InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gambling Your Way to Freedom ❯ A Piece of the Puzzle ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gambling your Way to Freedom

Chapter 7: A Piece of the Puzzle.

“What did you do to her?”

“Watch your tongue,” Sesshoumaru growled, watching as Miroku attempted to rouse Kagome. He'd brought her back to their room, unsure what to do. The woman refused to acknowledge him in any way. It was as if she had sunk into herself. Her mind was completely gone. No matter what he did, she remained completely unresponsive, which worried him. So, he'd called Miroku.

“Sorry,” Miroku replied, waving his hand in front of Kagome's face. “I just mean something had to have happened to cause this.” He lifted her hand, trailing his fingertips across her palm, his eyes glued to her form, searching for any sort of response. Her fingers twitched, but other than that, she gave no sign she knew he was there.

“She's in shock,” he said finally, setting her hand down and turning to Sesshoumaru. “We need to lay her down, and you need to leave.”

“What?!” His growl shook the entire house, but Miroku remained firm.

“You need to go,” he said, turning back to Kagome.

“What does my presence have to do with anything?” Sesshoumaru hissed, watching as Miroku carefully adjusted Kagome so she was lying on her back.

“Look,” Miroku said, pulling the blankets up around her before he turned back to Sesshoumaru. “Obviously something happened to cause this and since you're the only person she's had any contact with lately, I'm going to go with you're the cause. As long as she feels your youki around her, she's most likely not to go wake up. So, you need to go.”

“But I'm her mate!”

He made to move closer, but Miroku stood his ground before him, his eyes determinedly focused as he blocked Sesshoumaru's path forward.

“Don't make me put up a barrier.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a sutra. “I'll do it Sesshoumaru. I swear I will. You need to go. I'll take care of her.”

He opened his mouth to protest, but the fire in Miroku's gaze made him pause.

“How far do I need to go?”

Seeming content that he would cooperate, Miroku lowered his sutra and sighed. “Far enough that she won't feel your youki.”

He whimpered, his instincts screaming at him not to do this. He wanted to roar, but instead he backed slowly from the room, feeling his heart shatter with every step.

“Call me the moment she wakes up.”

Miroku nodded. “Of course.”


Kagome blinked, fingers sliding across the blankets around her in surprise. How'd she end up in bed again?

“Good afternoon.”

She jerked, turning to see Miroku sitting in a chair beside her. “What?”

“You've had a bit of a shock,” he said calmly, standing and walking to the bathroom. When he returned, he had a washcloth, which he laid across her forehead. She tried to sit up, but he placed a hand on her shoulder, forcing her back down. “Do you remember anything?”

“I was…in the dojo?”

Miroku nodded. “Yes, go on.”

“Sesshoumaru found a bow for me to practice with,” She turned around, frowning as if she'd only just now realized he wasn't there. “Where is he?”

“I sent him away,” he replied, chuckling as her eyes widened. “By the way, we were never actually properly introduced. My name is Miroku.”

“Kagome,” she said weakly, attempting a smile.

“Nice to meet you Kagome,”

“Are you a doctor?” She asked as he picked up her wrist and checked her pulse.

He laughed. “No, not really. I do have some formal monk training though so I learned some basic healing techniques. I also have an interest in psychology.”

He was watching her chest now, and it took Kagome a moment to realize he was checking her breath count. “So, you're what? Babysitting me?”

She wasn't sure why she said it. He obviously was just trying to make sure she was ok, but if she'd learned anything the past few years, it was to defend herself first and ask questions later. Even if he seemed nice now, that didn't mean he wouldn't turn on her in an instant.

“Not at all,” he said, placing the back of his hand against her cheek. “I just wanted to make sure you were feeling better.”

“I'm fine,” she lied. “Just a little tired.”

He nodded. “It is to be expected. Which is why today you are going to stay in this bed and relax.”

She laughed. “And how am I supposed to do that when I'm not even comfortable staying in this house?”

Miroku looked slightly nervous and she once again wondered how much he knew about her. A moment later, he shrugged and was once again cheerful. “Well, you'll have to figure that out for yourself, but might I suggest a large bowl of popcorn and your favorite movie for starters?”

“But, I don't have any movies.”

“Oh contraire, mon frère.” He slid back a panel in the wall, revealing a massive TV. He showed Kagome how to open Amazon Video, Crunchyroll, and several other video players and assured her she could purchase anything she wanted.

“Next question,” he said, helping her adjust her pillows so she could sit up. “Favorite snack? Favorite drink?”

She shrugged. “I guess a coke and chips?”

“Coming right up!”

He bowed his way out of the room and Kagome had the strangest urge to giggle. It felt weird to be ordered to do nothing. Granted, he was most likely only doing this because Sesshoumaru asked him to, it was still nice to be taken care of without him expecting something in return.

She also couldn't help but marvel at his ability to send Sesshoumaru away. She somehow didn't think that was something just anyone could do. She couldn't even feel his youki anymore, which meant he was most likely miles away. She thought she'd feel better with him gone. Her anxiety had quieted a bit, it was true, but there was also a small flicker, deep within her, that wanted him close. It grew more insistent as time passed and she wasn't sure what to make of it.

She also had no idea how she ended up back in bed. The last thing she remembered was the supreme joy that filled her when she fired the bow. She tried to remember what happened after that, but her mind was a complete blank.

She forced a smile as Miroku reappeared carrying a bowl of chips and a glass of coke. As he placed them on the side table, she debated asking him what had happened, but something told her to wait. So, instead she mumbled a “thank you” and turned her attention to the TV.


Miroku waited until he was back in the kitchen to call Sesshoumaru. Kagome was now safely ensconced in the world of romantic comedies and he hadn't wanted to upset her by pushing for more information. However, something had clearly happened to set the girl off and he was determined to get some answers.

Sesshoumaru answered on the first ring.

“Is she ok?”

“She's fine,” Miroku replied. “She's watching a movie in bed. I told her to relax all day.”

He heard Sesshoumaru's sigh of relief. “Can I come home?”

“Not yet. Wait another couple hours or so just to be safe.” A growl this time. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”


It was Miroku's turn to sigh. “Sesshoumaru, clearly something happened. We need to figure out what triggered the attack so we can make sure it doesn't happen again. Now, has she mentioned any past traumas? Or if she suffers from anxiety or PTSD? I know you said her situation wasn't the best and that you essentially bought her freedom, but is there anything else I should know about?”

Another growl.

“Sesshoumaru, this is important. Mental traumas are especially difficult to recover from. The mind often chooses to protect itself by turning inwards, either by hiding within itself or by blocking the incident from memory. Kagome has no recollection of her breakdown, which leads me to believe this is in some way connected to a previous incident. You need to tell me what happened.”

“I lost my temper.”

Miroku closed his eyes, forcing himself to remain calm. “What did you do?”

“I threatened to take her back.”

“Back? Back where?”

“To her old master,”

Miroku had to resist the urge to punch the wall. “Are you telling me she was a slave?”

A pause, then “Yes.”

This time he really did punch the wall. “Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you have ANY idea what you've done??!?!”

Sesshoumaru snarled, but Miroku didn't care. “You don't get it do you? She was probably just now beginning to feel safe here, and you threatened to take her back! You're lucky she woke up at all!”

He was still growling. Miroku forced himself to breath deep and tried again. “Look, I realize as a tai, there's not much that scares you, but think of it from her perspective. She's probably spent the past however long she was in captivity constantly fearing punishment. It explains perfectly why you said she was hesitant to trust you. She was probably just beginning to trust you, and you threatened to return her to hell!”

The growls subsided, but only silence remained. Finally, he mumbled. “I apologize. She was threatening to leave and I lost it.”

Miroku snorted. The members of the Inu bloodline had never been known for their levelheadedness. He supposed, given how new their mating was, having her threaten to leave him would have been too much.

“While I can understand your anger and know you didn't mean to hurt her, you have to watch your temper. Another episode like this could push her over the edge completely. You'll lose her before you even get a chance to know her.”

“What can we do?”


“Should we take her to a doctor?”

He shook his head, “Not yet. Right now she needs rest. Attempting too much change at once will most likely do more harm than good. For now, I would just be as patient as possible. Don't pressure her into anything. And for Kami's sake, don't lose your temper again!”


Sesshoumaru hung up the phone, feeling thoroughly scolded. Turning back towards the window, he considered his other problem. He'd decided to come check on Kagome's friend and what he'd seen had not been good. He knew he should tell Kagome, but after speaking with Miroku, he doubted it would be a good idea. Sinking back into the shadows of the fire escape, he watched Hojo exit the building and head across the street to the club. He waited a few minutes to ensure he would not return and then knocked on the window.

Sango came into view a few moments later and he couldn't restrain his growl. The woman's body was more black than blue and she walked with a definite limp. She frowned when she saw him, hesitantly opening the window.

“What are you doing here?”

“Are you ok?”

She wrapped her arms around herself, refusing to meet his gaze. “If he finds you here, he'll kill me.”

“Then you are coming with me.”