InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forest ❯ Keep ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclamer: I dont own inuyasha

*: warning Fluffy is a little ooc in this chap ... :*
Chapter 3

"Wake up little human, wake up!"

Kagome opened her eyes slowly and came face to face with Sesshomaru. She almost screamed bloody murder, but she remembered why she was with him in time.

"Where are we?" she asked looking around at the tall stone walls surrounding a massive Keep. "Wow ..."

"This is my home." was the curt reply.

"You live here?" she said gaping at it.

"That is what I just said. You are truly strange, human." he responded as he walked into the keep.

As they crossed the court yard, Kagome still in Sesshomaru's arms, they got a few odd glances and a few less subtle shocked gasps from the other youkai milling around.

"Is the Taiyoukai of the West holding a human girl?"

"Its going to be Inutaishu(sp?) all over again."

"But he had a mate ..."

"So the child would still be hanyou."

"Who are all the youkai?" Kagome asked looking around suspiciously at the gossiping youkai. "Eww! Have a child with you? Never!! That would be nasty!"

"Hey watch it little human. They are youkai that live around here. Most of them want something from me that’s why they’re here. They love to gossip, not that they'll admit to it." he bit out harshly trying to glare everyone around him -including her - to death.

"Master? What’s with you and humans lately? This is the second one you have adopted." Jaken asked his master suspiciously.

"Iunuyasha's wench ... " he replied, gesturing to a slightly pissed Kagome.


"Ah, what?" questioned Kagome, though she didn’t get a response. "What?"

"Nothing, no one understands Jaken." Sesshomaru finally said as he walked through the front doors of the inner castle, careful not to bang her head on the wall.

He heard her gasp and had an urge to ask 'Do you like what you see?' but held it back and instead asked, "Why do you keep doing that?" in his normal emotionless voice.

"Its just so amazing!" she responded still in awe, "And beautiful!"

"Its not beautiful, its home."

"Yes it is"

"No its not ... are you sure that you only injured your leg and not your head too?"

"Pretty sure"

"Well I'm going to take you up stairs" he told her as he started to climb the stairs. He chose a room at the end of the hall and laid her down on the bed. "I'll send someone to tend to your injury and to bring you some food and appropriate clothes."

"Ok thank you"

He nodded in response as he left the room.


ok sorry about the long time no update but i have had no time! so i'm home sick today so i hope to get chap 4 of this one up too plus the prologue to anther one and the first 4 chaps to the third one (probely wont have the time) ... i have writen a lot i just havent had time to type it up so ... yeah

-Cat [aka Kalein]