InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 4: Apologize Asshole ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks to Inu_inu_luvluv for commenting. I'm glad you like it!
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Chapter 4: Apologize Asshole
InuYasha walked up to the princess's room. He noticed Miroku sitting outside the door. “Oi, monk what are you doing here?” InuYasha was getting annoyed with the monk staying so close to Kagome. It just plain irked him.
“Waiting for your explanation. What the hell did you say to her yesterday that upset her so much?” InuYasha looked down at his bare feet, ashamed. He felt bad for what he said to the girl. He didn't even know her and he acted like a complete ass. And he had gotten his just desserts from his father.
“I told her that she was nothing but a cheap copy of Kikyo,” he whispered. Just saying her name brought pain to his heart.
“INUYASHA!” He brought down his ears at Miroku's response. “How could you? You never ever compare two women especially since you barely know one of them!” Miroku moved from his relaxed position to standing up. “I suggest friend, that you go apologize,” the monk replied.
“I'm sorry! What did you expect me to do? I mean my dad is forcing us to marry each other. I just got so angry… How bad is it?” InuYasha asked.
“You really want to know?” InuYasha nodded. “It's really bad man. She was up all night crying. She even went to the lengths of putting up a barrier. It was the strongest I have ever felt. I doubt she let anyone inside.”
“Is she still inside?” InuYasha wasn't able to smell her. That unnerved him.
Miroku shook his head. “I don't think so. I saw someone leave and head over to the cherry blossom garden. Her barrier is making it difficult to pinpoint her though. Why don't you go check it out, and if it's her, please be polite. Try to look at things through her point of view. She was kidnapped and now is being forced to marry a complete stranger. She is in unknown territory with no one to talk to.”
InuYasha left Miroku and headed for the cherry blossom garden. “Stupid wench,” he murmured. “Why does she have to be so damn sensitive? Isn't she even scared of marrying, let alone being promised to a hanyou?” InuYasha grumbled to himself as he continued, jumping from tree to tree, searching for the troublesome woman that made his heart beat again.
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Kagome felt like she was being suffocated in that room. The yellow walls no longer excited her. She needed to get out. The miko had wandered the grounds for awhile. She was dressed in a light blue kimono that had be left in her room when she got back from the meeting. Her hair was up in a messy pony tail, stray strands framing her face and her eyes were puffy and red. She knew that it didn't make sense to cry like she had, but she couldn't help it. She walked with a barrier up until she reached the center of the cherry blossom woods. Kagome felt so peaceful, she couldn't help but just stay in the woods, surrounded by pink petals falling gracefully to the ground.
She sat on a root protruding from the ground and relaxed, her aura fluctuating as she breathed. Meditating always calmed her down, it made her feel serene. She sat there for what seemed like ages, calming the storm that clashed inside of her, never had she been so conflicted. Kagome's brow furrowed when she felt something on her lap.
She opened her eyes and looked down.
“Kirara?” she asked? Kagome could have sworn it was her friend, but, this demon was black with a brilliant blue eye and a mesmerizing green eye. She had purple stripes on her tails and paws the same color. There was a white crescent mark on her forehead too. The cat demon mewed and looked up at Kagome. “You're not Kirara, so what is your name?” The two-tailed cat demon tilted her head to the side. “Shall I call you Ai?” Nothing. “Mizuki?” No reaction. “How about I call you Yuki?” The demon jumped off of Kagome's lap. Moments later purple fire engulfed her as she transformed, leaving a large feline with exposed fangs and purple flames dancing around her feet. The feline growled and swooshed her tails. Kagome got up from the root she was sitting on and walked over to the demon, her hand stretched forward. She reached out with her aura as well. “I know what I will call you… Sayuri.” A voice suddenly spoke in Kagome's mind. I am yours Protector. I was given to you by the gods to guide you. I accept Sayuri as my name. Sayuri nudged Kagome's hand and purred.
Sayuri lay down in the middle of the forest, wrapping around Kagome as she rested her head on the demon's stomach. There was a silence as Kagome thought about what the Emperor had in plan for her. Could she do it? Would she do it? Protector? What troubles you? I can feel it in your heart.
“I have been betrothed Sayuri. I don't know if I can marry him,” Kagome answered. “It's not that he is a bad person, even though he is a jerk. I get the feeling that he sees the woman I was in a past life instead of the woman I am now, which is fine when it comes to love, but if I were to marry him, I would like him to see me as I am now, not how I was 500 years ago so that way, at least we could be friends. Does that make sense?” Kagome sat up and looked at her new friend. Protector, who you were in a past life can not be helped now; but your job is to do what you think is right for your race, the human race, and if that means ending the war by any means possible, then that is what you must do. Humans are loosing hope and you will restore it to them. It is the duty bestowed on you by kami. How you do it though, is up to you.
“I guess you're right Sayuri,” Kagome replied. Kagome was so tired, and Sayuri's fur was thick and warm. She lay back down on the cat demon's stomach, her eyes drooping. The miko sensed someone coming, but she didn't care. Her eyes closed as cherry blossoms fell around her.
A demon landed close to her from the trees. Kagome felt Sayuri growl and begin to tense. “Silence Sayuri. It's alright, it's just my betrothed,” Kagome whispered into the cat's fur.
“HEY WENCH!” InuYasha shouted in her ear. Kagome sat up and slapped InuYasha across the face.
“What do you want you big jerk?” Kagome asked, obviously peeved. She really did not want to talk to the hanyou standing in front of her. His arrogance and bad attitude really pissed her off. She was so angry her aura started to lash out towards the hanyou. Sayuri, sensing her master's anger, stood up and flared her fur, determined to protect her master. Sayuri growled and released a roar.
“Why the hell are you so pissed off at me?” InuYasha yelled as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards the large cat demon standing between him and the miko-princess.
“Oh gee I don't know maybe it's because you find me repulsive and disgusting and a Kikyo copy when you know absolutely nothing about me or the difficulties I've been put through since birth!” Kagome yelled, her priestess powers flaring around her and mixing with her aura. The immense spiritual energy and Kagome's aura being so strong and encroaching on InuYasha, his aura answered the challenge. Soon, InuYasha's red demonic aura and Kagome's pink miko aura blended together, swirling around each other, creating blasts of blues and greens, mesmerizing the two beings as they watched.
“It is proof,” said a woman as she stepped out of the shadows, “That you two are meant for one another. The human Protector and the one, who is neither human nor demon, preordained by the kami themselves.”
“Mother, what are you doing here?” InuYasha asked.
The Empress smiled towards her son. “I'm borrowing your mate-to-be for the day. Judging by the rumors going around the castle and how she looks at the moment,” she frowned slightly as she looked over Kagome's disheveled appearance, “she could use a picker upper.” The Empress tuned and started walking out of the cherry blossom woods. “Aren't you coming Kagome?” The Lady asked playfully.
Kagome drew back her aura from InuYasha's, sticking her tongue out at the same time. Sayuri transformed back into the small two tailed cat and scampered into Kagome's arms. InuYasha was left there, dumbfounded and angry at the little girl who dared stand up to the crown prince. (AN: Oh snap. Lol, man I enjoy this chapter. Unfortunately my internet connection is being a bitch right now.)
“Um, my Lady, where are you taking me?” Kagome asked the Empress as the two women sat in a black car with Rin and Sayuri on the girl's lap.
“Please,” the other woman said, “there is no need for formal titles Kagome. How would you feel if I called you Protector all the time?” the Empress asked lightly.
“People in my nation address me by that name all the time, except for my mother and personal guard, and I would not like it even though I may be used to it. If I can not call you my Lady, then what should I call you?” the miko-princess asked.
“Izayoi (I hope I spelled that right). And, to answer your earlier question, I'm taking you to town for some girl time and to buy some clothes,” Izayoi answered. “You need clothes if you are going to stay here Kagome and I won't take no as an answer, so no buts. In a few days we will be introducing you and InuYasha to the demon court, and there will be a ball. So, you need a dress. Plus, I want to spoil my soon-to-be daughter,” Izayoi said smiling.
“Introducing me to the court? I don't know if I'm up to that,” Kagome replied, semi scared of the idea that she will be trapped in a room with high class demons who's friends she probably killed in the past couple years.
“Don't worry dear,” Izayoi said as the car stopped. “You are under the protection of the Emperor, and no o ne will challenge that. Now, lets go, I want to put Rin to good use,” she said laughing with the little girl named Rin. The women and child got out of the black car and walked into the dress shop it stopped in front of.
“Welcome! Ah my Lady, how may I help you today?” asked a short but lean snake demon behind the counter.
“Hello, I have a request. I need a dress for the ball that the Emperor and I are throwing in three days for my future daughter-in-law,” said the Empress formally.
“Of course my lady, please follow me to the back where the dressing rooms are.” The group followed with the snake demon leading them to the back of the store.
Kagome returned to the castle with bags overflowing in her arms. Rin was in front of her carrying even more bags and the Empress in front of her. “Now, since you accepted to mate my son, a future princess of this house will not sleep in a room with a mat for a bed. I honestly have no idea what InuYasha was thinking putting you in there, sheesh. You'd think that he'd have better manners than that when it came to treating a lady with respect but apparently not oh well. Here is your actual room Kagome. It's apart of the royal suite and is closer to InuYasha's room so that you can grow comfortable with each other and get to know one another. Your things have been moved into this room,” Izayoi explained. As soon as the women reached the room another servant came to retrieve Izayoi for planning the ball. “Enjoy the room Kagome, and know that I am eternally grateful for your courage to end this ridiculous war the way you are,” she said before walking off with the servant following behind her.
“Excuse me, Lady Kagome, where do you want these bags?” asked Rin as she walked into the room. Kagome followed the little girl. The room was much larger and more elaborately decorated than her previous room. The walls were a beautiful pale blue with a mural of a dragon encircling a cherry blossom tree in ink. The bed was towards the back of the room in an alcove to allow some privacy. An oak chest sat at the foot of the bed and across from that stood an oak closet. There were three sets of sliding doors, one where Kagome was standing, another next to the closet, and another across from that one and a regular oak door in between the bed and the closet. The floors where a beautiful bamboo and were polished. The bed had both silk and wool sheets and blankets for the changes in temperature. The lighting of the room was also very bright.
“Over by the bed I guess. Thank you Rin.” Kagome said as she walked further into the room.
“It's not a problem Lady Kagome. Do you need help putting away the clothes?” asked the little girl innocently.
“No thanks. I'll do that later. You can go play or something,” Kagome answered as she opened the set of sliding doors next to the closet. They led to the cherry blossom forest. Wow, Kagome thought.
“Okie dokie then,” Rin said in a sing song voice, skipping out of the miko's room. “Bye Lady Kagome!” Kagome smiled and waved as the girl left her room, closing the doors behind her. She wandered around the room, exploring everything. The closet was walk in with a full length mirror on the left side in between the shoes and the jewelry. There was a beautiful oak dresser with a small mirror at the back of the closet. On the other side were places for clothes, her sword, bow and arrows leaned up against the wall in between the dresser and the clothes section. Her kimonos and warrior outfit were on hangers already.
“Wow, this is too generous…” Kagome said as she gathered her shopping bags and placed her clothes away. “I'm still in the same kimono I slept in. Gross.” She walked across the large room and opened the other sliding doors. They led to a sitting area with two large couches for lounging and a fire place that looked clean but unused for some time. “This must be another part of the royal suite,” she declared, determined to find the baths. Kagome walked into the lounging area, lost.
“I see my mother released you from her grasp Protector,” said a gruff voice, muted from behind the arm of one of the sofas. Kagome eeped from surprise.
“I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here,” Kagome replied.
InuYasha huffed at the comment. “Some miko you are, you can't even sense someone.” He sat up from the couch, placing the book on the arm beside his head. His golden eyes glared into the young princess backing towards the door.
“You're such a jerk my Lord,” Kagome said sarcastically as she bowed and walked out of the lounge area slamming the sliding doors behind her. He is so rude. She walked towards her bed and opened the oak door. “Finally,” she said as she walked into the granite bathroom. She stripped quickly as the porcelain tub filled with steaming water. Kagome slid into the tub when it was full, lavishing the feeling of getting days old dirt and grime off of her body. The bubbles foamed around her face as she sunk deeper into the water, her hair swirling around in the water. This feels so great, the peace and quiet, I could stay here all day…
Suddenly the door opened. “What the hell is your problem wench!” InuYasha yelled as he walked into the room. His eyes widened at the image of Kagome obviously naked in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles. She let out a scream, quickly covering herself with massive amounts of bubbles.
“YOU PERVERT! GET OUT! OUT OUT OUT!! NOW!!” Kagome yelled; lashing out with anything she could get her hands on, even her spiritual powers.
But, the hanyou prince stood his ground, dodging the now air born objects. “No, not until you tell me what your problem is!” he yelled back as he stepped closer to the tub. When he reached the tub he roughly grabbed the girl's wrists in his hands to stop her throwing. The two glared at each other, amber versus crystal blue with a hint of gray.
“Fine!” said Kagome yanking her hands from InuYasha's grip. “But can I at least put some clothes on first?” InuYasha gulped at the suggestion.
“Fine,” he said gruffly as he left. Kagome sensed that he had returned to his couch by the fire place.
“Good. What a pervert,” she said as she washed her hair quickly and got out of the tub, wrapping a pink, fluffy towel around her before draining the bathtub. The miko dried herself off, also wringing her hair out in the towel before returning to her gigantic walk in closet searching for the basics; jeans and a thin, white, long-sleeved shirt. She slipped those on and moved her wildly curling hair to her right shoulder.
“You want to know why I have a problem?” she asked sternly as she opened the doors to where he sat. “You know nothing about me and yet you still think you have the right to treat me like dirt!” she yelled at him.
“I treat you like dirt? You treat me just as bad with your stiff attitude!” he yelled back, getting into her face.
“That's only because of your sour attitude! Why should I treat someone with a happy smile and kindness if they won't give me the same thing?” Kagome yelled back stepping closer so that their noses were barely touching. “You're a big, fat, gigantic asshole and it's starting to get on my nerves,” she said.
“What is all this yelling about?” asked Miroku as he walked in, picking up InuYasha's book, inspecting the cover.
InuYasha turned away from Kagome, walking briskly towards Miroku. He snatched the book from the monk's hands. “What the hell are you doing here monk?”
Miroku looked taken aback. “Why my dearest friend, I was simply taking a stroll through the woods when I heard this ranting about being a pervert and getting out, so naturally, considering we have a new delicate flower among us- by the way my Lady Kagome, you look radiant this morning- I decided to check it out,” Miroku explained, reaching for Kagome and grasping her hand.
“Thank you Miroku,” Kagome said, “Why can't you be more like him InuYasha? He's polite and courteous.”
“The monk courteous? Please! He is the most pervert man I know and any flattery he uses is to persuade you to sleep with him,” InuYasha huffed, barely audible.
“My, what kind words from a beautiful woman. Would you mind bearing my children?” asked the monk as his right hand moved towards Kagome's backside. It made contact, groping her butt. Miroku had a lecherous grin on his face…
SLAP! A body flew out the screen doors and landed in the coy pond unconscious, debris falling around him. “Pervert,” mumbled a miko-princess, stretching out her slapping arm. InuYasha was hiding behind the sofa, his face only visible above the nose. His amber eyes were wide in shock… and a little bit of fear. “InuYasha? Why are you hiding behind the couch?” asked Kagome.
“You… you are not human,” he said, pointing a clawed finger at her. “There is no way a human could do that.”
“You're right…” whispered Kagome as she looked down, hiding her blue pools from him. “I'm not human, not a normal human anyways. And I will never be a normal girl with normal friends and family. I guess that is the price of being a miko-princess and a prophesized savior of a race.”
InuYasha was surprised of the feelings of remorse and sadness for the girl that erupted in his heart. The raw, emotional need to protect the woman standing in front of him filled his body. Kagome then looked up, a bright smile plastered on her face. “But it's ok. My superhuman strength comes in handy, especially when a perverted monk decides to grope me,” she said, slightly raising her voice so the reviving Miroku could hear her. There was a grumble and another splash outside.
There was an awkward silence between the two teenagers as they looked anywhere but at each other. “Look,” began Kagome, “I'm sorry that I yelled at you before. I guess I'm not used to people treating me like, well, like Kagome instead of a princess or the Protector.” She placed her finger on her lower lip as she thought of what else to say.
InuYasha just huffed. “Yeah whatever,” he said while leaving. Jerk. Sayuri rubbed against Kagome's leg and mewed.