InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ History can be repeated ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
To understand this story you must understand how i worte it, I worte it in a way were i put many time period to explain the whole story, I did it this way because i honestly think puting a person in to middle of the action grabs the reader, Another reason i did this i thought it would be more entertaining to make the reader guess who and why everyting is happening.Also i though it would be more interesting to tell a story on how things happned rather then just tell you how it happened. I hope you enjoy my story.

Chapter 1- Getting there
(present day)
Location: King Markus Castle in England

Objective: Rescue Agent # 5967: Higurashi, Kagome

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA): 5min

Mission time: 3 hours

Known Hostiles: Ukaran, Naraku

Other Hostiles: Reports of demons inside the castle

"You have your mission good luck," came a static but understandable, reply to Sesshoumaru's headset.

"Got it Miroku." Sesshoumaru replied back to base.

"What's going on?" Inuyasha asked looking over at Sesshoumaru.

"We'll be at the castle in 5 minutes." Sesshoumaru responded.

"Step on it!" Inuyasha yelled over to the driver.
"Got it chief, Sango replies.

Sesshomaru starts cocking his gun'' Inuyahsa hand me my sword'''"Inuyasha reaches over and hands it to him'''Sesshomaru who is sitting in the back seat, loads his gun and places the sword down next to him'''Inuyasha who is sitting in the front seat puts his first gun in its holster hold up the second one and loads it.'
Look ''Sango say ''' theres the castle '' Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru look up''' Inuyasha points at one of the towers''' she has to be at the top of that tower.Sesshomaru in shock replies, What do you mean''' Inuyasha points agian, there is a light on up there'''
As Sango races towards the castel a bolt of lighting streaks across the sky''''' Inuyasha looks up'' i guess it cant get any worse''''The the sky open;and rain pours down '''''Sesshomaru smaks inuyasha across his head,not hard but hard enough'''' Hanyou keep your mouth closed.''
When they reach the castle Sesshomaru and inuyasha jump out''' Sesshomaru looks at Sango'' Get a good distance away and stay there till u see my signal''' Inuyasha and Sesshomaru nod at start off to the castel''' Crack another streak of lighting this time followed by a deafing clap of thunder''''
They get inside the main doors and look around''' Bang another clap of thunder, and a streak of lighting that for a second lights the room..

Dosn't seem like theres anyone home,Inuyasha laughs,,""Wack"""
Sesshomaru smacks him again''This is not the time for jokes""

Inuyasha answers', you didnt have to hit me..
As he rubs his head they set off into the castel.
Chapter-2 How it happened
((((2Weeks Ago))))

""""Bang -Bang-Bang-Bang''''' Naraku Get back here you scum'''' Screams Inuyasha ,, Who is firing one gun while trying to reload his other one''' Im gonna kill you'' Inuyasha looks up"" Now ''he yells at Maraku and Kagome''' "Naraku looks up and see the trap, With one push of his legs leaps up were Kagome and Miaraku are''"Shocked both try to attack"" Naraku knocks maroku off the ledge'''And grabs Kagome''' Ahh you shall be a pretty trophy '''Naraku say sedisticaly''Inuyasha at this point is on the ledge with them'and both is guns aimed at narkus head'''Try it and your dead Naraku"

Inuyasha get me out of here"kagome screams""
Freeze Naraku you have no were else to go""Inuyasha says""
Narkau looks up and smiles"" No were """with that he leaps up and takes off through the glass roof of the steel factory..
As glass and wood peices fall ontop of inuyasha he can hear kagome screaming'' Save me Inuyasha...
Inuyasha jumps off the catwalk to aid maroku"' Are you ok"inuyasha says'
Im fine weres kagome""maraku says"
He's got her, and w gotta find her,Inuyasha says.

Very good hanyou..
Puzzled Inuyasha looks around, then recognizes the sent.

Sesshomaru how long have you been there'''Inuyahsa yells
"Long enough to see Naraku escape,Sesshomaru replies'
So what do we do''Inuyasha says''
Kagome has a trakeing device on her "maraku interjects''If narku dosnt find it we can trace her location..
Then what are we waiting for''Inuyasha say 'and picks up a radio'' Sango bring around the Hummer;
Roger, Sango staticly but clearly answers''be there in 2 min.

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Chapter-3 Being on the inside
(Present time)

I thought i told you to be quiet"Sesshomaru yells at Inuyasha as they run down the hall.

I stubbed my toe like i wasnt going to scream,Inuyasha says back.

Just shut up and shoot, Sesshomaru say as he pulls out his 45 colt.

Inuyasha in one felt sweep pulls out bouth his guns leaps forward twists his body around till hes facing backwards and shoots and the three demons chacing them.

Sesshomaru shoots 2 that suddenly appearded in front of them.

I guess we go that way, "Inuyasha says while getting up from the floor".

Sesshomaru says to Inuyasha , "Hold on a sec.

Sesshomaru pulls out his head set and puts it on, pushes a button and speaks into it, Miroku, is she still in the castle.

Yes and shes close it dosnt seem likre shes moving,he responds.
Shes tied up then, sesshomaru says

Maybe,Miroku answers.

Over and out," Sesshomaru takes off the headset and puts it on his belt.She's close, he says to Inuyasha.

A flash of lightning again fill the dark hallway into day for a split second..
I think i saw someone Inuyasha say and pointing down the hall.
Your seeing thinng "Sesshomaru say."

BANG,a bullet hits Inuyasha in the arm causing him to grasp his shoulder.

''Told you,inuyasha forces from his lips.

Sesshomaru who already has his gun drawn points it at the dakrk hallway,He pulls the trigger Bang-hits noting,bang-hits a suit of armor,bang hits a vase,bang-ahh. hits someone..

Sesshomaru walks over to Inuyasha and wraps his arm with cloth of his Outfit.

Gets up and walks to the end of the hall,I know i hit someone, i heard it, Sesshomaru says.

When he turns around to walk back to Inuyasha ,he suddenly is stopped, and is looking down the barrl of a gun.

Naraku will reward me handsomly for your head, "the demon henchman said.
You won't survive ,Replied inuyasha who has one of his guns drawn and it pressed againts the demons head, to get it , with that inuyasha pulls the trigger and the henchmen fell were he stood.

Lets keep moving,Sesshomaru replied.

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Chapter-4 How they became one
(3years ago)

Kagome how are we gonna stop naraku without any help, Replied Kikio .
Dont worry, We never needed help befor we dont need it now.

The door burst open,and a strang women runs in 'You gotta help me!.

Whats worng wat happened, Kikio responds.
My baby hes missing. Hes only 5 years old i dont know were he is.

Mame dotn worry well find your child,kagome say,Were just gonna ask u a couple of question.

Kiko bring out a chair for the woman.And she sits at her desk.

Now,Kagome starts, were did u see your child last?

Well 'the woman replies starts to say, I went outside to get the cloths off the cloths line and when i came back in he was gone..

Ok,Kagome say, while Kikio writes everything down.

What does your child look like, Kagome continues ith her quetioning?

Well the woman say, He has Green eyes, red hair,with a blue ribbon"then the women coughs and and says uncomfortably a blond tail.

Kagome looks at the woman, You mean a pony tail?

The woman shakes her head no. A tail tail, My son is a umm, hanyou.

Ok, repies Kikio,

His name is Shippo, the woman say, You got to find him.

Dont worry mame well get on it as soon as possible, Kikio replies.

(In Another town 2 hours later)

Inuyasha are you sure that this bomb is in this building; Seshomaru wispers

"Yes",Inuyasha say i can smell the sulfer.

Well then lets keep moving we only have 5 min left according to the bomber.

"There,Inuyasha says pointing into a room," over there", Sesshomaru run to it and opens the door..

There in the middle of the room sits the bomb, tied to the bomb is a little boy and a little girl..

O shit, sesshomaru say, This is gonna be tricky.
Inuyasha walks in, Oh no, Inuyasha say, Now what are we gonna do.

They hear footsteps and turn around. Standing in the door way was Kagome and Kikio.

"Who are you guys", Kagome says?

It dosn't matter right now we don't have time ,Inuyasha said, We gotta save these kids.

Kikio yells out, Thats Shippo"'

Kagome begint to run over.

"No", Seeshomaru says out lound,"You touch those kids or move them that bomb might go off".

Kikio looked around the room then back at the bomb, We got to get these kids away from that.

Sesshomaru walk up to the bomb, and bend down to the kids, Then looks at the timer, he then looks back at Inuyasha ,We got 3min left.

Sesshomaru then talk to the little girl, what your name sweetheart,

Holdnig back her tears she chokes out, My name is Rin sir.

Ok Rin i need you to do me a big favor,Sesshomaru said

I need you to tell be if the person who did this to you told you anything specifice.

She thought alittle bit ,then shook her head no.

He look back a the timer, 2min left

Theres no time "Kikio says"
She take a knife that was sitting on the table and cuts the rope, Take the kids and go.
"I'll disarm the bomb,"

"You can't" Kagome says.
Kikio replies we have no time im the only one in this room that knows how.

GO!!!!!!!!she screams.

Inuyasha ,Sesshomaru and Kagome run out of the building carring the kids.

When they get out side they turn around and waited and watch after 30 seconds nothing happened .

They saw a figure in the door, Kagoma yells, Kikio you did it,
They all cheered.

BANG......Kikio falls. after she fall they notice another figure in the door way..

Naraku, they all yelled except for the children, who at this time were taken away and puti in an ambulance.
As they ran towards him he took off into the building,but before they reached it the bomb exploded..

It must have been remote activated,Sesshomaru said.

"I will ge tmy reveng on him", Kagoma said", i will."
We are not letting u go at this alone Inuyasha and Sesshomaru replied your gonna need help

Were sorry about Kikio but we will avenge her.Sesshomaru said
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Chapter-5 Something familiar
(Present time)

There'' Inuyasha says as he points, He and Sesshomaru run down the hall, I heard it over there.

How many demons are in this place, Sesshomaru says as he shoots unexpected victims as they turn each corner.

I'm surprissed they don't all hear use, Inuyasha explains, Then stops suddenly in his tracks,

"Whats wrong Inuyasha", Sesshomaru curiously asks.

"That sent" Inuyasha says, Its kinda familiar.

What is it, Sesshomaru asks.

I dont know; Inuyasha replies.

Shrugging it off both men continue to procees,but Inuyasha cant get the smell off his mind, I smelt it beofre he thought, Just then Sesshomaru's gun being shot brought him back to reality.

Come on pay attention,Sesshomaru yelled.

Both men run around a corner and are stopped dead in there tracks,"O Shit" Sesshomarusays by what they saw..

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Chapter-6 History can be repeated
(1 Year ago)

All i want to know is if you want him dead or alive"Inuyasha yells into his head set".

Alive, "Mirakue's voice says. But you need to hurry up, Kagome and Sesshomarue are already there.

Got it,inuyasha says"' Sango can't this heap go any faster..

As they barrel down the road Inuyasha speaks back into the head set, "Umm," Inuyasha begins, "Mirakue,Who is the guy were trying to get.

We dont know who it is,Mirakus says,"All we know is that he already killed 5 people in the wearhouse.

"Any Idea what he looks like", Inuyasha Asks."

Witnesses say he has some type of bug tattoo on his arm and he's wearing some type of fur coat, Mirakue says half assed as he shuffles through papers.

Got it, Inuyasha says as he put away his headset.Great ,"Inuyasha say outloud and in disbelief, We gotta find a guy in a fur coat.

Sango chuckles, Don't get a fur ball.

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Chapter-7 Same time different place

Were is that damn hanyou, Sesshomaru says in anger

Miraku said hell be here any second"replies kagome

Just then then they hear a gun shots


Oh shit"Sesshomaru yells

Mairakue!, Miraku!!!! we gotta move now "Kagome yells into her head set.

Wait alittle longer, Inuyahsa will be there soon"Mirakue says.

The screech of tires grabs Sesshomarue and Kagomes attention.

Sorry I'm late "Inuyasha says and he leaps out of the car and heads towards them.

Umm Inuyasha "kagome says cutely

Yes sweetie, Inuyasha replies jokingly

Kagome with a smigg but evil look says" SIT BOY.

Wham inuyasha slams to the ground.

Why did you do that, Inuyasha say with a mouth full of dirt,,phttttttt

Can you two stop messing around," Sesshomaru says as he gives both of them a gleaming look.

We gotta move now "Kagome says as she pulls out her modified deringer.

Lets move "Sesshomaru replies."

They all start in. Kagome who is the leader on this mission is in front crouched down infront of Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru who is second in command on this mission is Standing with his Gun at his side, And Inuyasha who is third in comand on this is, Well inuyasha is inuyasha..........
What are you doing, Sesshomarau says looking over his shoulder

Sniffing the air, Replies Inuyasha.

"WACK" Sesshamaru smacks Inuyasha upside the head.

How come i feel that im going to be doing that alot,Sesshomarue says smuggly.

Ass, Inuyahsa says as he rubs his head.

As they walk throught he halls somthing quirls Kagomes attention.

I thought there'd be more people here, She says

Well, Sesshoamru begins,"They probably didnt think we'd be on the case,

CLICK.CLICK,the sound of a shotgun being cocked,BANG
A shotgun bullet strikes Sesshomaru in the leg.

MY LEG, 'Sesshomaru yells',I'm BLEEDING,as he grabs his leg and leans against the wall,kagome runs to him.

DONT MOVE, a voice says from the shadows,I got a gun locked on all your heads.

They look up and Inuyasha points, I think i see something, something blue; he says uncertian.
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Chapter-8 Thing just keep getting worse.
"Present Day"

Fifteen demons stand facing them all with guns trained on Inuyasha and Sesshomarus head.

YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME," Inuyahs says in deisbelief.

Inuyasha ears twitch, Then a demon falls.
I heard a silencer,Inuyasha says to Sesshomaru as he turns his head, There stands Sango with her gun pointed in between Inuyasha and Sesshomarus head.

I thought you might need my help , She says

Just then the demons begin shooting.

Take cover, sesshomaru says as, Inu sangi and himself run around the corner for cover.

How are we gonna get past all of them, Sango says exausted.

I dont know,"Sesshomaru says then gets an idea,He takes out his head set, Mairakue he yells, Boom, his headset explodes,due to a bullet by a demon.

Shit, just keep running.

Sango stops for a second and hands Sesshomaru his swords, You might need this.

But what good is this gonna be, Replies Sesshomaru,Wait weres Inuyasha.

Then they hear gun fire and Inuyasha runs from around the corner yelling, Keep going, run,run,run. A loud explosion then knockes them off there feet.

What the fuck was that, Sesshomaru says to Iinuyasha,
Inuyasha who is sitting indian style on the floor with and inocent smile, A grenade, He says as his ears twitch.

A grenade,Sango say.

Yup a grenade.

Were the hell did you get a grenade,Sesshomaru says angrily but pleased.

I had one.

Lets keep going, Sango says,

With that they continue running.

How much longer , Inuyasha says

1 hour left to get to her, Sesshomarue replies.
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Chapter-9 And back again.
"1 year ago"

What do you mean blue, Sesshomaru says while standing there grasping his arm.

I saw a blue face ,"Inuyasha say."

I thought I said dont move, The voice said again....bang a loud gunshot hits kagome in the leg.

She screams out in pain and falls to the floor.

Who are you"Inuyasha says angrily while pointing his gun at the dark hallways.

Slowly a figure emerges from the shadows."

You "they say in unison.

Bang, another shot , this time striking Inuyasha in the arm, he drops one of his guns,but keeps the other one steady.Inuyasha grabs his shoulder but dosnt show pain.

Inuyasha pulls the trigger missing only by inches.

Bang another shot hitting Inuyasha in the other shoulder, causeing him to drop his other gun,then drops to one knee.

Narakue slowly walks out of the shadows.

Well, well, well. He says smuggley and sinisterly. We meet again,What are the odd, as his baboon pelt which he is wearing dragges across the floor while approching Kagome first. He slowly leans down.
Didn't I kill your partner, He says with a chuckle, He gets up and walks to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.And you two, didnt you two ruind my plans before, A bomb I recall. I guess your all partners now,Hmm, He says with a gleam in his eye.Then looked over at kagome as he lifted the gun to Sesshomarues head.How would you like to see another one of your partners die.

NO!!!! Inuyasha screamed, As he kicked Naraku in the leg causing him to drop his gun and stumble back.

Inuyasha kicks the gun across the room before getting up. While he stand he kicks Narakue in the stomack causing him to take a couple of steps back.Inuyasha looks over his shoulder, Run, he yells at Ssesshomaru and Kagome, Get out of here now.

No,were not leaving you Sesshomaru says,.

Your no help to me get out of here, Inuyasha says,A bullet wizes by grazing Kkagomes cheek. Get out of here before she gets hurt, You have a better chance at protecting her.

Inuyasha turns his head back around noticing one of his guns on the floor, He bends down and picks it up and with all his strength lifts it and shoots at Naraku, hitting him in the shoulder,Naraku isnt even stunned.
Sesshomaru and Kagome run out of the room, Now Inuyasha and Narkau are alone.

Narakue charges and shoulder tackles Inuyahsa causing him to sail acrose the room against a window to an office. Inuyasha slowly gets up, As he looks up, Narkue is already charging, Naraku sticks out his arm and grabs inuyasha around the neck, He then lifts up Inuyasha with one hand and throws him through the window, Inuyasha sails into the office and crashed through the desk.

Inuyasha who's face is covered in blood slowly gets up, With all his might he looks at narakue and says, You know its funny, me and you alone," he says to Narakue who has climed through the window.Narakue grabs inuyasha again and lifts him up. Inuyasha chokes out, "you thought i didnt have a back up plan",with that inuyasha lifts up a granade.
Naraku laughs, That can't hurt me.

(ballad of fallen angels plays)Inuyasha pulls the pin, And faster then a heart beat Inuyasha kicks Narakue in the stomach causing him to drop Inuyasha. Inuyasha runs towards the window leading to the out side and he leaps through, glass breaks and Inuyasha falls out of the 5 story building. Half way down the grenade explodes.

Inuyasha wakes 2 days later, Were am i, he mubbles.

Kagome who is leaning over him, your ok your in the hospital take it easy,

You jerk, you scared us half to death what were you thinking.

Inuyasha smiles and notices Sesshomaru in the corner with a grin, Sesshomaru looks up and give Inuyasha a thumbs up and walks out of the room, with his arm around Kagome.

What happened to naraku did i get him,

Well "Kagome starts to say as she looks over her shoulder, they didnt find a body only the pelt.

Inuyasha smiled and went to sleep.

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Chapter-10 History repeats itself
(present day)

Inuyasha,Sesshomaru and Sango get to the end of the hall

"This must be the room kagoms in", Sango replies.

Inuyasha gets on one side of the door Sango on the other and Sesshomaru right in front of it.

On three, Sesshomaru says, Im gonna kick the door in and we charge.

One .......two.......Bang and bullet shoots through the door and hits Sesshomaru in the arm, They hear laughter.

I know your there, Narakue says out loud and laughing.

Inuyasha without hesitation breaks down the door and takes aim on Naraku and opens fire.

Naraku returns fire hitting Inuyasha in the arm, but Inuyasha dosn't let it faze him, he runs over to Kagome who is tied up bleeding and beaten, He grabs her and runs out of the room shooting behind him, he hands her to Sango and tell her to get her out of here and to call for backup to suraound this place.Sesshomarue who is standing at this time with his gun drawn, Inuyasha helps him up and both stand in the center of the room pointing the guns at Narakue.
Narakue stand with his gun drawn. Now he says you think you two can kill me. Naraku shots ands misses Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fire , barily hitting Naraku.

Narakue disaperes into the shadows.

Inuyasha and sesshomaru look at each other, i think we need to take cover.

Bang.. a bullet nockes one of Inuyashas guns out of his hands.

Inuyasha jumps to take cover and Sesshomaru stands not moving, Be a man face me 1 on 1....bang stiking Sesshomaru in the chest,Sesshomaru falls.

Inuyasha yells out, Asshole, A bullet wizzes by his head, Inuyashas arm comes up before his head, Inuyasha opens fire not knowing were Naraku is, Bang bang bang bang bang bang, Only 2 hit Naraku, at the same time Naraku opens fire on Inuyasha, At this point both men charge each other while shooting there gun, They get to each other , In a single breath and to fast for me to type, both men end up looking down the barrel of a gun, Inuyasha has his gun pressed onto Narakus head and Narakus gun is pressed on Inuyashas head.

You prepaired to die Naraku says.

Inuyasha laughes, No but are you.
Inuyasha an naraku pull there triggers

Inuyasha looks down at Sesshomaru , who is looing back up at Inuyasha, he winks ,Sesshomaru lifts his gun and shoot Naraku in the leg.

Naraku stumbles back, Inuyasha picks up Sesshomaru and runs at the window, He jumps out, but before he leaves the room, Inuyasha pulls a pin on a grenade and drops it in the room. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fall 10 stories, The back up who is already there has a air bag inflated on the ground , Inuyasha and Ssesshomaru land on it but 5 sec before they did the gredande exploded. They land.

As they lay there laughing and in disbelife ,Inuyasha and Sesshomaru look at each other, then look up at the tower which is now in flames.
I guess it stopped raining, Inuyasha says laughing.

Just then they notice something somthing falling.

Its his pelt, Just then the entire tower collapses.

Sango who is with Kagoma on there way to the hospital, radios into Inuyasha, Is everything ok.

Everything is fine, he replies.How Kagome

Sango answers happily, She fine.

I want to thank you for reading my storie, I know it might have been alittle confusing, but again i thank you for reading.

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