InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heart's Fires ❯ Heart's Fires ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heart's Fires
Title: Heart's Fires
Prompt List/Ficlet Number: Sushi - 6 - Campfire
Author: Inu Hanyou Nikkie
Rating: G
Genre: Angst/WAFF/Comedy/Drama/Romance/Squish
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 400 words
Summary: It's a quiet night when InuYasha opens up to Kagome about his past when the others are back in Kaede's village.
Warnings: Get your toothbrushes! Lots of cuteness and Squish coming up!
A/N: the Sabre-toothed bunnies belong entirely to Monty Python crew! Take this RT and Kkyou!!!
Heart's Fires
The slight evening chill of the night air was easily fought off by the radiating heat of the cheery campfire. Its warmth weaving into the contented bodies of one human teenaged girl with long wavy ebony hair with blue highlights and deep sapphire-blue eyes and one teenaged male Inu hanyou with a thick waterfall of silvery-white fur-like hair that swept the ground with lazy movements to his own. His golden eyes made dark and liquid in the dancing light of the fire as his silvery-furred dog ears upon his head kept vigil - tracking every single heard and unheard noise.
It had been a long time since the two of them have travelled alone without the others and they jumped at the opportunity to do so with a rumour of a shard in some woods that was making the forest-life behave in frightening ways. Like deer hunting small children, wolves that took down armed men, rabbits with sabre-teeth who ripped hunting parties and gangs of bandits apart with frightening speed.
The others stayed behind this time because Kirara was injured and Shippou had become sick from something he ate even after being told it was off. Sango refused to leave Kirara alone and Miroku refused to leave Sango's ass alone.
The silence between the two travellers was very comfortable as they took pleasure in being with the other. Hands had snuck out to shyly meet and hold the other as pink blushes dusted across noses and cheeks.
Then a new breakthrough happened..... the young male opened up again.
"It was a night like this when I was a small pup and my mother was alive that she would pull me into her lap and tell me stories of my father, the great Inu no Tashio. she would speak of him with such love in her voice I thought he was so wonderful magical, like a fairytale, Kagome." He started slowly turning to Kagome.
"InuYasha," Kagome breathed out in awe and joy of his trusting her like this.
InuYasha shuffled closer until he could gently lean sideways and lower his head into her lap looking up and continuing, "I had never believed that such a love existed like what my mother and father. I had the illusion of it with Kikyou... but now," and he reached up to cup her cheek. "Now... I found it with you. If you'll have me...."