InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Home at Last ❯ Home at Last ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no $ from this story.
Home at Last
This graduation is taking forever. I shifted in my seat, and tried to keep myself composed as I watched my class mates go up and receive their High School diplomas. Everyone kept pestering me today, asking where I am going to University. I just told them it was somewhere far away, and they would all make round eyes at me and whisper behind my back. Ayumi, Yuka and Eri are suspicious though.
 All through High School, my friends kept setting me up on dates. But these boys of my time bore me so. I kept looking for golden eyes, long silver hair, fangs and claws…Finally they gave up.
 “Higurashi, Kagome….”
 “Psst, Kagome that's you - it's your turn!”
 Oh kami, I was daydreaming again! I gave Yuka a smile of gratitude - thank goodness her last name begins with I! Standing up, I make my way past my seated classmates to the aisle. Glancing I see my Mom, Souta and Jii-chan in the audience, big smiles on their faces and try not to blush. Okay, step up on the dais, smile at the principal and take my diploma - I'm done!
 Heart hammering, I go back to my seat. I really am not interested in the parties after the ceremony, but this may be the last time I see my friends, and they don't know it….
 When I get home later, I see my mother under Goshinboku. Oh kami, was she waiting for me? There is nothing I can hide from her it seems, by the look on her face at once solemn and proud I think she knows what I am planning.
 “So, are you leaving?” Mama says to me.
 “Mama…I hope you understand,” I say to her softly as she follows me to the well house. “I have to try and go back. The man I love is there, and I always envisioned my future with him.”
 “I always thought you would follow your heart,” Mama replies as we walk down the steps. “InuYasha brought you back to us so generously. But I understand why you must leave.”
 I take my mother in a quick hug, and try not to cry. My heart yearns for InuYasha so badly, I am trembling. I grab my backpack, and look at the well.
 “InuYasha….” I say, his name catching in my throat, and fall down the well.
 It's finally happening! I have no doubts he will be there, as I fly through the blue light that takes me back in time. Solid ground hits my feet, and I stand up looking into sunlight streaming down on me from above. Holding my breath I wait only a few minutes - yet they feel like an eternity. Then those hands I know so well, strong calloused and clawed are reaching down for me. I grab them quickly and am pulled up and out. Balancing my hand on his chest, I look into my InuYashas face, smiling and full of love! My heart is going to burst I am so happy!
 InuYasha pulls me into a tight embrace, and I hardly hear his voice as I take in his warmth, his scent, his strength. This is where I am meant to be….
 `I'm home InuYasha,' I think. `My destiny always lay where you are my beloved…”
And I feel by the way he holds me, InuYasha understands….