InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Foresight ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha: all characters, settings, and magical objects belong to the talented Rumiko Takahashi.
Temptation. Mama calls it the weak point of all humans. Grandpa defines it as 'a work of demons', and goes on to give me a half hour lecture on demonic curses.
Before I went through the well for the fires time, I had always dismissed Grandpa's definition as the result of an overactive imagination. Now, after meeting actual demons and dark spirits, I've come to realize that maybe Grandpa's idea wasn't so crazy. Demons are capable of many strange things.
Surely, I wouldn't have been tempted if it wasn't for the thoughtlessness of a certain amber-eyed half demon. However, I wouldn't even have considered doing what I did if it wasn't for my history teacher. But, to be fair, it wasn't really any of their faults. The blame goes to me: Kagome.
And this is where my story starts.