InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 6: Assumptions Can Easily get You Killed ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OMG! It's been so long! I totally and completely need to apologize taking so long. I have been so busy lately with AP exams, ACT testing, finals, Prom- which was a total blast- and taking care of my mother.
Anyway, thanks to Inu_Yokai for the complement. It really made my day as did your last one. I was thinking about that during the week praying to god that people who read this would be able to understand that this does in fact take place in a combination of both InuYasha and Kagome's world. They have modern items like clothing and buildings and what not, but the old customs are still used. Also, thanks to Azn_Tofu for the encouragement. I appreciate it so much. So, with that one cleared up, let's bring the whole gang together.
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Chapter 6: Assumptions Can Easily Get You Killed
Kagome snuggled into the pillow as the light hit her right in the face. The sun was just beginning to rise. It was strange. Normally Kagome would be up by now training before her next mission. But now she didn't want to get out of bed, the sense of security it gave her was so addicting that she just couldn't fight the desire to stay in bed just a little longer.
She felt something shift next to her, causing Kagome to open her eyes slightly, glaring at the disturbance. Silver. Silver. Red. Puppy dog ears. “What the hell…” murmured Kagome, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Again the bed shifted. Kagome's sapphire eyes widened when she realized who exactly she was lying next to. Quickly, but to make sure he didn't wake up, Kagome got out of bed and stood there, staring at the monster that caused this, that cause all of this to pass; the prophecy that she had to fulfill, the war, the death of her entire family save for herself and her mother. All of it was his doing, and yet, Kagome felt safe with him to the point where she could sleep soundly without even her usual nightmares. Why? She did not know. But, Kagome was panicking. She couldn't remember last night very well, at least she could remember walking into the banquet hall, and one of the demon lords questioning InuYasha and her choice to become mates. After that though, was questionable. She remembered pain, and heartache, and the feeling of being suffocated. But everything was hazy.
Kagome looked down to the floor, unable to stare at the hanyou that caused her so much pain. She noticed that her shirt was not her shirt. “He must have made me change into this…” whispered Kagome as she walked backwards, her hand searching for a door. InuYasha scared her. She knew that she loved him, even if it was just Kikyou's soul saying so. But she despised him too, for obvious reasons.
Her hand hit a screen door. Kagome noticed InuYasha's ears twitch at the sound before she slipped out into what she hoped was the hallway to her room. Wrong. She was in the gardens now. Deciding she was too tired to care, Kagome walked around, even if she was just wearing a shirt. She wandered for a few minutes before stopping in front of a massive scene of destruction. Kagome sensed her miko powers, “I must have lost control last night.”
“It was terrifying to be honest. I have never seen a miko lose control like that,” said InuYasha behind her. “The only thing I can compare it to is me losing my senses to the beast inside me.” Kagome didn't move.
“Obviously I need to work on being less noticeable when sneaking out,” replied Kagome coolly. She was still tired and pissed. The fact that her miko powers took over her self control last night scared Kagome. She couldn't remember ever losing control like that.
“Oh please wench, my senses are too powerful for you to be successful at sneaking in the first place, besides I-” InuYasha perked his ears and looked towards the gates to the city.
“So you sense it too do you dog boy?” said Kagome as she faced the direction the spiritual pressure was coming from. “I recognize them. Excuse me.” Kagome ran off towards her room. They were here to get her back, to fight the entire demon race if that's what it took. The only thing is, they didn't know the war was over.
… … …
InuYasha was standing next to the officers that guarded the gates. The spiritual pressure that he felt coming this way was nowhere close to what he felt when he was around Kagome, but he could still tell that there were a lot of powerful humans making their way to where he was, probably trying to get their princess back. Hm. Let them try, she is mine to protect and I'll be damned if any of them tries to take my Kagome away from me.
“My Lord? What do you want us to do?” asked one of the lizard demons that was guarding the gates.
“Don't attack until I tell you to, even if they attempt to attack me. I don't want this to go into a full blown battle unless it is absolutely necessary do you understand me?” ordered InuYasha. The lizard bowed in response.
“My Lord! They have come in range!” yelled an ox demon.
“Don't attack!” yelled InuYasha. He could see them now. A giant mass of mikos, monks and
demon slayers were heading towards him and his home. His beast snarled at the threat. He ears flicked when he heard whispering behind him. InuYasha turned around and snarled at everyone, ordering them to be quiet. What his eyes saw made him go quiet.
Kagome was walking towards him. “They are still awhile away, but I have no intentions of letting them get close enough to attack with their arrows and sutras,” Kagome explained. She was clad in her slayers outfit and ready to strike, save for the fact that she was weaponless.
“What the hell are you doing wench?” InuYasha growled dragging Kagome down and away from the gates.
“Don't growl at me dog boy,” snapped Kagome. InuYasha's beast roared at the challenge. He grabbed Kagome's wrists and forced her against the wall.
Submit!” growled InuYasha. Kagome squirmed but displayed her neck nonetheless. InuYasha nuzzled the crook of her neck and licked it before forcing his fangs into her, breaking the skin. Kagome gasped, but didn't fight it. The slight sense of arousal hit InuYasha's nose, making his beast purr in content.
He sucked and licked the mark he made before returning to look at Kagome, her eyes widened with shock. “What the hell are you planning on doing Kagome?” asked InuYasha. She was looking at the armory.
“I need a weapon. I'm going to challenge my personal guards. Spiritual powers can't be used against me so the mikos and monks won't be able to fight using their full potential, physical fighting isn't their strong point. Unlike you, I don't have anything to worry about except for the demon slayers, but I've beaten all of them more than once so they won't be a real issue. I just need a weapon, like I said before.” Kagome explained before shrugging InuYasha off of her and walking into the armory.
InuYasha stood outside waiting while Kagome picked a weapon. Stupid wench. She is too damn stubborn for her own good. InuYasha's nose twitched as he caught the sweet scent of Kagome. He looked up to see Kagome standing next to him.
“Don't worry dog boy,” assured Kagome, smiling- InuYasha's ears dropped at the nickname- “I'll come back, and these trusty weapons here will keep me safe, along with Sayuri.” With that, Kagome walked towards the gates as they opened, leading her to her confrontation.
… … …
Sango walked closer to the fortress that was the capital city of the demon empire; that was where Kagome would be. She was willing to slay every demon in that citadel in order to keep Kagome safe. Kirara was beside her, whimpering and growling at the same time. Sango brushed her hand over the cat demon's head to sooth her, focusing on the large, black diamond crescent. She and her army walked until they were just out of range when Sango noticed the gigantic, oak doors open slowly.
Out walked a warrior clad in a white and red slayer's outfit with hair darker than midnight and tied into a tight pony tail. She carried a bow and arrows on her back and in her right hand was a large scythe that towered over her, most likely weighing well over 100 pounds. The blade was crisp, catching the light ever so often. The handle carried bells at the top and a design of a metal dragon winding its way down.
“Kagome!” screamed Sango in happiness.
“Sango,” stated Kagome coolly, “I cannot and will not allow you and your troops to move any closer.”
Sango gasped. “But, why? They are the enemies!”
“They are my people Sango. I must protect them in order to keep the peace that I so strive for.”
By now Sango was crying in anger. “That is not true! They have brainwashed you! I will not allow this!” she yelled before charging towards Kagome, the others following. Kagome narrowed her eyes before preparing to strike. She lifted the scythe and swung to the side, creating a large force of wind that knocked the soldiers to the ground unconscious except for Sango, whom had jumped on Kirara and dodged the attack.
Kirara charged at Kagome at the command of her master. However, Kagome was unfazed and completely fearless. The intense determination in her sapphire-blue eyes was chilling and uncomfortable to Sango. But still, she had to get Kagome's free will back. Suddenly Sango was jolted off of Kirara and the two were sent spiraling in the air before landing on their feet. “What the hell was that!” yelled Sango.
A neiko demon landed in front of Kagome, small and adorable. It was completely black with purple markings. Its eyes were two different colors-one blue and the other green. Protector. Shall I take on the neiko for you?
“Sayuri. No; she is a good friend of mine and of yours,” ordered Kagome. Waves of purple fired engulfed the little cat and dissipated just as quickly, revealing a larger and fiercer cat demon with large fangs protruding from the mouth. Her tails swished while two balls of purple fire followed. Sayuri growled at the offenders, shielding her mistress.
Kirara roared in response once Sango hopped onto her back again, Kagome mimicking her friend and makeshift sister. Sango prepared her hiraikotsu, Kagome prepared her scythe once again. The two clashed at each other, both gaining blows. Sango tried to disarm Kagome so that she would be forced into hand combat, but it just wasn't working. Kagome would put up a barrier each time the hiraikotsu came close.
Then, the dull side of the scythe the priestess was using collided with Sango's hand, causing her to drop her weapon. “Give up Sango. I've disarmed you,” ordered Kagome.
“I won't do it!” yelled Sango before she lunged towards Kagome, knocking her off of her cat demon. The girls free fell until they both crashed into the ground, creating a crater. At the sight of his mate-to-be falling to her death, InuYasha raced forward. What he found was the two fighters going at it in hand-to-hand combat inside a barrier. Kagome had the upper hand.
She right hooked Sango in the jaw, sending her to the ground. Kagome stood above her; panting, bruising, and bleeding from the mouth. “Let me explain Sango. Send your guards and followers back before they get charged with treason, please,” pleaded Kagome, offering Sango her hand. Sango swatted it away, glaring at her Princess.
“I don't have a choice, do I my Lady,” Sango sneered.
InuYasha growled, wrapping his arm around Kagome's waist. “Treat your alpha with respect girl, or fear her mate's wrath,” InuYasha threatened, his eyes flashing. Kagome leaned into her mate, exhausted from the early morning brawl.
“Fine. If you want to play the master game Sango, then I will too. Get your ass up and follow me or else,” glared Kagome, her eyes flashing pink and her body glowing. Sango kneeled in front of her leader before getting up and following the hanyou and the miko back to the citadel and in to the heart of the enemy lines.
Inside, the masses of demon civilians and soldiers applauded and cheered for their new princess. “Wench, are you alright?” asked InuYasha harshly. He cared for his miko, but he'd never let the wench know it.
Kagome could sense the worry behind InuYasha's tough guy façade, but decided to keep up appearances. “I'm still tired from last night dog boy, I'll be fine,” replied Kagome, dragging her feet a little. “Shippou,” called Kagome. The little fox demon scampered up to Kagome and bowed.
“Yes Lady Kagome,” he replied formally.
“Bring my friends Sango and Kirara to my chambers. I'll be there in a few to talk to them,” ordered Kagome. Shippou nodded and took the demon slayer and the neiko demon towards the royal suites. Kagome walked towards the market with InuYasha.
“What are you doing?” asked InuYasha.
“Walking around,” answered Kagome as she observed the different stores and the items they had to offer through the windows.
“Wench, why the hell are you walking around when the damn woman who tried to kill you is sitting in your room? Shouldn't you kill her for attacking you?” asked InuYasha, confused by Kagome's actions. Kagome only smiled.
“Sango and I have a history that I am not willing to over look just because she got pissy at me.”
“And why is that?”
“She is the sister I never got to meet and I'm the sister she never had,” said Kagome, picking up silks with exotic patterns on them.
“I'm confused,” stated InuYasha, folding his arms across his chest and pouted.
Kagome laughed at InuYasha's face. “I know. Let me explain. A long time ago when I was a little girl and my father was still alive, my mother was pregnant with a little girl. My brother and I were so excited. I remember the celebrations; the city was filled with dancers and musicians, magicians were performing magic tricks and the story tellers told the children tales of nightmares and the great priestess Midoriko defeating these nightmares and creating a jewel of power and destruction. I was able to put up a barrier in order to protect us so the day couldn't be tainted by deaths in the battles.”
“Sango and I grew up together. She is the daughter of one of the strongest demon slayers we had ever known and she was following in her father's footsteps. She is my personal guard and best friend. Her father is the man who taught me how to fight without my miko powers and also guarded my father.”
“Later that month a massive demon army came to attack the city head on,” said Kagome, remembering the day as clear as rain.
“I remember that day,” interjected InuYasha as he walked over to a stand with Kagome. “I… I was leading that charge.”
“I know. I could sense something outside the barrier, something that I felt drawn to. Anyway, my father and Sango's father lead the defense as we watched from the wall. My mother was in bed because she wasn't feeling well. They fought valiantly, slaying demons and protecting us. But then my father was slain, and Sango's soon after. It took everything the wall guards had to keep Sango, my brother and myself from jumping off the wall and running to my father's aid.”
“After the battle we three rode out to the battlefield where the other soldiers who had survived were clearing the dead and injured. They brought my father through the gates first, his body being carried on a board with a white sheet on top of him and Sango's followed. I remember the people crying and screaming, and my mother hadn't even heard the news yet. My brother and I were collapsed on the ground crying and hugging each other. I can recall a sharp pain next and then blackness. When I came to, I was still in the battlefield and Sango was carrying me away from the mass of people where my brother and I just were. My brother was being loaded onto a similar plank of wood my father was being carried on earlier. He was still alive but blood was staining the men carrying him and the sheet.”
“They placed us in a room full of doctors, nurses and priestesses. They tried to fix us, they tried so hard. But my brother was dying. Eventually they stopped and left the room, unwilling to be there when he passed. Our beds were next to each other, but still I climbed into his and held him while he cried. He told me that father was calling him. I told him I'm sorry for not being able to protect him, for failing. He died in my arms. Souta was seven.”
“The doctors say the only reason why I hadn't died along with him when we were both run through with a sword that day was because my miko powers had begun to heal me almost instantaneously. When my mother had heard the news that her husband and son were dead, she completely lost it. The stress from the loss caused her to miscarry. I lost almost everyone I loved and wanted to protect that night,” Kagome whispered, sadness layering voice, “Sango was the one that helped me through it. We helped each other through the loss.” By now, the couple was making their way back to the castle where Sango was waiting. “Sango and I have never had an argument that never got solved by either fighting or screaming. This is no different. We always apologized after separating from each other for a bit so that we could cool our heads.”
The hanyou and the priestess reached the doors leading to Kagome's room. Before Kagome could go inside, InuYasha grabbed her hand. “Wench, I have business to take care of. Meet me later in my room,” he ordered.
“InuYasha?” asked Kagome as he ran towards his mother's room. Kagome entered her room silently. Before she could make it three steps she was bombarded by Kirara, Sayuri, and Shippou.
“Kagome! This lady is mean!” yelled Shippou. Kirara hissed at the fox demon. How dare a kit like you talk about my mistress like that! Sayuri made herself comfortable on Kagome's shoulder and purred.
“Shippou, Kirara. Stop it. I'm tired and agitated and this isn't helping,” ordered Kagome, flaring her miko aura slightly to get the point across. The bickering two hopped down from Kagome's arms and chased each other outside. Kagome walked into her room and found Sango sitting silently on the bed, meditating most likely.
The girls ignored each other. Kagome continued past Sango and into her closet, where she closed the door to give her some privacy while she slipped into a light and comfortable but strapless summer dress. It was a gorgeous pastel blue and had a large, pink flower pattern- the fabric flowing from a wrap design under the breasts and reaching to the floor. Kagome undid the pony tail and let her long hair flow freely in beautiful waves. Then she left her closet and sat next to Sango on the bed.
The room was silent for a moment before Kagome pulled Sango into a hug, crushing her friend while she sobbed. “I'm sorry I got so angry Kags. I was so happy to see you and so ready to fight to get you back; me having to fight you threw me for a loop,” explained Sango.
“It's fine Sango. I didn't mind, it turns out you proved to be a good target for my anger as misdirected as it was. I should have beaten dog boy,” said Kagome coolly, “but my friend, I have things to explain to you so dry your tears and be strong. It's a lot to take in.”
“You're right Kags. We have a lot of catching up to do,” stated Sango as she positioned herself behind Kagome, running her fingers though the princess's hair and beginning to braid it.
“The war is over Sango.” Kagome continued to explain to Sango what had happened to her after her abduction. She described the connection between her and InuYasha and how torn she was between believing if the feelings were hers or Kikyo's. She described meeting the Emperor and Empress and how they had grown to be like a second family to her, especially the Emperor, and how the public took to her so easily. Sango absorbed all of this information quietly, sometimes offering her input-specifically towards the InuYasha topic.
“Are you sure you should be mating him? After all he is a half demon and the heir to the throne,” inserted Sango.
“Yes. It's difficult to explain. I don't care if he is a half demon; I still feel a connection like I'm being drawn to him. It feels right somehow, like it was supposed to happen. And the fact that he is the being of neither worlds from the prophecy only convinces me more. You should have seen how our auras mixed when we were in the cherry blossom forest. It was so beautiful and powerful,” said Kagome while Sango folded the braid unto a bun near the nape of Kagome's neck.
The slayer got up and went over to the dresser with all of Kagome's makeup and hair products. She picked up a small silver dragon fly pin with green jewels and placed it near the bun. “Well, I'm proud of you Kagome. But you need to send word back home before the entire cavalry comes to force you back and destroy the treaty,” suggested Sango before she walked into Kagome's closet, inspecting different dresses, skirts, shirts, and pants before finally deciding on a green summer dress that came to her knees.
“I know. I was planning on asking InuYasha and his parents if I could make a trip in a few days. But let's not worry about that for now. Come down to the market with me and shop. I'm completely ravenous and Miroku said that there was a divine coffee shop that I would like,” demanded Kagome.
“Miroku?” asked Sango.
“He's a monk that assists the royal family. He and InuYasha are close friends. He's actually quite handsome, but his hands are cursed,” said Kagome, narrowing her eyes at the last part.
“Really? I never would have thought that a human would be so close to the Emperor and his sons. And what do you mean his hands are cursed?” asked Sango. Before Kagome could answer, the monk appeared to them in the market place.
“Well, speak of the devil and he will appear,” murmured Kagome.
“Why hello my Lady Kagome, you look radiant today, no doubt due to your victory earlier this morning,” said Miroku, “and who might this be?”
“Miroku. This is my friend and captain of my personal guard Sango. I warn you, before you get the idea, she is very good at what she does,” warned Kagome, glancing towards his hands.
“Princess, your lack in faith of my control is unfortunate. You know my hands are cursed. My lady Sango, may I be as bold as to take you from Kagome for the day. I'm a fantastic tour guide,” persuaded Miroku. Sango agreed and the two left Kagome alone in the market.
“Well then, I guess I'm flying solo today,” said Kagome, smiling at the idea of Sango and Miroku spending the day together. “I give him five minutes tops before he goes unconscious.”
Kagome walked into the café and took a seat on the roof patio. From there she could see the market place. It was quite beautiful to be honest. The smells of spices, ales, meats, teas, and sweets all blended together to make a cohesive scent of deliciousness. The different demons were bustling below her, buying foods and silks. One was carrying a basket full of books.
“It looks like the goddess of the moon has once more graced us with her presence once again,” said a man as he sat down across from the priestess. Kouga smiled at Kagome, who stared wide eyed at the wolf prince.
“You flatter yourself prince,” stated Kagome, somewhat viciously.
“Ooo, a girl with some fire in her. I like that,” replied Kouga. “I was walking around with my two guards and mates when I saw you walk into the café. Naturally, it is the right thing for a Prince to assist a Princess in any way possible, even if it is simply offering his company for the day.”
“You Prince Kouga obviously failed your Prince class 101,” snapped Kagome, annoyed with the wolf demon who intruded on her afternoon.
Kouga chuckled. “And how is that Princess?”
Kagome stood up from the table. “You forgot to ask the permission of the Princess you are so desperately trying to court if she wanted to see your cocky face during her tea break,” Kagome said before leaving, stomping out of the café and back towards the palace, leaving a dumbfounded wolf. Kagome really wanted to be with InuYasha. She felt that her connection with him was growing stronger each day. It pained her to think of being without him for very long, not that she would ever tell him that. InuYasha… Kagome decided it would be a good day to practice some archery.
InuYasha sat down with his mother in her sitting room. “InuYasha, it's wonderful to sit down and chat like we used to; however, I sense that this s going to be a tad bit more serious than a casual conversation,” said the Empress.
“Mother, I'm so confused,” said InuYasha, “I feel a connection with Kagome and it grows stronger each day. But, I feel like I am betraying Kikyo. She is my love and always will be, but Kagome, she makes me feel again.
“Oh my son, how young you still are. You no longer are bound to Kikyo. She has passed as must you. But you still have the opportunity to live, and a life alone is no life at all. You must accept Kagome, for she is the one the kami destined you to be with, not Kikyo,” explained Izayoi.
“Then why would the kami make Kikyo and I meet?” asked InuYasha. He never understood destiny or fate. It was a concept that seemed like a fairy tale.
“Because the kami needed you two to meet. In order for happiness to come and to not be taken for granted, one must suffer first. This is how the kami works. You loved Kikyo, and you suffered because you loved her. But the kami needed you to suffer so that Kagome could be born in order to make you happy again. Your love for Kikyo is nothing compared to the love you feel for Kagome, known or not. You two are meant to be together and you are meant to lead this world into peace,” said Izayoi.
“What if for some strange reason she doesn't feel the same?” asked InuYasha, panic in his eyes.
“That's impossible. You don't see the way she looks at you InuYasha. She is willing to fight for you and our people without a second thought. She stands up for you, she fights with you one moment but the next she smiles and laughs. She is willing to show you the pain she has felt throughout her life. Kagome is in love with you InuYasha though she may not believe it herself. Now go to her and don't be an ass about it,” ordered Izayoi.
InuYasha looked at his mother smiling. Then he left in a flash, following the intoxicating scent that belonged to his mate. InuYasha raced towards the archery field. What he found though broke his heart ten times over. Kagome was kissing Kouga.