InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Girl All The Bad Guys Want ❯ She's the Girl All the Bad Guys Want... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer- I don't own Inu-Yasha, it's characters, nor do I own Bowling For Soup and their genius song that I'm using. Everyone vote for Bowling For Soup on TRL. That way, I don't get sued…..

Drunken Panda: Mabuhay! Kumusta ka? No, this whole fanfic won't be in Tagalog. Anyway, this is, I think, my first songfic. I've written song chapters for some of my fanfics. Never an entire fanfic based on a song, though. This song may not be related to Inu-Yasha very much, but I thought it was at some parts. And if you've ever heard it, you'll see why I chose it. Read, review, tell me what you think! TTFN!

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Inuyasha POV

Okay, I hate waiting for her. If you're even gonna come to this time at all, why take so long?! I swear, could she move any slower?!?! Who could Kagome be talking to….


8 o' clock, Monday night and I'm waitin'

To finally talk to a girl a little cooler than me.

Her name is Nona, she's a rocker with a nose ring,

She wears a two-way, but I'm not quite sure what that means.


Kagome POV

"Oh I hope Inuyasha's not mad again!" Waaa…. I had another stupid test. And then I still have two more projects to do. I'll probably have to repeat the grade fifty times before we finally beat Naraku! And then there's Hojo and my friends' birthdays… I'll never have a social life if I have to keep running back to Inuyasha every five seconds!


Normal POV

Kagome ran through the front gate of her house before she is stopped by her brother. "Sis, your friends keep calling and Grampa is running out of ideas for illnesses. I think he's staring to repeat some of them….. When will you be done with that dog guy anyway?"

Kagome sighed just thinking of the diseases she must currently be stricken with. "I'd have to guess never the way things are going." She started to continue to the well, but stopped to say to Sota, "Just tell Grampa that a lot of the stuff he's been talking about usually last a few weeks. That should help." And with that, she hopped into the well, passed through the border, and finally ended up in the Feudal Era… only to be greeted with silence.


And when she walks,

All the wind blows and the angels sing.

She doesn't notice me!


Inuyasha POV

Oh, well, look who finally pops up. Stupid girl, who does she think I am, her personal slave dog that can wait on her? Well, if I plan things right, she won't notice anything until the last minute…..


Kagome POV

What the heck? Where's Inuyasha? He's usually staring me down right about now… unless… he was defeated by a demon! Or worse… eaten by one…. Don't cry, don't cry. He must be around here somewhere. I hope….


Normal POV

Kagome turned in complete circles trying to find Inuyasha. What she didn't know was that he was in total stealth mode, hiding in one of the trees. Kagome freaked out, running everywhere just to see if Inuyasha was there. And finally, the inevitable happened. She started to cry. And since Inuyasha never predicts it one way or another, he nearly fell out of the tree seeing her tears.


Inuyasha POV

What's she doing?! If she starts sobbing, some crazed, deranged demon could just pop up out of nowhere! And she still hasn't figured that out from all the time she spends here? I'll have to teach her the hard way then…..


Kagome POV

"Oh, Inuyasha, I'm so sorry I didn't say good-bye!" I don't care if I'm crying. He's gone, isn't he? And it's probably my fault. He was probably waiting here, and then suddenly Sesshomaru or someone else just came up and killed him! If I had been here sooner, we would both be miles from here! What if Naraku came here? And since Inuyasha can't sense jewel shards, of course he wouldn't notice. I'm such a horrible person! Who cares about stupid tests?! Now Inuyasha's dead because I wasn't here to warn him…


Normal POV

Kagome fell to the ground sobbing loudly, thinking that Inuyasha was dead. Whilst, the very live Inuyasha was positioned in a tree, planning on scaring her out of her wits. Of which he did….


Cause she's watchin' wrestling

Creamin' over tough guys

Listenin' to rap metal

Turntables in her eyes

It's like a bad movie

She is lookin' through me

If you were me then you'd be

Screamin', "Someone shoot me!"

As I fail miserably,

Tryin' to get the girl all the bad guys want.

She's the girl all the bad guys want!


Normal POV

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" her scream scared what seemed like millions of birds out of their nests in the trees. "Inuyasha!!!" she screeched at him. He certainly wasn't expecting that kind of response either.

"You jerk! Sit! Sit! Sit!!!" And with that, she got up and stomped to the village to find Sango and Miroku, while poor Inuyasha was(probably permanently) stuck in the ground saying, "Damn her…."


She likes the godsmack and I like agent orange

Her CD changer's full of singers that are mad at their dad

She says she'd like to score a reefer and a forty

She'll never know that I'm the best that she'll never have

And when she walks

All the wind blows and the angels sing.

She'll never notice me!


Kagome POV

That… that… ooooh! I hate him! He knew I was crying all along about him and what does he do? Shoots out of a tree and practically scares me back into the well! That might've been for the better anyway. It's a good excuse to punish him for making me come here so early! And to think, I show him sympathy and what do I get back? Childish tricks!!! Oh, I hate him! I hate him! I HATE him!!!


Inuyasha POV

She didn't have to do that! I was just showing Kagome the error of her ways and she goes off and punishes me for it. Now here I am, eating dirt, while all she gets off with is a bad attitude. I hate that wench and all her… stupid-ness! Is that even a word…? Who cares….


Cause she's watchin' wrestling

Creamin' over tough guys

Listenin' to rap metal

Turntables in her eyes

She likes `em with a mustache

Racetrack season pass

Drivin' in a Trans-Am

Does a mullet make a man?


Normal POV

Right when Kagome reached the village, she was greeted by Sango, who noticed her anger. "What's wrong, Kagome? And what happened to Inu-"

"I never want to see that mindless freak again!" Kagome stopped her short. Sango wasn't in the least bit surprised that that was the reply. Neither was Miroku, who was supposedly "only" helping a young women with her work. ((Ohohoho, Miroku! You perv…)) Kagome was seated inside Kaede's hut before she heard a tree being knocked down outside.

"Oh great… the Siberian Snow Doggy is back…." Kagome muttered, still angry over the whole incident.

"Kagome!!! I'm gonna rip you to shreds! And then I'm going to feed those shreds of you to all the wolf demons!!! That way, I'll be getting back at both you AND Kouga!!!!" Inuyasha burst through the door yelling at the top of his lungs. Kagome, however, sat unstirred in her spot.


It's like a bad movie

She is lookin' through me

If you were me then you'd be

Screamin', "Someone shoot me!"

As I fail miserably,

Tryin' to get the girl all the bad guys want.

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!


Normal POV

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Kagome asked him, still not moving.

"What? … well I would expect you to be, but- What am I saying?!"

"Because, I'm not, you know," she answered.

"….." Inuyasha was obviously dumbfounded by this.

"Speaking of Kouga," Kagome said, standing up slowly, "I'm thinking of going off to live with him. What do you think of that, Inuyasha?"

"…………. WHAT?!?!?!"


There she goes again

With fishnets on, dreadlocks in her hair

She broke my heart, I wanna be sedated

All I wanted was to see her naked!


Normal POV

"You heard me, dog-boy. I'm off to live with Kouga and there's nothing you can do about it," Kagome smiled, with an unseen glint of mischief.

"B-but why…? He's a damn wolf, Kagome! Damnit! Have you lost all senses?! I mean, you can't actually be so STUPID so as to actually think HE'D love you more than a mate?!?!?!" Inuyasha raved on and on, only leading to Kagome getting angrier and angrier.

"Oh shut up! I have had enough of you, you fruit! I hate you! Can't you see I'd be much better off with MIROKU than you?!"


Now I am watching wrestling

Tryin' to be a tough guy

Listenin' to rap metal

Turntables in my eyes

I can't grow a mustache

And I ain't got no season pass

All I got's a moped… moped… moped….


Inuyasha POV

Sure, I left the house. Why bother staying if I'm not even preferred over that amorous monk. I hope she's happy with whatever other decisions she's making. Because I'm not planning on sticking around to find out what happens. Stupid Kagome…… stupid me……


Kagome POV

What did I do? He's leaving… probably forever, and it's all my fault. Now what? Can't he tell that everything I said was a lie? Or is he actually so trusting that he even believes everything I said about Kouga, him, and Miroku. I mean, that Miroku bit had to have given it away….. He can't be that ignorant, can he?


It's like a bad movie

She is lookin' through me

If you were me then you'd be

Screamin', "Someone shoot me!"

As I fail miserably,

Tryin' to get the girl all the bad guys want.


Normal POV

Kagome hurries out of Kaede's house and runs over to Sango, who with that are-you-insane-look on her face, was obviously more surprised with Kagome's revelation than the general argument.

"Did…. You really mean-"

"No! Of course not! I was just wondering what his expression would be if I said that, and, of course, one thing lead to another. But that's what always happens with us, right?!" Kagome freaked, in a slightly louder than usual voice.

"Come again?"

"Oh, never mind!" And Kagome went off searching for the demon, half embarrassed and half angry. But, mostly embarrassed.


She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

<There she goes again>


Kagome POV

Two times in one day! I've gone searching for him two times! Maybe I should consider living with Kouga. At least I wouldn't have to waste all my energy looking for him, because he'd always be following me around. What am I saying?! Inuyasha's ten times better!

"Do you hear me?!?! Inuyasha's ten times better than you, Kouga!!!" Did I just yell that out? I hope Inuyasha didn't hear… then again, sorta hard for him NOT to, seeing as how his ears are….


Inuyasha POV

Did I just hear Kagome say I was ten times better than Kouga? I'd think I was at least fifty hundred times better! At least she hates him more…. Wait, if she hates him more than she hates me, that means… she's not going to leave me! Uh, I mean, she's not going to leave me to look for the shards alone. Yeah…. I've got to stop talking to myself…..


She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

<There she goes again>

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

She's the girl all the bad guys want!

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Inuyasha: That's got to be the absolute WORST songfic I've EVER read!

Kouga: Shouldn't it be HEARD, seeing as how you're so illiterate.

Inuyasha: Yeah, I guess so bu- HEY!

Drunken Panda: You had it coming to you, critic boy.

Inuyasha: *goes off, complaining to himself*

D. Panda: Anyway, yeah, that's the end of it! One-shot's are fun! I decided not to bore you with the obvious ending. They get back together, Kagome slaps him for getting all high-strung over something so simple, and the whole process begins all over again! ^^ I'm off to smash pumpkins left over from Thanksgiving! Sayonara & review, kookaburras! Tee-hee-hee!