set up camp.” He turned and headed to the clearing.
This time-
After they arrived at the clearing they started to set up camp.
Inuyasha and Miroku went out searching for wood for a fire while Kagome, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara got everything prepared for dinner. Ten minutes passed and a fire had started as well as everything was set up; Inuyasha and Miroku sat near the fire while the girls went to fix their supper.
“Hey, you guys?” Kagome said.
Miroku turned while the only indication that show Inuyasha was listening was his ears turned towards her. “Yes, Kagome-sama?” Miroku inquired politely.
“We're going to the stream to get some water, so we'll be back soon.” She explained, and off they went with Shippo on Kagome's shoulder and Kirara on Sango's.
Miroku nodded to them. After they were out of the clearing he turned to Inuyasha. “So, Inuyasha, what do think Kagome-sama wanted to speak to Sesshomaru about?” His tone was wry.
“Feh, how should I know? I don't know what goes around in the wench's head, but I'll tell yah one thing, I know I ain't gonna like it.” He crossed his arms and glared at the bouncing flames before him.
Miroku started to chuckle, and he shook his head. He looked over at Inuyasha slyly. “What, are you…jealous, that Kagome wants to talk to your half-brother, and not you?”
That caused Inuyasha to whip his head towards Miroku, and if you look closely you could see a faint blush on his cheeks. “Keh! As if… I got nothing to be jealous of. Kagome would never like Sesshomaru, he's too emotionally stunted. He's a freaking icicle, no one would ever like him! he ranted.
Miroku gave a mysterious smirk. “Ah, but I didn't say anything about Kagome-sama liking your half-brother, only that you might be jealous that she wanted to talk to him and not you.
Miroku stroked his chin thoughtfully though. But, you do make a good point. Many women would find Sesshomaru extremely handsome, breath taking even. Maybe Kagome-sama wanted him to stay so she could have a chance to get to know him better.” He said, shrugging his eyebrows suggestively.
*BONK* “Ughh you fuckin' LECHER!!” Inuyasha glowered down at the monk that was now on the floor.
All he got as a response was incoherent muttering as Miroku was sprawled to the ground, a bump on his head.
While the guys were talking, the girls were having a conversation of their own.
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“So Kagome,” Sango started out. “What is so important that you had to invite Sesshomaru to dinner?”
Kagome smiled. --Hmm should I tell her?…Nahh -- She grinned mysteriously. “Oh, that's for me to know and for you and the rest of the gang to find out.”
“Awww come on Kagome, you can tell me.” She persisted, trying to make her cave.
“Well… I could…,” she paused while Sango nodded her head eagerly and then chuckled. “but that doesn't mean I will.”
“Ohh alright, I wanted to-” she was interrupted by the faint sound of rustling bushes. “Wait, do you hear that?” she asked, alert.
Sango cocked her head and said, “Yeah, something's coming.” She went into a fighting stance, along with Kagome. Kirara jumped down from Sango's shoulder and transformed, standing alert.
Shippo jumped down from Kagome's shoulder, and went in front of Kagome, paw extended, ready to use his “Fox Fire” if need be. “Don't worry momma, I'll use my fox fire and protect you.” He stated, a mixture of bravery and a little bit of fear evident in his voice as he tried to act tough.
Kagome looked down at Shippo, and smiled fondly at him. She spoke in a loving, proud tone, “I know you will sweetie.”
The bushes rustled louder and Kirara started growling. The bushes parted and out came… JAKEN!!
He tumbled out of the bushes and rolled over to the little group. They all relaxed, coming out of their stances, Kirara transforming back and resuming her original spot, and giving out a bored meow. Kagome asked the one question that was on everybody's mind.
“Jaken? What are you doing here?”
Jaken scrambled to get up and tried, unsuccessfully, to look presentable and honorable. “I don't have to answer to you, Inuyasha's wench” he said in an “I am better and higher than you, so bow down to me” kind of tone.
Kagome's eye started to twitch and Sango, Shippo and Kirara took that as a sign to step back a little.
“Oh, this is gonna be fun.” Shippo commented to Sango and Kirara, who nodded their agreement.
Excuse me?! I am NOT Inuyasha's wench,understood?” she grounded out.
Her tone made him falter a little but didn't back down. “Don't talk to me like that wench! I am the honorable retainer of Sesshomaru-sama, Lord of the Western Lands! You should respect me like the lowly ningen you are!” He glared at her heatedly.
She returned to him with a glare of her own that could almost match Sesshomaru's; Jaken shivered. “I don't care! I wouldn't give if you were the Lord himself! It still wouldn't give you the right to call me by some degrading name!”
She marched up to him and kicked him with a miko powered foot, giving her the boost to kick him harder. He flew a good couple of yards right smack dab into a tree.
She was about to walk over there to chew him out some more but her name being called stopped her for the moment.
“Kagome-chan! Kagome-chan!” a child's voice rang out.
Kagome turned around to see a 9-year-old girl run towards her.
She smiled brightly and called out. “Hey there Rin-chan!” She crouched down to pick the little girl up and swung her around. Rin let out a giggle. After a few spins she was set down gently. “How are you doing?” she asked, laughing lightly.
Rin grinned toothily up at her. “Rin is good, thank you for asking. Rin wants to know how Kagome-chan's been as well.”
Kagome laughed softly. “I've been good too Rin-chan, thanks for asking. Where's Sesshomaru, Rin-chan? Did he let you go ahead of him?”
Rin nodded cutely. “Yes, Rin asked if Rin could go ahead to greet Kagome-chan and he agreed.”
“Ok, well we were just about to get some water for dinner, want to come with us?”
“Rin would love to go with Kagome-chan!” Rin said in a cheery voice.
Kagome smiled at her and nodded. She turned over to Jaken. “Jaken, if you want you could join us, or you could go to camp, your choice.” She didn't care… she even hoped he would go to camp so he wouldn't be near her anymore. He can seriously get on others nerves.
Jaken glared at her. “I prefer to go to the camp; I don't want to waste my time being in your ungrateful presence.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Whatever, like I care…. C'mon Rin-chan, follow us.” With that they parted into separate directions.
As Kagome and Sango crouched by the stream, Rin and Shippo weren't too far away, chatting animatedly.
As Sango filled up some of the plastic bottles the brought with them, she turned over to Kagome. “Hey Kagome-chan? You still haven't told me why you invited Sesshomaru in the first place…'
Kagome blinked, and she glanced over at Sango. “Oh yea…” she mumbled, before nodding. “Well the reason I invited him was to talk about an alliance of sorts.”
Sango choked. “Excuse me?! Gomen, but I think I misheard you say an alliance…” Her chocolate brown eyes were as wide as dinner plates.
Kagome laughed nervously and turned back to filling up the bottle's with water. She fidgeted to get into a more comfortable position. “You didn't mishear me…” she muttered.
Sango gaped, and looked around suspiciously to make sure no one overheard. “What?! Why?! Are you insane?!? An alliance with Sesshomaru is like a deal with the devil himself!”
Kagome felt insulted. “Sesshomaru's not that bad you know! You're making him out like he's Naraku or something!”
Sango recoiled in shock. “Wha-! No, no, no! I didn't mean it like that!!” Sango assured.
Kagome relaxed, but studied Sango warily. “Then what did you mean…”
Sango sighed wearily and screwed back the cap on the bottle she was holding. And wiped off her hands. “I meant that, well… you do know that he's Inuyasha's half-brother, right?”
Kagome stared at her blankly. “How could I forget?” she said deadpanned. “Inuyasha never shuts up about it whenever they're near each other, even if it's only by scent.”
Sango nodded and clapped her hands together. “Exactly! And what's going to happen when you join them together?
Kagome blinked and slumped her shoulders in defeat. I'll never get any sleep…
Sango giggled.
Kagome shook her head though, resolve filling her. No, it doesn't matter; Inuyasha would just have to live with it!
Kagome looked at the other woman dead seriously. “You know how strong Sesshomaru is! If he was on our team, it would be so much easier to take on Naraku… and we'd be that much closer to defeating him!
Kagome sobered a bit at another thought, and she calmed. Granted, he might not be enough by himself, but it would be a huge help… and we need all the help we can get if we ever want to take down that evil hanyou…” Kagome muttered lowly at the last part
Sango stared at Kagome in surprise, she didn't realize she thought this much on it. She lowered her eyes, her friend was right… they do need the help, no matter how much she wanted to deny it. But… she thought with a more brighter perspective, if it meant taking down Naraku, that scumbag, then she wouldn't be opposed to it.
Sango nodded confidently I agree… don't worry Kagome-chan… I'll back you up on this.” She wrapped a comforting arm around her friend's shoulders.
Kagome glanced at her in surprise, before smiling softly. “Thanks Sango-chan…
Sango looked at her in thought. “Now, just how to break it to Sesshomaru…” she wondered, a tad bit of concern lining her tone.
Kagome shook her head slowly. “…It's not him I'm worried about…” she said hesitantly.
They shared a look. “…Inuyasha…” they mumbled in sync.
After they finished collecting the water they trudged back to the camp, all three of Shippo, Rin, and Kirara running around, circling the two older woman who looked on in content.
It was times like these that they thought nothing could go wrong…
…until they remembered their critical situation concerning Naraku.
And then that just screwed up their happy moods all together.
As they were nearing the camp, they tensed, a wave of tension overcoming as they came closer and closer.
The children and Kirara paused in their playing once they realized the two older woman stopped in their tracks and was staring in the direction of camp with worried looks.
Sango looked at Kagome. “Kagome-chan, you take the back, I'll lead the way.”
Kagome nodded, and grabbed her bow from her back and an arrow just in case. She looked to the children and Kirara. “Guys? Get on Kirara's back. Kirara, stay between us no matter what, and if something attacks take the children somewhere safe and keep an eye out for them.:
Kirara mewed her agreement and transformed into her larger form, before she crouched to let Shippo and Rin jump on.
Tensed and ready to strike, they stalked through the dense forest silently as they made their way into the camp.
As they came within hearing distance, they were even more cautious; it was dead silent which was unusual. Usually Inuyasha would be yelling at Miroku or complaining and Miroku would be trying to calm the rash hanyou down.
But it didn't seem that way right now.
Signaling for Kirara to stay back, Sango motioned to Kagome to follow her and they crept to the trees and ducked behind them, both of them hiding their presence, and Kagome hiding her aura and scent as well.
Suddenly, right when the tension could make them snap, a familiar voice shouted out. “Sango? You out there?”
Sango and Kagome looked at each other and relaxed, and Sango motioned Kirara to follow them. “Yes Inuyasha! I'm right here!”
Sango came out from behind the tree, Kirara following her. Kagome was close behind but the couldn't see her.
Inuyasha became worried. “Where's Kagome?!” he asked quickly.
Sango blinked at him, confused. “What do you mean? Kagome is right-“
“-Here.” Kagome finished s she stepped away from behind Kirara, a puzzled look on her face.
Inuyasha furrowed his eyebrows at them. “Where did you come from?”
Kagome stared at him as if he was nuts. “What do you mean? I was there the whole time!”
“Couldn't you scent her?” Sango asked, looking at him strangely.
Kagome tensed. She didn't let down her shield. She did so quickly.
Inuyasha shook his head. “No, all I smelt was you, Kirara, and the runt. Sesshomaru's kid too. But I couldn't even feel Kagome's aura either.”
Kagome scratched her head in confusion, feigning innocence. “Are you sure? What about now.”
Inuyasha shrugged and sniffed the air again. He narrowed his eyes. “Yea, now I do. Well, maybe I missed ya scent, but there was no way I coulda missed your aura.” He was really stumped right now.
Kagome shrugged and walked past him towards the fire, seemingly disinterested. “Well that's weird I guess… maybe it was just some weird occurrence or something… now whatta about dinner.”
At the mention of dinner, Inuyasha dropped the subject. “Yea sure…” he mumbled. “So whatchya makin'?”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Ramen, what else?” she told him bluntly.
Kagome crouched down by the fire and grabbed the pot that was set by her. As she reached for it, she noticed something silver glinting in her peripheral vision. She looked up.
And she stiffened.
It was Sesshomaru, and he was staring at her with narrowed eyes and an intrigued look.
--Crap…-- she thought nervously. ­-He knows… there's no way he missed me mask my aura-- Her only question now was; Was he going to say anything?
She got her answer when he turned away and looked up at the moon above them.
Kagome smiled and relaxed; no… he was going to keep it to himself.
She was relieved.
They were all gathered around the fire now, chowing down on their dinner. All save for Sesshomaru who, surprisingly, refused the food rather politely… saying that he didn't unless he need to and left it at that.
Kagome said it was fine, and Inuyasha didn't complain, more ramen for him.
As they were eating, Sesshomaru spoke up. “Miko.” His baritone voice reverberated cut through coldly in the dark starry night.
Kagome's head shot up and her eye ticked. “Kagome.” She insisted, her eyes flaring in anticipation as she expected a rebuttal.
It didn't come. Sesshomaru shrugged carelessly. “Kagome,” he conceded. “Why did you ask for this Sesshomaru's attendance?” he demanded quietly, staring down tat her from his position at a nearby tree trunk no less than ten feet away from their little circle.
Kagome tensed, and everybody save for Sango and the two youngsters looked bored holes in her head.
Knowing she wasn't going to get out of this, she settled her bowl to the ground; she didn't have much of an appetite anymore.
Shifting to get more comfortable position in her cross-legged sitting, she sighed quietly. She looked up Sesshomaru and stared back at him with determination, not flinching when his eyes narrowed coldly. She stared back boldly and she heard herself ask the question that might as well spell out her doom.
“I wanted to ask… if you would join our group to hunt the Shikon shards as well as Naraku.”
Sesshomaru blinked, not exactly expecting her to ask quite that.
The rest of the group froze at the question, and gaped at Kagome, stupefied, and looking like fish.
Sango mentally shook her head and almost slapped her forehead. Men could be such idiots.
Kagome fidgeted slightly, but held up her confidence.
“Soo…” she smiled disarmingly. “What do ya say?” she asked, feeling a bit awkward at the stares she was getting.
…Her question was met with dead silence save for the slight creaking of crickets…
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2,730 Words
Well, that's the second chapter. Hoped you liked it!! XD Poor Kagome though… she had to ask the one question that would most likely cause chaos around her. lol
Take care,