InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'm nothing, without you. ❯ I'm nothing, without you. ( Chapter 1 )

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I'm nothing, without you.
By: Debbie Haggard
A poem
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-yasha, I wish I did but I don't. Dame that Rumiko Takahashi she got them.
For a while now I've tried to tell myself that I
don't care for you, but it's a lie and the others
know it too. I think I loved you the moment I met
you, but I'm not sure. Still if they know, how come
you don't? I know you don't pretend because I've
seen you're true self, and it's the kindest thing
alive that I've ever seen. How do you not know the
things I feel for you? The late night fantasizing of
you, and oh, how you feel against me when were
riding through the air it just takes my breath
away. How do you not know what I feel for you?
Because what I feel for you is a feeling I know will
never go away. The feeling I have for you is that I
love you, and that
I'm nothing, without you.
Truly confused
Your secret love.