InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I love You ❯ I Love You ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, *but I can still dream can't I*

This is a one shot, but I am considering making it a full story if I get enough reviews so review people. Thanks

"I love you"

Inuyasha looked up at Kagome's window as he had done a hundred times before since Kagome had come through the well a little over two years ago, he knew nothing would ever be the same again and it was all his fault. He had made a promise to protect her he should have known better he had made the same promise to Kikyou and look what happened. He was a failure he had let another die. Inuyasha shook his head as if to dismiss the thought. He knew Kagome forgave him, but could he ever forgive himself. Kagome's funeral had been that very day and her family where gone to stay with some relatives after the funeral. He was not sure why he had come back; there was nothing left for him now Naraku had seen to that. He closed his eyes briefly to try to hold back the tears he felt on the verge of letting lose. He never truly realized how much he cared for the young girl with her ready smile and good mood until he watched her take the blow that was meant for his death. He could remember holding her body in his arms as she was dying her last words would always haunt him.

~ Memory:

Inuyasha held Kagome in his arms as the battle raged on, she was dying he could feel her life slipping away even as he tried to tell her to hold on , the wound Naraku had given her was a fatal one she had taken the blow to protect him when he was suppose to have been protecting her. He could feel tears fall down his cheeks. " Inuyasha I must tell you something." " No Kagome don't I will take you to one of your people and they will be able to help." He knew what he said was a lie as did Kagome she raised her bloody palm up to his cheek, and smiled softly if that was possible with all of the blood that was on her " Inuyasha look at me really look at me." Inuyasha looked deep into her dark brown eyes as she tried to pull air into her lungs. What he saw there almost made his heart stop he saw love and devotion there things he didn't think he would ever be on the receiving end of. " Inuyasha I love you." With those words he watched the life leave Kagome's body and he screamed his rage. The battle had been won soon after that.~

~Memory over~

Inuyasha was not given the time to tell her how much he loved her to, but some how he thought she may have knew but that could have just been his wish full thinking. He jumped quickly to her bed room and slid her window open and jumped to her floor. He really didn't understand why but he just knew that there was something here he needed to see. He slowly started to search until he open a draw that held a envelope addressed to him. He could feel his heart start to beat a little faster; he had watched Kagome open a envelope so he knew how. As he pulled out the two piece of paper one of them turned out to be a photo Kagome had taken of him, but as always he thought I was yelling at her telling her how stupid she was and weak. The second piece seemed to be a letter of some sort.

~ Dear Inuyasha,

I really don't know why I'm writing this I just feel the need to put my feelings down on paper for you. As I set here in my room and look out at the beautiful sakura trees as the blossom fall to the ground I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes, because I realize that are love if that's what you could call it. Is just like that it's there but is doomed to fall. Yes Inuyasha I love you and if you are reading this I more then likely am no longer among the living, but that does not chance my feelings for you. My love for you will go beyond death. I believe I loved you from the first time I laid eyes on you as you where pinned to that tree with your pretty dog ears. I never knew love until I met you Inuyasha I mean I have had boyfriend's and even been kissed once but I had never been loved. So in my opinion my death was worth it Inuyasha because I would prefer to live one day filled with love then live a life time filled with hate, you gave me that love Inuyasha. The funny thing is I don't think you even knew it. I watched you hold Kikyou I so wanted that to be me held within your arms, but I understood I really did you failed her and that killed you inside but Inuyasha you did not fail her I want you to know this honestly she failed you she did not believe in you enough to see through the lies, or maybe she did maybe she was scared of the love you had to offer so she blinded herself into seeing you as the evil one, as I blinded myself into thinking you still loved her. So in a way we both failed you. I want you to know Inuyasha you gave my life hope, meaning and most important I felt love. There are not many people who ever feel that emotion Inuyasha but I did I felt love if for only a brief moment in time a moment of love it was. ~

Inuyasha felt the tears start to fall he quickly wiped them away and continued reading the note from his love.

~ I will find you again Inuyasha I may not be me but it will be the same soul. In essence I am Kikyou reincarnate as I will have a reincarnate as well. So do not give up my love with find a way back to you. I hope I died bravely without fear and I hope I died in your arms Inuyasha. You deserve so much happiness. I hope you find that and grasp it and thrive on it. Don't let the fear of rejection stop you from finding love again. I know you Inuyasha my heart knows you. So I want you to fold this letter back up Inuyasha and as I know you will keep it with you if you wish and hold my love near your heart allow it to give you strength to find love again, the type of love you gave me. I love you Inuyasha.

Kagome. ~

Inuyasha slowly refolded the piece of paper and pulled it close to his heart as the tears dried on his handsome face. Kagome my love for you will always be here it will give me the strength to guard the jewel of the four souls. You have given me the strength to live again the only regret I have is not telling you of my love. Inuyasha turned to the tree that he had once been pinned to for fifty years and there stood Kagome looking at him with her beautiful brown eyes. " I know Inuyasha I know you love me." He could not even move, as he watched her disappear a small smile came to the hanyou face as he jumped from her window and walked back to the well for the last time.