InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gold Tinted Moon ❯ Destiny's Storm ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gold Tinted Moon

**I don't own Inuyasha, if you sue me, all you'd get are my beenie babies. PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEM FROM ME, THEY'RE ALL I HAVE!!!**

~Two asteriks (**)[-] denotes a time change.


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"Yes mother, he was sweet. He payed for the movie and the dinner, it was very romantic under the light of the moon." Kagome saw her mother flinch at slightly at the mention of Kagome's obsession.

Despite herself, her mother smiled, "It sounds lovely, did you have fun?" Kagome nodded and her mother thought she saw a bit of exasperation on her face, but quickly dismissed it.

Suddenly, lightning lanced across the sky and thunder crashed, shaking the windows of the small, two story house in which Kagome and her family lived. Kagome and her mother jumped.

The door opened suddenly, further scaring them, and Kagome's father dashed inside, slamming the door shut. "Goodness, that just came out of nowhere! One moment clear day, then BANG! Lightning, thunder, rain coming down in buckets!" He shivered involutarily.

Kagome and her mother exchanged a quick glance as rain was heard crashing down against the house, causing it to sound as if the entire house were put under a waterfall.

Sounding extremly put down, Kagome's father sighed and said, "Looks like any other plans for tonight will be cancelled, this storm is bad."

"But the internet never said anything about there being a storm! It knocked out my computer, and I was on the last level of Dragon Slayers."

"Souta, you're such an internet junkie," Kagome said this with obvious mockery, "Get a life outside of your room!"

"Look who's talkin' Sailor Moon!"

"Why you..." Kagome was in mid-leap when her father caught her and set her back down, looking insulted, "You two, I don't want to hear this! It's bad enough we have this storm..." As if one cue, the power went out with a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder.

"Awe, now I won't be able to watch Marmalade Boy!"

"You're not even supposed to be up that late anyway!"

"What difference does it make? It's not a school night, and it's none of your business anyway."

"Will you two stop this fighting right now! I will light some candles, but we may as well all go to bed anyway, there is nothing to do!" Souta and Kagome's mother huffed with the expended energy used to get them to stop arguing. Quite ashamed, the two walked, sulking, up to their rooms.

Not bathering to change, Kagome fell onto her bed and sulked some more, angry at the storm. Normally, she'd be changed and brushing her long, chocolate brown hair on the windowsill in her room, singing to her far-away love. But the storm had taken that away. 'Sometimes I wish I were in love with someone else, like Hojo or that Koga guy, they seem to really like me, at least they act it. If I could love them, at least they'd be here, holding me, telling me not to be afraid. They could be brushing my hair right now, while I sang to them.' Kagome was, for a minute, lost in a world she hadn't explored since she had had that crush on a boy in her grade. That was back in primary school, now she was in high school, 'Being so deep in love with the moon is so sad, it sounds so stupid too. He obviously can't be here, to caress my worries away, but, at least he is watching over me, protecting me from those sick, sadistic freaks out in this world.' Sighing, Kagome lay down on her bed, looking out the window, a single tear escaped her eye. She turned her back on a flash of lightning.

**[half and hour]

Slowly, Kagome opened her eyes, a glance at her alarm clock told her she had only been asleep for a half an hour. Voices reached her ears from downstairs, her mother and father sounded frantic, the storm was still present. For a moment, Kagome thought about going down there to see what had happened, perhaps a flood, a fallen tree maybe? She stopped however, when she heard a husky, very tired third voice. Silently, Kagome listened:

"Ah, I really want to thank you, not many would have done this." The person, male is sounded, sounded as if he had little experience in thanking someone. He also seemed as if he were rather uncomfortable in doing so.

"Oh dear, it's quite alright, no one, man nor demon, should be out in this!"

"How on earth do you survive?"

"Well, sir, I'm ah, a hanyou you see." The stranger now sounded almost scared. To Kagome, he sounded like the person who couldn't get scared by a person who challenged him physically, but if he were to be critisized or condemned for what he was, this man would crumble.

"Instincts, wonderful thing to have, no need to be ashamed m'boy."

Kagome heard the distinct slap on the back her father always gave another man when he was impressed. It sounded as though it hurt to her, how did they stand it? "Men, go figure." However, by the 'UMPH' the stranger gave, Kagome didn't think it felt to nice to him either. 'That would've probably killed any lesser person.' Kagome listened back in and found she had missed a bit of the conversation, but she was able to figure out what they were talking about now.

Suirprisingly, her father said, "We'll put you in the guest room besides my daughter Kagome's room. I think you two should get along fine, she easy to befriend."

No quesitons were asked and Kagome began to hear rustling and grunting as a package of some sort was being dragged up the stairs and down the hall.

For another half and hour, Kagome saw the light of a candle coming from the room to the left of hers seeping into her room from the crack of her doorway, she never liked to sleep with her door all the way closed. More grunting and curses came from the room next to her, then, the lights went out.

"Weird..." was all she said before sleep took her once again.

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A/N: Well, nother one done. I hope you all liked it, no, we don't find out who this mystery man is will soon! I'm REALLY grateful to all those who left reviews for my prologue, and here is the first chapter, the next will be coming out very soon so look for it! Keep leaving reviews plz and thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!