InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fortune of Dreams ❯ The Love ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: okay, this chapter is kind of like um………you can decide lu~~ ^^ Enjoy!!! (Also, I have deleted the story Destiny (another of my stories that has miles of from completion), but I won't tell you why yet, you will find you later lar~~ ^^)

Chapter 3 - The Love

It has been a week, and the weather seems to be reflecting the family's emotions. Rain it has been and Inuyasha has yet to recover. Sesshoumaru was lying there wake in his sleep, pondering his next move. What could he do? But best to decide tomorrow and get the rest. He is more relaxed being married with a human woman and having him sleep next to him was not a problem anymore since the drunk encounter. Sesshoumaru turned to face his wife. He liked watching her sleep, she seems so peaceful and all and her scent always calmed him and brought him peace. He didn't know why he would feel this way but it was a positive energy. Was he falling in love? He did not know and does not want to pursuit the matter further for there are more important matter to attend to.

Next morning when he woke up he found himself in the bed by himself. But when he moved to get out of bed, he found his wife getting changed into her kimono.

"Doesn't the servants help you that?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"I prefer to do it myself." Kagome blushed as she spoke, turning away from the doorway that leads to the bedchamber. `Sesshoumaru watching me get changed!! -_-;;; But his is you "husband" after all and it does really matter that much right?' Sesshoumaru was walking nearer and nearer, and with each of his step, Kagome's heart beat faster.

"Here, where this kimono. It seems better to the eye." Sesshoumaru handed her a kimono of ivory and pink colour (AN: Why pink and little flowers?!!! Always the same design!!! Kill me………!!! I must change it next time! Hehe~ just saying me mind…=P) and a little green for the leaves. Pink flowers already on the lower part of fabric, some smaller flowers spread around and embroidered on the hem of the sleeves.

"It's beautiful! When did you get it?" Kagome asked, her eyes wide open, totally surprised by the gift. "Thank you." She said giving him a hug. Sesshoumaru was used to hugs this week as she often comforted him in her arms and help him in any possible way, but there was a question in his mind that was always there.

`Why is she soo good to me when all I've been to her was a cold, uncaring husband?'

He watched Kagome change into the new kimono he presented her with, but shortly turn around. When Kagome finally turned around, he saw a very happy smile on her face.

"Look! It goes perfectly with my mother's jewelry!" she indicated to her bracelet that was made of silver and pick diamonds. "The pink rocks are found somewhere of this whole island and these strange people bring them, we trade with them." Kagome told Sesshoumaru of her homeland.

"How can you trade with people that you can't understand? Don't they speak another language?" Sesshoumaru asked, he was getting more and more surprised about his wife as he learn about her. What else does she do?

"We learnt their language." Kagome said with a smile. `Though not many people know it. I do and so does the rest of my family. Some of father's subjects and some others that I don't know." Kagome shrugged.

"Your remarkable………" Sesshoumaru said quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that. What did you say?" Kagome asked politely.

"Oh, never mind."

It was mid-afternoon when Kagome and Sesshoumaru finally decided what to do.

"Should we ask your mother first Sesshoumaru-sama?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, if we don't tell her, I think she'll go mad." Sesshoumaru said, then she added. "And you don't have to call me `sama' anymore, you have earned you privilege in the pass week to do so, and like my mother say, we are family." He smiled. This made Kagome think, has he gone mad too??!!!

"What are you doing?" Sesshoumaru asked her when she placed her hand on his forehead.

"Just to see whether you have a fever." Kagome said jokingly. Then Sesshoumaru took her hands.

"No, I don't have a fever. And you have been very helpful." Sesshoumaru said.

"Is that really you?" Kagome asked, then she looked into his eyes. What is this feeling? It was bothering them both greatly in the past week. Was it love? Yet how was it possible for a youkai like Sesshoumaru, to be so kind, to love? Kagome lowered her head, blushing red.

"Err………thanks, we better go find your mother." She said her head down, not looking at Sesshoumaru but the floor.

`Why is she blushing huh~?' He thought amused as he nodded to Kagome's comment.

Out in the hallway, Sesshoumaru took hold of Kagome's hand and walked together. (AN: oh~~ soo cute!! =>) Kagome was shy at this but then, all the same.

`What is there to be shy about? I mean he is my husband……….' So she looked at Sesshoumaru. "What are you doing?" She asked with a smile.

"Holding you hand." He replied.

"But, why? Are you trying to tell me something?" Kagome asked. Sesshoumaru didn't answer her but then, all of the sudden, Kagome's back was against the wall.

"What -?" Kagome didn't know what happened, she was walking hand in hand with Sesshoumaru, the next thing she knew, she was pushed back against the wall! Sesshoumaru was looking in her blue eyes, and then leaned forward to seduce Kagome into a kiss, her first kiss, and Kagome responded by giving it back and lopping her arms around Sesshoumaru's neck (AN: => =>). They were both surprise by each other's reaction yet they were so busy to think about it and didn't moved from their position for a while until Sesshoumaru spoke up.

"Does that explain things a little?" Sesshoumaru asked her, it did certainly to Sesshoumaru's question. Kagome gave a firm nodded and smiled and tipped her head downwards a little shy, and then gave him a hug. "You answered my question too you know………"

"Huh? What question." Kagome asked, still holding him.

"What you were trying to tell me since my drunk episode." He smiled down at his wife. Yet all the more, Kagome was truly happy. She didn't know how this happened, her falling in love with him in such a short, short time. Yet she feels truly happy. And finally when they broke from their embrace, Yumoko was standing at the end of the hallway smiling.

"Well, well, things are definitely going fine for you two." She said, startling them.

Kagome embarrassed, did not reply but Sesshoumaru turned to face his mother.

"Yes, well, we were wanting to tell you that we have decided to leave tomorrow in search of father." He informed his mother.

"But it be dangerous!" Yumoko disagreed. Not wanting to see her eldest son to be hurt either.

"Don't worry my lady, I shall keep an eye on Sesshoumaru for you." Kagome said.

"But you are a female. You must not go out." Yumoko said, not understanding why Kagome needs to go with Sesshoumaru.

"Well, I just want to tag along with him and I know some of the path way through the forest." Kagome smiled.

"I see, well, do whatever you think is the best, but be careful. I do not trust that the forest will be safe." Yumoko said to them. "Anyway, lets have a dinner first shall we?"


"Kagome," Sesshoumaru as they retire got into the futon.


"How did you know the way in to the forest and out?" He asked.

"Well the first time I went in it, I followed my instincts and wrote everything detail on how I went through it. So now, I know it of by heart and, yeah." Kagome told him. "Don worry, trust me. I know the way. Anyway, we should rest now, it will be a big journey." Sesshoumaru turned to face her and told hold of her waist to turn her around to face him. Kagome around and looked in Sesshoumaru's "Sleep." She said to him. Sesshoumaru smiled at this.

"Do you only know how to sleep at night?" he asked her.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Kagome said raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just asking." Sesshoumaru replied with a mischievous grin and Kagome turned back to sleep but Sesshoumaru turned her over again.

"What is it this -" Kagome didn't get to finish her sentence because Sesshoumaru had silenced her with a very passionate kiss. By the time they broke apart, Sesshoumaru was on top of Kagome.

"Now what are you doing on top of me?" Kagome asked.

"Are you sure that you can only sleep?" Sesshoumaru asked mischievously. Kagome understood his meaning this time and smile.

"Yes, just as I said before." And gave him another kiss. "Good night." And slept, facing him. Sesshoumaru respect her decision and he didn't want to push her further so he sleep also, with him arm around Kagome's waist, in a hug.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

The next day arrive to soon for Kagome's liking but got up anyhow. Preparing to leave now, at the stable waiting for Sesshoumaru to coming with their last bits and pieces for the journey.

"Hey, hurry up won't you? Or we'll won't ever reach the centre city by sun down!" Kagome shouted over to Sesshoumaru.

"Geez woman, you don't have to shout. I have perfect hearing." Sesshoumaru said laughingly.

"I've never seen you laugh before until today you know." Kagome told him as she got on the horse. "And you look much better like that."

"Really now?"


"Well, I guess I'll have to smile more around you." Sesshoumaru resolved.

As they began to leave, they heard a voice shouted.

"Take care you two!" Yumoko said waving them goodbye from the garden. "And don't you hurt Kagome! Not even a sign hair!!! Did you hear me?!"

"You to Lady Yumoko!" Kagome replied. "I don't think Sesshoumaru would hurt me." Kagome laughed and turned to Sesshoumaru, "You wouldn't would you?"

"Of course not………" and they set


As the sun began to set the second day, they could see the forest from their position and looked like maybe half an hour's ride.

"Do you want to camp near the forest Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked. "It's both as dangerous or safe near or not near the forest."

"Then the forest I think will be better since it's closer to our destination." Sesshoumaru replied.

They started a fire near the woods (AN: when I wrote start a camp, it just meant to start a fire and have a place to sleep.) and Kagome started to cook.

After the mealtime, Sesshoumaru just wandered off slightly into the forest to take a look. Yet before he new it, he was attack.


At the edge of the forest a clash of metal was heard.

"Sesshoumaru!" Kagome said and ran towards the source of the sound.


`How did these people get so close to me with me sensing it?' Sesshoumaru thought as he fought off the masked attackers. `Are they humans? They sure do smell like one………' unexpectedly and one of the masked people pressed a scroll onto him. `What the………?' suddenly, he felt his speed, sight and everything else that sets him apart as a youkai was failing. `The scroll! These people are no ordinary humans! They houshi and miko.' (AN: sorry! Don't know Japanese grammar…=P)

A mumbling of voices were heard in Kagome's ears. `Incantations? What for? SESSHOUMARU!!!' When Kagome arrived at the scene, Sesshoumaru now had black hair and had wounds all over him.

`Oh my!' she thought and ran to him as an attacker was drawing their sword towards Sesshoumaru.

"No!!!" Kagome shouted and block the dagger from Sesshoumaru. For a brief moment, Kagome stood still as a statue.

When Sesshoumaru found out that suddenly everything was still, he looked up `Kagome?!' When the attackers found that they had hurt another, they went away rather quickly, but, why?

"Kagome!!" Sesshoumaru said quietly from the loss of strength. Kagome fell backwards into Sesshoumaru's bloody arms and it was then he realised his wife was wounded with a dagger in the chest. "Oh my god! Kagome!!" he looked back at his wife's face, it was straining from agony. Her blood was gushing out like a fountain.

`It's looks soo close to the heart………!' Sesshoumaru thought and panicked. "Kagome, why did you do such a stupid thing?!" he asked her. "If you didn't get hurt then at least one of us can get away but now………those attackers turned me into a human and I can't heal up!! How am I suppose to help you when I can't even help myself?" Sesshoumaru said holding her close.

"I wish you would be come normal again..." Kagome said sadly. "Then we have a way out."

" you strength and -" Sesshoumaru suddenly stopped speaking then felt his vision came back and body heal again. "Kagome! I'm healed. Come on, let get you somewhere quick." But when he looked down at her face now clearly, she had already loss conscience. "KAGOME!!" Not knowing what to do, he carried her in him arms and sprinted towards the stream following his nose and ears.

When he carefully laid Kagome on the ground, he went to get some water but Kagome held his sleeve tight in her grip and it was then Sesshoumaru realised Kagome had regained conscience again.

"Please don't leave me behind!" Kagome whispered.

"But Kagome, I must leave you here to get some water to clear your wound!" Sesshoumaru went back to her. Kagome smiled.

"Pull out the dagger Sesshoumaru..."

"But then you'll loose you blood much faster! I can't!" Tears had started to fall down the Prince's face. (AN: Okay, not like the Sesshoumaru we know aye? But remember he is much younger at the moment!! And all shall be made clear in the much further chapters that is still to be written………) Kagome raised her arm slowly to wipe the tears away.

"You must, or the metal's rust will flow into my blood stream, which won't help at all! Be strong, you are a youkai." Kagome encouraged him, and Sesshoumaru headed he fear head on.

AN: Well, well hehe~~ total suspense…kukuku~~~ =P anyway…did you like it? I don't think I did the descriptions very well, well………I'm never really that good at it (nor story writing but I think that I'm much, much, much better at story planning) anyway, so………a quick summary of this chapter, Sesshoumaru admits his love for Kagome, the next chapter, hehe~~ you'll know later, but just every so slightly giving a hint, Kagome and Sesshoumaru becomes separated (for a LONG, long time too!) so here ^^