InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gambling Your Way to Freedom ❯ The Apartment ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gambling Your Way to Freedom

Chapter 2: The Apartment

Twenty minutes later, Kagome found herself once again settled comfortably into his car—which she now recognized as the car Tom Hiddleston drove in the banned Jaguar villain ads—her gaze locked to the window as they sped towards the city. Last night she'd been too caught up in fear to appreciate her surroundings, so now she made sure to take it all in. She was surprised to find it would take them almost an hour to get back to the club. She didn't remember it taking that long to get to his home the night before. Of course, the traffic was a big factor, but surely it would be less dense now than last night…which meant that she had been even further distracted last night than she thought.

“Where is your apartment?” he said softly and she trembled slightly at the velvety timbre of his voice.

“Directly in front of the club. Hojo said it would allow him to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.”

“I see.”

“No,” she sighed. “I don't think you do.” Turning back to the window, Kagome drifted off into her thoughts once again. She wondered what would happen when Hojo finally caught up to them. There was no way he would be content with the money. That much she knew. He'd been after her for so long, there was no way he was going to just lie back and let someone take her out of his control.

“What are you thinking about?”

She jumped, not expecting the question. “Hojo. He's going to be pissed.”

He growled, his grip tightening on the wheel. “He will not touch you. He got his money. He has nothing else to threaten you with.”

She scoffed. “That's what you think.”

When they reached the club, Kagome gestured to the shabby apartment complex across the street. He nodded and followed her up the stairs and into her meager one bedroom apartment.

“Well,” she sighed, spanning her arms around the room. “This is it. Sorry it's so pathetic. My roommate and I haven't had a lot of money to fix it up.”

“Given your situation, this is impressive.” Sesshoumaru scanned over every inch of the apartment, his eyes searching out any cameras or listening devices that would give away their presence. He was surprised by the number of objects cluttering the room, until his mind registered the last part of her statement. “Roommate?”

“Huh?” Kagome said, pausing in her search for a box to look up at him. He was staring at her, his eyebrow quirked in question. “Oh, yeah. I live with another Japanese girl from the club. Her name is Sango.”

“Does she…”

“Yes, she owes him a lot of money too.”


Kagome raised her eyebrows in shock. She hadn't expected him to show interest in her friend. “Uh, her ex-boyfriend. He uses her to get drugs.”

“She was his collateral?”

She nodded. “Pretty much. And I have no idea how she handles it.”

“What do you mean? She's in the same situation you were in, right?”

“No, hers is far worse. At least I didn't have to worry about my mom borrowing more money from him.”

He looked confused for a moment until realization dawned. “He's still using her to buy his drugs.”

“Yeah, she's been working at the club for three years and every time she gets close to paying it off, Cameron throws a party and buys enough heroin to kill a herd of elephants.”

“How much does she owe now?”

“I dunno, 50,000 maybe. Why do you care?”

“Because you do.”

Feeling her face flush in embarrassment, Kagome turned away and began packing again. “She took me in. I thought I would go crazy when Hojo dumped all this on me. I almost killed myself the second month I was here, but Sango stopped me and convinced Hojo to let me move into this apartment with her.”

“Where were you living before?”

“It doesn't matter. Sango helped me cope and taught me how to handle everything.”

Suddenly, his arms were around her, pulling her back against his firm chest. “She has my gratitude then. She kept you safe.”

Kagome opened her mouth to respond, but stopped when the door to the apartment swung open and a woman in a torn sweater and jeans stumbled in. “Sango?”

The woman looked up and Kagome gasped. The entire left side of her face was one giant bruise. Her lip was split in two different places and her nose pointed out at an odd angle. “Kagome?”

The words had barely left her mouth before Kagome had crossed the room and pulled her inside. “What happened?” she asked as she helped her battered friend into a chair.

“Hojo. When you disappeared he…he thought I'd let you escape.”

“Oh kami,” she collapsed, her head falling to rest on Sango's leg. “I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.”

Sesshoumaru watched the exchange, silently waiting for one of the women to notice he was still there. Finally, after a few minutes, Sango said “Who's he?”

Glancing up at Sesshoumaru as well, Kagome chuckled. “Haha…well, um…you see. He's my um…”

“I am her mate, Sesshoumaru.” He saw the young girl's eyes widen and he wondered if it was his statement or his name that had shocked her more.

“Your…WHAT?!” Her gaze tore to Kagome, her eyes blazing. “Tell me he's not serious!”

Kagome sighed and slowly moved her hair to the side so Sango could see the mark. “He is.”

Sesshoumaru saw too late, the rage consume Sango's features. She violently shoved Kagome away from her, her expression one of complete and utter disgust as she stormed out of the room. Kagome slumped against the chair, rubbing her hand where it had hit the floor and tried not to cry. It took her a moment before she noticed the low rumbling echoing around her and when she did, she looked up to find Sesshoumaru once again kneeling before her, his expression dark as he reached for her hand.

“It's ok,” she said softly. “I'm fine.”

He scoffed, turning her hand over in his as he searched out her injury.

“I just landed wrong, I promise.”

“It shouldn't have happened in the first place.” He finally raised his eyes to hers and Kagome gasped at the fire she saw there. Glancing over his shoulder, Kagome saw Sango dart back into the kitchen.

“I should go talk to her.” She moved to get up and Sesshoumaru's growls once again surrounded her, but she held up a hand to silence him. “You don't understand. Sango has been betrayed by every man she has ever encountered. She just doesn't want me to get hurt.”

He gave her a dubious look, but reluctantly stood and helped her to her feet. “Just let me talk to her for a few minutes ok? I promise she didn't mean to hurt me. This is just a lot to take in at once.”

She walked slowly to the kitchen, not surprised to find Sango chopping vegetables. The kitchen had always been Sango's sanctuary. She once told Kagome she loved cooking because it was the only aspect of her life where she had complete control over everything. She decided what to cook and when. She'd also encouraged Kagome to find something similar for herself, but the girl had never been able to find anything and ended up just watching Sango cook whenever she felt overwhelmed. They'd discussed so many things in this kitchen, most of them about the club, and Kagome didn't want to taint what might be their last conversation with an argument. Taking her usual place on the other side of the counter, Kagome waited for her friend to speak.

“I'm sorry,” Sango said finally. “I didn't mean to push you like that.”

“It's alright. You're actually handling it better than I di—“

“How?” Sango said abruptly, cutting her off.

“He came to the club last night and um…” How did she tell her friend she'd lost her freedom to a bet? She was already mad enough and Kagome knew she had to tread carefully or the woman would explode. “He bought my freedom.”

“Just like that huh? Why would he buy your freedom when he'd just met you?”

“He said he's been coming for a while to watch me.”

“So, you decided to thank him by mating him? Haven't you listened to anything I've told you? He'll betray you! They all do! What are you going to do when he sells you to someone else to get his money back?”

“I know what it looks like,” Kagome said, trying to keep her voice from sounding too pleading. “But I think he's different.” She didn't know why she was saying it. She'd been thinking exactly as Sango was since he'd first entered the room the night before. But even as she said it, she knew she wasn't lying. Sesshoumaru had been nothing but kind to her. And she couldn't see him paying so much for her if he was just going to sell her again.

Sango wasn't buying it though. “He's a man Kagome. You know they're only interested in one thing. And obviously you've already whored it to him!”

Kagome stared at her in disbelief, feeling as if she'd been slapped. She couldn't believe her friend was acting like this. They'd been through so much together. She'd thought of Sango as a sister, but obviously the other woman hadn't felt the same if she could throw her away like this so easily. And then, Sesshoumaru was beside her again, his arms wrapping possessively around her as he growled at Sango. She didn't protest as he slowly led her from the room. Sango did not follow.

“We're leaving,” he said gently. “We can come back later for your things.”

She nodded mutely and he led her down to his car, only releasing her when she was safely seated on the plush leather.

“Are you alright?” he said softly when he was seated next to her.

“She's…never talked to me like that before. I can't—oh gods!”


“Hojo!” She pointed a shaking hand out the window and he looked across the street to see a dark haired man entering the apartment building. She was out of the car before he could react, sprinting as fast as she could across the street. He caught her just outside the doors; his strong arms wrapping around her from behind as he pulled her back from the building. “Let me go!” she screamed, pushing at his arms. “He's going after Sango again!”

“Calm down Kagome,”

“No! It's my fault! I have to save her!” she suddenly lifted her leg and threw it backwards, hitting him squarely in the groin, a little reiki thrown in for good measure. His arms fell away and Kagome bolted up the stairs.

It didn't occur to her until she was almost at the door that she had absolutely no idea what she was going to do. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was Sango. She wanted to slam the door to the apartment open and run inside as fast as she could, but she knew that surprise was essential here. Her only hope was to catch Hojo off guard. Then she and Sango might have a chance to escape. Silently slipping into the apartment, she held her breath as she listened for sounds of movement. But the apartment was still. Deciding to check the kitchen first since that's where she'd last seen Sango, she inched forward. But then the door slammed behind her and Kagome felt her stomach drop into her ankle.

“Hello, Kagome.”

Bracing herself, Kagome forced her body to turn and face him. He was standing by the door—which she now realized he must have been hiding behind—Sango held like a shield in front of him. Oh gods, she wanted to kill him. His eyes raked down her body and Kagome fought not to shudder in revulsion.

“Hojo, you bastard! Let her go!”

“Ah, ah, ah,” he chided, tightening his grip on Sango, who winced. “That's no way to speak to your master. Now, tell me my pet, did you enjoy your stay with that scum? I do hope he took care of you in my absence.”

“Better than you ever did! He would never treat me as you did. He has honor!”

“A youkai with honor. Ha. That's rich. But don't fret my pet. I've come to take you home.”

“You stay away from me!” Kagome tried to sound tough, even though all she wanted was to curl in on herself and wait for him to go away. She had to figure out how to get him to release Sango so they could escape. A small part of her brain reminded her that if she hadn't kicked Sesshoumaru, he probably could have already saved Sango and been halfway to Japan by now, but she shoved that thought aside. It wouldn't do her any good now. She was on her own, and if she wasn't careful, she was going to be in serious trouble.

“Enough nonsense. Kagome, I let you have your time here in this apartment, but it's time you came home.”

“Never! Or have you forgotten, you don't own me anymore!”

He chuckled, the dark sound pushing all hopes from her mind. “No, I guess not. Not for the moment anyway.” He ran a hand down the bruises on Sango's face, smiling as she flinched. “I guess I'll just have to make do with Sango while you enjoy your little vacation.” His fingers knotted in Sango's hair, yanking her head back so his mouth was right by her ear. “Did you have fun last night my sweet Sango? We could do it again if you like; maybe Kagome could join us.”

Kagome watched in horror as Hojo caressed Sango's body, ignoring the young woman's whimpers. She was doomed. There was no way out. Damn. I should have waited for Sesshoumaru. But it was too late. She shifted slightly to her left, searching for something to defend herself with, but it only drew Hojo's attention back to her. He flung Sango away from him, smirking when she roughly hit the wall, and slowly began walking towards Kagome.

Kagome watched him, paralyzed with fear. There was nowhere to go, nothing she could do. Nothing would stop him now. She could only hope that he would be distracted long enough with her to allow Sango to escape. But then she heard something. A sound rising seemingly from the walls themselves, vibrating them as it grew louder and louder. It was a growl, she realized. Hojo was growling. Except it wasn't Hojo. He had stopped, seemingly baffled by the sound. And then there was something blocking him from her view and she realized what had happened. Sesshoumaru had materialized right in front of her. And he was practically glowing in fury.

“Leave.” He said coldly, and Kagome was suddenly reminded of just who was protecting her.

“Tsk tsk,” Hojo replied, wagging a finger at the taiyoukai. “You're forgetting who owns this apartment. But since you're here, I have a business proposition for you. I don't know what my little Kagome said to get you to pay her debt, but I assure you, she's not worth it. Allow me to take her off your hands. I will, of course, repay you in full.”

“That will not be necessary.”

“I was only thinking of you. Kagome isn't worth a dime. She never has any customers.”

“You know why I didn't you bastard!” Kagome screamed from behind Sesshoumaru, a little of her courage returning now that she wasn't facing him on her own. “Just because I have morals!”

“Silence wench! Lord Sesshoumaru doesn't want to hear you prattle!”

It happened faster than Kagome could blink. She'd heard the growl, but before she could process it, Hojo was dangling from the floor, suspended in the air by Sesshoumaru's hand around his throat. His fingers grasped frantically at the hand gripping him, and Kagome watched in morbid satisfaction as his face started to turn blue.

“You will not speak to my mate,” Sesshoumaru growled and Kagome saw Hojo's eyes widen a fraction. But then he was sailing through the air, out into the hall, and Kagome heard his body hit the outer wall with a resounding crack.

Sesshoumaru turned then, his eyes searching hers. “Are you injured?”'

Kagome shook her head. “No, I'm fine. Is…is he dead?”

“Unfortunately no. The way the justice system works here, I cannot kill him without causing immense trouble for you.”

“Oh,” she said softly, leaning slightly to the left so she could see his body, slumped against the wall. “Can you get him out of here? I need to check on Sango.”

Sesshoumaru nodded, walking out into the hall. He grabbed one of Hojo's ankles and dragged him down the hall. Kagome heard his body thunking down the stairs. A moan to her right jerked her out of her reverie and she rushed to her fallen friend.

“Can you walk?” She asked softly, reaching to help her stand.

“I think so. What happened?”

“Sesshoumaru. He came in right after Hojo threw you. He saved us.”

Kagome waited for the other woman to reel on her again, but she merely collapsed against her and they slowly walked to the chair.

“I'm sorry Kagome,” she said weakly, turning watery eyes on Kagome, who frowned confused. “I shouldn't have said those things to you. I know you had no control over this. I guess I was just jealous.”

“Jealous? Of me? Why?”

“You got out.”

Kagome sighed. “Sango, I've just traded masters. Believe me, you have nothing to be jealous of.”

But Sango was shaking her head. “No Kagome. Youkai don't mark people willy nilly. He's serious.”

“He just wants to control me. He's no different from Hojo.”

“I don't think so. If that was the case, he would have just locked you up and had his way with you. And he definitely wouldn't have let you come back here.” They made it to the chair and Sango collapsed, something seeming to dawn on her. “Why are you here anyway?”