InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gypsy Princess ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three


Miroku woke up not noticing anything was amiss. However, as soon as he walked into Baron Naraku's home, the servants were all giving him strange looks. They must be all stunned with my beautiful self, he thought to himself. Inuyasha was giving him strange looks, too. That's odd. I never knew that he was that way…the monk's thoughts turned to lecherous thoughts as he strode down the halls toward their rooms, Inuyasha and the others following a few steps behind.

When he entered his room, Miroku immediately figured out the problem: he was covered in honey. With feathers, to boot. Instead of being steaming-hot-angry, he calmly straightened his clothes as best he could and went into Inuyasha's room.

His Lord was standing on his balcony, the wind flowing through his hair.

Miroku delicately coughed, knowing that the hanyou would hear. True enough, Inuyasha turned around and grinned at his advisor innocently.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Would you mind helping me with something?" Warily, Inuyasha stepped forward until he was in front of the monk. Suddenly, Miroku's eyes revealed a gleam and his mouth turned upwards into an evil smile. Inuyasha desperately thought for a plan to escape. But before he could do anything, Miroku made the first move.

"Oh, what a lovely gift! What a true friend you are, Inuyasha!" Miroku flung his arms around Inuyasha in a tight hug, coating the hanyou with the sticky honey and some feathers. "I can't believe how kind it was for you to bestow upon me this present! I'm speechless! But let me say one more thing: I think I'll share it with you!" With that said, Miroku plopped a large handful of honey on top of Inuyasha's silver locks, and smeared it thoroughly. He flashed a large grin at his prince and bolted out the door.

"MIROKU!" Inuyasha yelled after him as he raced out the door to catch up with his `friend'. Glancing over his shoulder, Miroku saw the hanyou gaining speed and decided to put on an extra burst himself. They continued to chase each other through the hallways, glancing back and glaring forward, on Inuyasha's part. Other than that, things were going fine.

However, Miroku glanced back for too long, because he stumbled into two young women who were, unfortunately, right in their path. They squealed as Miroku toppled onto them, and began to cover them with honey. Inuyasha saw the three too late and ended up lying on top of them.

Of course, luck had abandoned them, and goose feathers floated down from the ceiling to rest on them. Apparently, the girls had been carrying pillows up to a room when they had been tackled.

"Ka-go-meeeeeeee! Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! I hate honey-stickiness-gooey-stuff! Please help me!" Miroku glanced at the girl who suddenly broke the uncomfortable silence. She was wriggling uncontrollably, trying to avoid the honey in vain. It started to drip on her.

The girl called Kagome just shook her head as best she could, being on the floor beneath two men, at least.

"Nuh-uh, Sango. You're gonna suffer. Just `cause you told HIM that I'd serve dinner. It's what you get," she retorted, ruining the effect of cruelness with giggling. She winked at Sango, who returned it.

"But Kagomeeee! Please tell them to get off, at least! Their sticky coating is getting all over me!" Kagome just shook her head at her friend. Sango's reply to that was to stick her tongue out.

"I love you too," Kagome said, grinning. To the men resting on top of them, she said,

"If you two are done goggling at us, would you be so kind to GET OFF!" Kagome kicked with her knee and rolled away as soon as Inuyasha and Miroku started to move around. Sango did so also. The four stood facing each other as soon as the hanyou and monk got to their feet.

Kagome couldn't help but snicker as the men tried unsuccessfully to straighten their clothes. Inuyasha snarled.

"What do you think is so funny, wench?" Before she could answer with a hot reply, a bell tolled in the distance, signaling that supper was ready. Kagome pulled Sango away with her, toward a lone staircase.

"Go get cleaned up for supper, you two!" she called over her shoulder to Inuyasha and Miroku, who were standing there, staring after them.

"Feh." The two glanced at each other before continuing down the hallway back toward their rooms.



A/N…I'll update soon, promise! More fun stuff to come!