InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gasoline ❯ Gasoline ( Chapter 1 )

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Inuyasha wanted to be with Kagome, but he did make a promise to Kikyo to go to hell with her. And to him there was only one way out. He felt bad about it and wished there was another way. But there wasn't. He was going to do what he had to do.
Last night I saw that beauty queen
Watched her paint her face on
I wanna be that magazine
That she bases life on
I wanna waste her monthly blood
Wanna get some on my love
Wanna get some gasoline
And burn the house down
Late one night when the rest of the gang was asleep at the recent campsite, Inuyasha's eyes were wide open as he watched over them. Tonight was the night. Kikyo had debts to pay and she would pay them tonight. Inuyasha took one last look at Kagome's face before disappearing into the night. He had heard rumor that Kikyo was staying in a small hut just outside of the next village.
She's got nothing to say
She's got bills to pay
She's got no one to hate
Except for me
He found the hut fifteen minutes later. It was easy for him to find it by following Kikyo's scent. He crept onto the porch of the hut. Then he bust through the straw mat of the hut. He found Kikyo sitting on the floor holding a handheld silver mirror. Kikyo was gazing at her self in it. She put it down before standing.
“Why do you prefer her, Inuyasha?” Kikyo asked, with pain in her eyes as if reading his very thoughts.
“She's alive” Inuyasha simply stated.
“Then why are you here?” she asked with a smirk.
“I'm putting an end to this pain.” He said, his bangs falling over his eyes as he bowed his head. He drew his Tetsaigu. “Good-bye Kikyo” he whispered before striking her with the sword. The strike hit her in the heart and she fell to the floor.
“Inuyasha, I…I…” she whispered before she went limp in a pool of blood.
When I saw that beauty queen
And watched her paint her face on
I wanna be the one unclean
That she wipes her ass on
Wanna waste her monthly blood
Wanna get some on my love
Wanna get some gasoline
And burn the house down
Inuyasha walked out into the night. He took a box of matches, lit one, threw it onto the porch of the house, and watched the house slowly catch on fire. Then he ran off before the town's people saw him. When he got back to camp, Kagome was sitting by the fire. When she saw him she ran to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“I was so worried” she whispered into his shoulder. Inuyasha pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.
“Kagome, there is something I have to tell you. I Love You.” Inuyasha said.
Kagome looked up at him and tears filled her eyes. “I Love You Too, Inuyasha”
They lie down and fell asleep under a starry sky.
She's got nothing to say
She's got bills to pay
She's got no one to hate
Except for me
She's got nothing but shame
She takes pills for pain
She's got no one to blame
Except for me.
For me…