InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Glimpse of the Future ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey, me again! Well, again, I own NOTHING!


Ch 2 Introductions are made

Kaedo smiled. He had heard them talking in there, and could tell when Inuyasha had smelled him. He grinned. Man, I wish I had a video camera!! I can't WAIT to see his face when he realizes who we are!! He watched as the door was flung open, revealing a very tense, very battle-ready dog demon.

Inuyasha stared at the person in front of him. Full demon, his senses told him. The boy looked no older than a 16-year-old human, but Inuyasha was willing to bet he was a lot older than that. But why was he smiling like that? Like he was actually HAPPY to see Inuyasha?? He could feel Kagome trying to get a better look at their opponent, and looked at the youkai's eyes, hoping to get some idea of his intent. That blue… It looked so familiar. And were those stripes on the boy's cheeks? And dog ears on top of his head?? And what's that on the ground behind him? A tail?!

Inuyasha's eyes widened as the boy's grin grew, revealing fangs as he ran a clawed hand through his jet-black hair. Black hair and brilliant blue demon eyes. He looked over to Kagome, who looked up at him with her own brilliant blue eyes, just as confused as he was.

The boy began to laugh, which only angered the Hanyou, making him tighten his grip on Tetsusaiga.

"Okay, brat, who are you, and what do you want?" Inuyasha growled, making sure the kid got the point that the sword at his side wasn't merely for show.

The boy grinned again. "My name is Kaedo. I'm the youngest of 4 children. I'm here to meet the one called Inuyasha, and the one called Kagome. I truly mean no harm. I swear upon my honor as a dog-demon."

Inuyasha's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't really expected the kid to give him an answer like that. But wait…

"Did you say youngest of FOUR children?" Kagome asked, seeming to read Inuyasha's mind. The boy smiled and nodded.

"We felt it would be better if you got used to us slowly, gradually, rather than having us all just jump out at you when you left the well." Inuyasha's brain stopped. He knew?!?! That brat knew about the well?!?! And according to what he just said, so did his family. But how??

"Look, kid," Inuyasha started, "I still don't know who you are. I've never heard of a dog-demon named Kaedo, nor have I heard of very many dog-demons with black hair. Every one I've met so far have had white hair."

"Like Sesshoumaru?"

Inuyasha was surprised again. How did this kid know Sesshoumaru?? He looked at the boy's stripes again, and grinned. "I know who you are now!!" That seemed to surprise the boy, who finally stopped smiling. "You're one of Sesshoumaru's descendants!"

At that declaration, he heard laughter coming from both sides of the well house, as well as from Kaedo. The brat grinned as he looked at the hanyou before him. "No, Inuyasha, but we will explain it to you, once you finally agree to listen to us."

"Fuck that!" Inuyasha snorted. The boy raised an eyebrow curiously, a very Sesshoumaru-like move if he'd ever seen one.

"Agreed." Inuyasha spun around to look at Kagome, who had just spoken. She looked at him and shrugged. "Inuyasha, think about it. We're surrounded by demons. They have had every opportunity to attack us, and haven't. They said they simply want to talk. So far, I think they've been truthful. I think we can trust them." At this, Kagome pushed past Inuyasha and walked towards Kaedo, who was looking at Kagome like she was an old friend. Kagome bowed to the boy. "Hello, Kaedo. My name is Kagome Higurashi. And you have already met the temperamental Inuyasha."

"Bitch…" Inuyasha muttered, only to be rewarded with an "OSUWARI", making him lay face down in front of the black-haired, blue eyed dog demon.

Kaedo smiled at him and held out his hand in order to help Inuyasha up. Inuyasha, in his normal way, helped himself up, not even bothering to look at Kaedo or his hand.

Kaedo bowed to Kagome. "Hello, Kagome." He seemed to look past Kagome and nodded. "Well, since you have agreed to speak with us, you can meet everyone else." He motioned for someone past Kagome to come closer. Kagome turned partway, only to see a silvery-white haired person walk by her and go to stand next to Kaedo. When he turned around, she gasped, and could feel Inuyasha tense up next to her.

Sesshoumaru! She thought as the new demon smiled and bowed, his golden eyes glinting in the late afternoon sun as he looked at them. When he straightened, he tossed a lock of white hair back over his shoulder, his dog ears on top of his head twitching towards Inuyasha, who was gaping at him.

"Hello, to you, too, Inuyasha. My name is Taisho." He smiled at Kagome, who noticed that Taisho looked only a bit older than Kaedo, but much more mischievous. "Thank you, Kagome, for agreeing to speak with us. You see, you don't know us, but we know you. Both of you." He grinned. "You'll meet us eventually…"

"Taisho!" A sharp voice came from behind them, and before they could blink, another black haired dog demon was next to Taisho, a clawed hand over Taisho's mouth. "We're not supposed to tell them much! Otherwise it might screw it up! Hell, for all we know, we could be screwing it up right now!" Taisho reached up and pulled his older brother's hand away from his mouth.

"And this stern demon you see before you would be my older brother, Juro. Or as we call him, Juro the Scholar." Taisho grinned, as did Kaedo while Juro stood there, blushing slightly.

"Hello, Juro." Kagome said, hoping to distract him from his embarrassment. When he turned to her, though, her breath caught. He had long black hair as well as black dog ears and a black tail, but his eyes were as golden as Taisho's. He bowed nervously, still blushing, his cheeks almost matching the red stripes on his face. Kagome looked at each of them, noticing that they all had that in common. Besides their ears and tails, of course. They each bore 2 red stripes on each side of their faces (which only served to make Taisho look more like Sesshoumaru) and she noticed that they also had stripes on their arms, similar to the Lord of the Western Lands.

Inuyasha was still trying to get over the shock of seeing an exact duplicate of his brother, minus the crescent moon, as he tried to take in this newcomer.

Finally, Juro seemed to reach a comeback. "Well, I may be Juro the Scholar, Taisho the Mischievous, and Kaedo the Kind, but don't forget, I'm also Kai's twin."

"Kai?" Kagome asked curiously as she watched the two younger brothers seemingly sober up at the mention of the name. Even Inuyasha, whose voice seemed to have given out on him, was interested by this turn of events. Who was this Kai, he wondered?

Kaedo nodded solemnly. "Kai the Powerful," he whispered conspiratorially.

Taisho's golden eyes darkened. "Kai the Undefeated," he added.

"Kai, the person who's standing right behind you," a woman's voice claimed.
