InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted House, Haunting Past ❯ Home Alone ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I'd like to say a special thanks to Tweak!! You're review put a huge smile on my face!! ^__^ See!! I love all you guys and you all have been good at giving me inspiration!!

I’m sorry for such a long wait, but there is a reason:
*1st: I'm starting another fic (three actually)!! I haven’t posted anything yet, but I will.. Feel to check them out and leave a review!! *2nd: This is a pretty long chapter.. And..*3rd: I’ve redone all the previous chapters so far. There’s not too much of a difference, but I think that there’s a little better detail now. This probably won't be the last time I redo them.. I want to keep editing until they're at least close to perfect.. (or as perfect as I'm capable of..)

As of right now, I still think this story will be my main one.. Well, whichever one gets more reviews, but I will finish this. As always, please R&R!!

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Haunted House, Haunting Past ch.7

Kagome sighed at the doorbell that made her head throb even worse. She sneezed as she made her way to the front door with her trusty box of tissues.

Once again, the house was empty..

Kagome's mother had said something about being on a business trip for the next week.

Souta had gone home from school with his friend Kohaku who was also Sango's brother. Souta had called not too long ago and asked if he could spend the night. Kagome had told him he could since she knew that her mother probably wouldn't mind.

And her grandpa had gone to visit a friend back in Tokyo. Kaede? Wasn't that her name? She was that elderly lady about the same age as her grandpa that lived next door to the shrine, right? Kagome had seen her a few times before. Her grandpa and the lady seemed to get along pretty well. They both shared common interests in ancient artifacts and both were full of stories about ancient times.

Kagome shook her head not really wanting to think about what they were doing at that moment. She guessed old people were allowed to be with people too, but.. Anyway, that didn't really matter. The point was that everyone was gone again and Kagome was stuck home by herself.. Again.

Her nose was red and puffy, her hair was a tangled mess, and she was still in her pajamas. She had missed school that day because of her cold and she had the joy of staying at home all alone with Inuyasha.

Kagome's hand paused on the door handle of the front door. She glanced into the living room to see Inuyasha sitting carelessly on the couch flipping through the channels of the TV. He didn’t even use the remote. He seemed to have some kind of supernatural powers. Like telekenesis or something.. She had been around him for almost two full days and she still found him slightly creepy. It wasn't everyday you suddenly meet a ghost..

The doorbell sounded again. Kagome turned her attention back to the door. She really wasn't in the mood to talk to people..

She opened the front door to see a boy a lot taller than her with black hair pulled up into a high ponytail and piercing almost inhumanly blue eyes. He smiled down at her with his pearly white teeth.. Or, were those fangs?

"Oh, hi Kouga.." Kagome forced a smile back at him, trying to be polite, though she felt like doing just the opposite.

"Hello, Kagome. Sango asked me to drop this by." Kouga said pleasantly, handing Kagome a small stack of papers. "She said she was sorry she couldn't bring your school work to you herself.."

Kagome's smile weakened. "Did she say why?"

"No, I didn't ask." he answered.

Kagome smiled again. "Oh, that's okay. Thanks Kouga, I really appreciate it." She'd have to call Sango later.. it was probably nothing, but..

"No problem, Kagome." he winked at her as he started off the porch. "And if you ever need anything feel free to ask. Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't have to suffer. No one wants to see ya sick.."

Kagome blushed slightly. She new she wasn't looking her best at the moment and he was probably just saying that to make her feel better. "Uh.. Thanks Kouga.."

When he was gone, Kagome turned and shut the door with a sigh. She sniffed miserably and turned to come face-to-face with none other than ghost boy. Kagome gasped. "INUYASHA, YOU SCARED THE LIFE OUT OF ME!!"

He stood there with his hands shoved into his sleeves and his usual scowl on his face. "Wench, that’s not funny."

Kagome winced a little. Okay, so that might not have been the best thing to say since he was sort of a ghost, but.. Wait, what did he just call her? Kagome paused a minute before folding her arms over her chest and scowling back at him, almost succeeding in mimicking his posture exactly. "Don't call me wench!"

He sighed. "Whatever, Wench. Who was that?" he motioned to the door behind her.

Kagome thought a minute and then shrugged. "Oh, just a guy from school.." she said casually.

Inuyasha let out a short ‘Keh’. "He's not to come here again."

Kagome looked at him with an unreadable expression. Who did he think he was?! "Excuse me?! You can't tell me what to do!"

"This is my house! I can tell you to do anything I want!"

Didn't they have this conversation before? "This is not your house!" she shouted back at him.

"Yes it is!"

No, it's NOT!"

"Yes, it IS!"

"It's NOT!"

"It IS!"



Kagome sighed. They were acting like bratty two year olds. "What do you mean this is your house?" she asked calmly trying hard not to let her frustration get the better of her.

"I mean I live here!" He paused and his expression slightly faltered, '..Or more like lived here..' he thought sadly.

Kagome noticed his change in expression and suddenly felt guilty. She decided it was best to just change the subject. "Look, I need to go call my friend Sango. So just.." She paused a moment. What was it that ghosts did anyway? "Uh, just do whatever." She finished lamely. She didn't bother to go around him as she walked past and into the kitchen to grab the phone that sat on the counter and dialed her friend's cell phone number.

Inuyasha followed and leaned against the doorframe. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be minding his own business, though the occasional twitch of his ears gave him away that he was really listening.

'Hello?' a voice answered on the other line.

Kagome felt relief wash over her. "Hey Sango, what's up?"

'Oh, Kagome. Hi, are you feeling any better? Miroku and I are just hanging out at the mall.'

'And here I was worried..' Kagome thought, trying to hold back the urge to roll her eyes. "Great to hear some of us are having fun.."

Kagome heard Sango let out an annoyed growl. 'Miroku, get your ass back here! No, I told you, we're not going into Victoria Secret!' Sango shouted after him. Then she seemed to finally realize Kagome was still on the phone. 'Oh, sorry about that. So I guess you're not feeling any better then?'

"Not really." Kagome's disappointment showed in her voice. She hadn't been able to spend much time with her friends recently. She was really starting to miss them a lot.

'Well, maybe we can reschedule and you can come with us next time. We were planning on coming back next weekend.' Sango said, trying to cheer her friend up.

Kagome smiled half-heartedly. “Sounds good. I just called to make sure you were okay”

“Sure, I’m fine..” She said with lots of sarcasm. “But Miroku won’t be after I'm through with him..”

Kagome smiled knowingly. She could tell Sango was having a hard time with a certain pervert. Kagome was starting suspect Sango had feeling for Miroku besides the anger she expressed with violence toward the poor boy. Not that Sango would ever admit it of coarse.. “Well, I guess I'll let you track down Miroku before he manages to get himself into trouble.." Kagome paused a minute before adding, "Good luck.”

Sango glanced at Miroku out of the corner of her eye who was ‘entertaining’ three girls with palm reading which all of their futures conveniently included baring his children. Sango rolled her eyes and sighed. 'Thanks, I'll need it.'

Both of them hung up and Kagome put the phone back down on the counter. At least now she had something to look forward to. Next weekend she should be over her cold and she could finally reclaim her life that she was currently forced to put on hold.

Kagome looked up and noticed Inuyasha wasn't there anymore. He had a habit of strangely disappearing and then reappearing out of nowhere, but of coarse, he was a ghost.. He was probably already in her room. Kagome headed up the steps and to her bedroom.

When she reached her destination, she saw Inuyasha on her bed with Buyo in what would be his lap if he weren’t partly transparent.

Kagome barely acknowledged Inuyasha's presence as she grabbed the book from her night stand and got underneath her covers beside him and started to read.

Hours passed and Inuyasha and Kagome sat in a fairly comfortable silence. Actually, it was the first time neither of them felt annoyance, frustration, or anything hateful toward the other. Kagome was almost afraid to say anything. She didn’t want to ruin it.

Kagome closed her book and set it beside her. Biting her lip, she worked up the courage to ask about something that had been troubling her. “Inuyasha?”


“I was wondering.. Is that your body pinned to that tree in that garden?” she asked bluntly. ‘No sense in beating around the bush..’

Inuyasha felt nervousness creeping up on him. “So, what if it is?”

Kagome was surprised of his answer. She expected him to get mad or yell at her or maybe try and change the subject.. “Well, are you really dead?”

Inuyasha looked at her briefly before turning away. “It’s a curse.”

“A curse?” Kagome knew she was really starting to push it with asking more questions, but it was the only way to find out.

“That’s what I said isn’t it?” he glared at her out of the corner of his eye.

“Well, if it’s a curse, then does that mean you can be brought back to life?” Kagome sat up straight and gave him her full attention.

“No.” Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably under her gaze and looked anywhere but at her.

Kagome’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Then, what’s the point in it being a curse if there’s no way to break it? You might as well be dead.”


Kagome’s confusion turned into suspicion. “I think there’s something that you’re not telling me.”

Inuyasha turned defensive. “And I think you’re being nosey.”

“How’d you get yourself cursed?”

“None of your business!”

Kagome sighed. She guessed he was right. It wasn’t any of her business.. Kagome decided to drop it. She looked at her alarm clock that read, ’12:00am’. Kagome hoped she could go to school tomorrow and if she was well enough, she better be getting to bed.

Kagome turned out the light and went to sleep.

Inuyasha watched the sleeping girl. He had watched her sleep every night since she had been there. She was always dreaming, but this time it seemed to be a nightmare. Kagome looked distressed, scared almost.

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AN: Hope ya liked it! I've got a lot planned for this fic, so please review and I can post it sooner!!