InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ guardian angels ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BP: hello you guys I am back!
Inuyasha: back from were hell?
BP: fuck you Inu, know I wanted to introduce you to my friend the flower maiden!
Flower maiden: hello everyone!
BP: she will be with us in a while and also let me introduce my cousin Babypoo
Babypoo: whats up everyone!!
Sesshoumaru: wow BP your cousin looks cute, can you hook me up with her?
BP: umm maybe, what do you think Kagome, Sango?
Sango and Kagome: yes , they will make a good couple
Babypoo and flower maiden: umm hello can we get in the conversation too?
BP: you can flower maiden but you cuz need to go and do something else,oh I know kill Kikyo ti'll she is dead and then revive her because I want to kill her too.
Babypoo: ok then { see's Kikyo and gets Sesshoumaru sword.}
BP: everybody watch out for my cool cuz because if you disturbed her killing kikyo then I am sorry for you
{everyone gulped and see Babypoo and Babypoo is glowing with fire in her eyes.}
Babypoo: die you bitch wore!!!!
{everyone stepped aside so Babypoo can kill kikyo}
Kikyo: help me Inu bear!!
Inuyasha: sorry but I don't want to die
BP: well you guys let's start with the story min while my cuz is doing some killing
Chapter 5 : meeting each other
~in the mansion of the higurashi's~
Kagome took a quick bath from when she left Miroku in his little world. She then search for her uniform that she needed to wear. Her uniform was the color light blue with a dark blue jewel picture on her left breast. The uniform is a sailor skirt and blouse. She then brush her hair and put her shoes and went down stairs for breakfast. While she was waiting for her breakfast, Miroku entered the room wearing , dark blue jeans and a dark shirt with the same jewel but it was light blue. “do we need to wear this?” Miroku said sitting besides Kagome. “what do you think, I am to don't want to wear this but we don't have so much of a choice do we.” Kagome said. While they were eating . “well I am done, lets go.” Kagome said getting her backpack and heading for the front door. “aww I didn't even eat all of it.” Miroku wine. “well if you want to stay, stay but I don't want to get Kami angry.” Kagome said before she shut the door. Miroku sigh and hurried and got his backpack and follow Kagome.
~ in the mansion of the Tashio's~
Sango left the angry hanyou do his business and left to take a quick bath. She then put her uniform and brush her hair and put it in a low ponytail. She then left for breakfast and waited for the hanyou to eat. Inuyasha then entered the room with a smirk in his face. “What are you so happy?” Sango said suspiciously. “oh nothing.” Inuyasha said and sat and ate his breakfast in one bite. “Inuyasha, one day you are going to die if you don't take your time to eat you food .” Sango said getting her backpack and headed for the door. “ feh whatever.” Inuyasha said following closely with his backpack on his back.
The four didn't notice each other and just left with their own car. “hey Kagome.” Miroku asked. “what.” Kagome said looking at the road. “did you see two people besides us when we left?” Miroku said eating his pancake. “no why, do you think it was the Tashios?” Kagome asked. “maybe.” Miroku said. “hey Inu?” Sango asked. “what.” Inuyasha asked irritated. “did you see two people besides our mansion when we left?” Sango asked. “nope, why you asked?” Inuyasha said giving her a question look. “nothing just asking.” Sango said. The four arrived and still they didn't see each other when they went to the office to get their schedules. When t hey arrived to the office they waited until the person in front of them got his. Kagome was next, “what is your name?” the lady in the office asked. “Kagome Higurashi.” Kagome said. She got her schedule and waited outside for Miroku. “hey Kagome, I think I already found our people.” Miroku said with a smirk on triumph. “oh and can you tell me who it is?” Kagome said with an innocent look but in the inside she was mad as hell. She was the always the first one to find them. “its them.” Miroku said covering his pointing finger. Kagome row her eyes and look were he was pointing. “so they were the ones all along, hey Miroku can I see your schedule?” Kagome said. “here.” Miroku gave her the schedule.
period. Social studies
period. Art
period. gym
period. Science
period. English
period. Algebra
period. Katana practice
“I see, so we have all the classes but the last one I got archery.” Kagome said in a bored tone. Miroku didn't hear anything because he was busy seeing girls. Kagome saw this and got irritated. “I wouldn't be surprise if you died by a group of girls hitting you in the feudal era.” Kagome said. “but it would be worth it.” Miroku said with a small smile in his face. “you are such a pervert you know that.” Kagome whispered and left for her first class. “hey Kagome wait for me.” Miroku said running towards her.
BP: well I am sorry for taking to long because you know is my turn to go to school and I hate it!! { hits herself with a pillow}
Kagome: well I am going to school with you too remember?
BP: sorry Kagome , until the next year I promise
{ Kagome pouts in a corner}
BP: ah Kagome don't be like that I told you that I promise in the next year anyways, please review so when I come back from school I will be happy with the reviews and I will try to write two chapters each day after I do my homework of course. Ja Ne!!