InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Great Spirit! We want to meet our grandpa's! ❯ The Phrofecy ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Okay, I admit, I have another life that I keep secret and yes, I have a Japanese woman posing as the author of my show.....and.....uh.....OKAY!!! you caught me, I do NOT own Inuyasha, nor have I ever, and my mom has made it clear I never will....>_<, I hate it when she’s right!!!

A/N: Hi my people!!!! I’m happy to bring to you another slow person production. My story is copyrighted under penalty of law-- plagiarism is NOT tolerated with me, One of my stories were copyed recently and I was very un happy about it. Okay, now that, that is all clear, read, review, but most importantly..........ENJOY!!!!!

Chapter 1: The prophecy

One day two babies were born into strange families. Each child, born on the 8th of the month December. Both children, born in the same place, in the same year, into the same family. One, Sundara, the child of Monique Higerashi, grandchild of Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi. The other, Layanna, the child of Balisama Matey, grandchild of Sesshomaru & Rosarious Matey. Each child of yokia and miko blood. Each child with a destiny. That destiny was to be fulfilled.

A prophecy was told by the elder miko, Kyatay, that one of the children were going to be sacrificed 8 years from their birth. By who or what, wasn’t certain. But what was certain to Inuyasha & even Sesshomaru was that they had to protect their grand-pups with everything they had. LIFE or DEATH.

Assuming they still wouldn’t understand their fate at the tender age of 8, two shikon-no-tama shards were placed around they’re necks for strength. Until that fateful day of reckoning in they’re lives, everyone would make them believe they were normal.

~*~*~*~8 years later~*~*~*~

“And then Naraku tried to engulf Sesshomaru and Inuyasha at the same time!” An elderly Kagome said with excitement.

“But they used the tetsiaga and the tetsaiga -- or maybe it was the takojin........hmmmm.....anyway, they used they’re swords to cut they’re way out of Naraku’s flesh!” The two young girls sitting in front of Kagome gave each other a glance of astonishment then quickly turned they’re heads back to Kagome.

“Just then I shot an arrow, helping break the hold Naraku had on Sango and Kerara, while Miroku used his wind tunnel to suck up the extra body parts!” she said. “Like............this! *SLURP, SLURP*” they all laughed together at Kagome’s funny face and noises.

“Grandma! Did you defeat Naraku?!” Sundara asked with wide eyes. *SLAP*
“ouch! Layanna, you meanie! You slapped me for no reason!”

“Not ah! I had a perfectly good reason.” she stated before Kagome could scold her. “You said a dumb thing, so I slapped you!”

“Oh yeah? And what was so dumb about it?!” she screeched.

“You already know how this ends! Naraku never gets defeated so easily!”

“Well.........uh........” She thought a moment. “! He coulda got defeated this time! You’d never know!”

“Yes, I do know!”

“Not ah!”

“Yes sa!”



It got louder and louder until Kagome broke in.

“Shhhh! Keep your voices down, neither of you know what will happen next, but you can predict. So stop your fighting, there is no need. I swear, if you two were older, you would be just like your grandfathers!” Kagome gave them a withered smile.

“Sorry, grandma!” Sundara apologized.

“Yeah, sorry!” Layanna said with a slight tone of bitterness.

“It’s ok, I’ve had to deal with this for over 40 years, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” she said. “Well, Layanna, you were write, Naraku managed to escape yet again, but Sundara, you can hold your hopes for his defeat until the next story.”

“Ah............that was a good one, grandma.” Sundara said with contentment.

“Oh, yeah, REAL suspenseful!” Layana said every word dripping with sarcasm. Sundara gave Layana a warning glance.

“I’m glad you two liked it so much! Hmmm........does anyone feel as hungry as I do?” asked Kagome politely.

“ME!” the two girls voiced together.

“Good, who wants some omelette?”

“ME!” they both said again.

“Oh my! You’d think I starve you children!” Kagome said as she got up. “It may be a while, so why don’t you two go play outside.” Kagome then walked away to the kitchen.

“Hey wanna play tag?” asked Layanna.

“Yeah!” Sundara yelled with pure joy. She loved to play tag, whether she was the tag-ee or the tag-ger.

“Ok then....................YOUR IT!” zoom! In a flash, Layanna was out the door.

“Oh man! She tricked me again!” Sundara said as she ran after her cousin.

“Ha, ha, ha! You can’t catch me!”

“You wanna bet?!” she asked playfully. “I could catch you anytime anywhere!” Sundara exclaimed.

“Right! Like I’m gonna believe a wimp like you could catch me?” Layanna said back.

“Hey! I am not a wimp! You take that back!”

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry.”

“You mean it?”

“Yeah I mean it......”

“That’s good cause now your it!”

“Ugh! You tricked me!” Layanna screeched. “I’ll get you!”

So she chased after Sundara with everything she had until something caught her eye. That little hut, the door was open, it was never open before. So she stopped dead in her tracks and stared at it in wonder. Then she started to run towards it until she made it inside, Sundara close behind.

“What are you doing, Layanna! I don’t think we’re suppose to be ov-er here.” Sundara got wide eyed at the site of the well. “What in the world is it, Layanna?” Sundara hid behind her cousin in fear.

“I don’t know.......I think it’s a well.”

“Well? don’t think?”

“I do! It has to be the well in your grandma’s stories.”

“ can’t be, grandma always said those stories weren’t real. That our grandpa’s didn’t really do all those adventures.”

“C’mon, Sundara! It has to be. I mean, isn’t it so convenient that there is a well in your grandma’s backyard.”

“It’s just a coincidence........”

“You know just as well as I do this isn’t just a flook! It’s not just some coincidence that we happened to find this well, either!” Layanna rambled on. “Let’s go!”
“Go where?!”

“Down the well, lets go down the rabbit hole, and see how far until wonder land!”

“What are you talkin about?!”

Layanna suddenly jumped into the well and brought Sundara with her. Stars flew by them at the speed of light.

“Ahhhhh, Layanna! Where are we going?!”

“I don’t know but we are gonna find out soon!”

A/N: Okay, what ya think? Good? Original? I want reviews before I post chapter 2. So review if you want chapter 2. Okay, this is my 4th story in almost 1 week since I became a member, I think that is pretty damn good, don't you? Praise me, if not I'll praise myself. I plan on having over 20 stories completed by the aniversery of my joining m/m. Hopefully by then I will be nominated atleast once for being a featured Fan fic. That's my dream I guess. Well, enough rambling, I'm gonna leave now. Buh Bye!