InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ For When They're Gone ❯ When They're Gone ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, so this is just a short songfic story that I had stuck in my head for a long time and finally found the almost perfect song to go with it.
I don't own the song I used from Carrie Underwood. (* I don't remember the title so forgive me. If anyone knows your free to review and tell me what it is and I'll update it.)
I also don't own any of the character's, they are the wonderful property of Rumiko Takahashi. ^_^
So please R&R, I had my friend read it and she thought it was very sad so let me know what you think. I'm eager to know.
He stared down at the casket as they lowered it into the ground.
It seemed like just yesterday that they were sitting in his room, laughing as they watched Sango beat Miroku on Need For Speed.
He felt the tears welling up in his eyes, and he shook his head, fighting them back.
*I was sittin' on my door step……
I hung up the phone and it fell out of my hand..*
He remembered all the times they'd spent together. When they had first met in school and got in a fight before finally becoming friends, when they realized how alike they were.
*But I knew I had to do it…
And he wouldn't understand…*
When they had gotten into high school and realized their feelings for each other.
*So hard to see myself without you
I felt a piece of my heart break*
Making up skemes to get Miroku and Sango to admit their feelings, laughing happily when they finally succeed.
*but when your standing at a cross road
there's a choice you gotta make*
Seeing her in her prom dress, looking the best she ever had.
*I guess it's gonna have hurt
I guess I'm gonna have to cry,*
Dancing with her, his arms wrapped gently around her waist, her head resting on his chest.
*And let go of somethings I love
to get to the other side, *
Whispering those three words to her as she layed with him on his bed one afternoon as they played on his X-Box. The warm feeling he got in his chest when he heard her say them back.
*I guess it's gonna break me down
I don't know why your trying to fly
It's sad but sometimes
moving on with the rest of your life
starts with goodbye*
He smiled sadly when he realized he would no longer have those fun times with her. The memory of when he had first heard of the accident still fresh in his mind.
*I know theres a blue horizion
some where up ahead just waiting for me.*
The phone had rang at 2:00 in the morning and when he answered it his whole world stopped. 20 minutes later he was running through the hospital doors up to Kagome's mother, who was standing in the middle of the room, tears running down her face.
*But gettting there means
leaving friends behind
sometime life's so bitter sweet*
He paused and tried to hear his heartbeat but to no avail. His heart had stopped the day he heard those two words no one ever wanted to hear. `“She's gone….”'
*I guess it's gonna have to hurt,
I guess I'm gonna have to cry
and let go of somethings
I love to get to the other side*
He looked over to see Sango standing with tears pouring down her face, Miroku's arms around her shoulders trying his hardest to console her, as she watched her best friend being lowered into the ground.
*I guees it's gonna break me down
It's sad but somethime
moving on with the rest of your klife
starts with goodybe*
He walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder, not saying a word as she turned and buried her head in his chest, still crying. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, looking over her shoulder at Miroku who gave him a sad smile. He too knew that Kagome wouldn't have wanted anyone crying for her. It just wasn't who she was.
*Time heals the wounds the wounds
that you fell somehow right now,
I guess it'ss gonna hve to hurt
I guess I'm gonna have to cry
and let go of somethings I love
to get to the other side *
Inuyasha made Sango look up at him and smiled down at her, no sadness evident in his eyes, only gentle peace. He wiped her tears away and looked into her eyes, smiling warmly as said, “She wouldn't have wanted tears. Not from anyone.”
*I guess its gonna break me dsown
It's sad but sometimes
moving on with the rest of your life
stars with goodybye.*
*I don't know why your trying to fly…
I guess im gonna have to cry
and let go of somethings I love
to get to the other side….. *
Sango stared up at him and slowly she nodded, pulling away to wrap her arms around Miroku who placed his arm around her shoulders once more, before clapping a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder.
*I don't know why your trying to fly…
It's sad but sometimese
moving on with the rest of your life
starts with goodybe….
Inuyasha smiled his thanks before turning to leave. They would meet again, besides as she always said,
*Moving on with the rest of your life,
starts with goodbye…*
I don't know about you but I think that's kinda sad, I don't know whether or not I should put in the lyrics to a song by Carrie Underwood that I think would go good with this story, so I think I'll just post it twice one with the lyrics one without.
This was my first sad fanfic, and I know they're supposed to be hard to write but I didn't think it was.
Anyway I know I didn't say how she died but if you look closely there is a clue so if you think you know REVIEW and leave me a message and I'll post another page telling those who guessed whether they're right or not.
So until next time.
Ja Ne!