InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'm what? ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey all! Sorry for the long wait but here's chapter 4. Hope you like it, please R&R!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Inuyasha…so back off!

"Blah blah blah" = talking

`Blah blah blah' = thinking

/blah blah blah/ = telepathy

I'm what!?

~ Meetings ~

"So…Kagome…is what Sesshoumaru said true?" Asked Sango.

"Yes…an evil far stronger than Naraku is coming. And that evil is my Uncle, Susanowo." Replied Kagome.

"What are we going to do about Naraku? You need the Shikon to defeat your uncle. How do we go about getting it back?" Asked Sango.

"Hmm…if I want I could call it back to me. In my goddess form I should be able to do that. But it will take a lot out of me. I was reborn into a human body. Even if this body is miko I will still be weak. If I decide to do this will you guys be able to protect me if Naraku should come?"

"Kagome…you said there were others like you? Can't they come through the well? They should be able to help us, right?" stated Miroku.

"Yes…I've thought about that…I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Do you guys really want to do this?"

"Of course…Naraku must die…he has destroyed so many people and caused so much destruction. The jewel must be whole again…and in your hands no one will ever suffer."

"Okay…well I'll be off then, I promise to be back soon…take care of Inuyasha. Oh…and Shippo..."


"Could you put one of your statues on him so he won't come after me?"

Shippo's eyes lit up with joy and an evil little glint as he agreed.

Kagome laughed as she walked towards the well. It was almost sundown so she hurried along. Kagome jumped down the well returning home. When she touched ground she jumped out of the well and headed back to Rei's shrine.

# At Rei's shrine #

Everyone was gathered there to talk about Kagome. Another battle was coming and it was against the great Wind god Susanowo. Just as the meeting was about to end there was a knock at the shoji. And in came Kagome.

Kagome was surprised to see everyone there. They looked exactly as she remembered too. There was silence for along time until Kagome spoke.

"Umm…well hello everyone. My name's Kagome…um…heh heh…this is kinda awkward. Why are you all staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

Minako snapped out of it and said "Oh…no. It's just that we weren't expecting you to be here."

"Umm…well I know you guys just met me…kinda…but do you think you could help me with something? It has something to do with the solar crystal."

"Did you just say the solar crystal?!" exclaimed Amara.

"Yes…you see when we were sent to earth to be reborn in the future; my mother sent the jewel into the feudal era to be reborn as Midoriko. She was a powerful miko who fought demons and evil humans. One day she was attacked and fought for days and nights. Just as she was about to die she gathered her soul and the demons souls around her and forged a jewel, now known as the Shikon no Tama. The Shikon is the solar crystal. It's in the past and I must get it back. Will you help me?"

"Of course! We can't risk it falling into the wrong hands! We'll be glad to help!" exclaimed everyone.

Kagome was so happy that everyone was willing to help.

"That's great!! I was so afraid you'd refuse!"

"Why would we do that?" asked Makoto.

"I don't know….anyways if you guys are gonna help…umm…could you transform in this time?"

"Why do that?" asked Ami

"Let's just say there's a certain perverted monk that can see through our light shields." (A/N: I just made that up…when ever they transform they always seem to be in their own little world. So I'm gonna say they have light shields.)

Everyone sweat drops.

#At the well in Feudal Japan#

"Ahhh-choo!" `I wonder…is someone talking about me?'

"You okay Miroku?"

"…Ahhh, my dear Sango, I thank you for your concern." In a flash he's right by Sango's side holding her hands.

Sango turns pink "Ahh...not a problem."

Slowly a certain monk's hand makes his way downward. And downward…an---


A swirlly-eyed Miroku is on the ground twitching.

"KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (A/N: he he…my computer wanted to change fucking to fucknig ^-^ I start using that! he he)

#Modern Japan at Sunset Shrine#

"Thanks for transforming before you go here…wouldn't want him to die of a heart attack…or by Sango. Anyways…here's the well. It's old and musty but it will get ya to the past. I don't know if the well will accept you though. So far it has only transported me and Inuyasha…anyways here" Kagome hands each girl a jewel shard "…these will hopefully get you through."

"Hey, what are these? They're real pretty." Asked Serena. (A/N: They all know each other so I'm not going to call them sailor `whoever's there' and they don't need secret identities in the Feudal Era either.)

"They're the shards of the Shikon."

After that Kagome told them to jump in pairs down the well and to wait at least 2 minutes after the blue light. Kagome and Serena went first then everyone paired up and followed Kagome's instructions.

As soon as Kagome and Serena got out of the well she saw that everyone but Inuyasha was there waiting for her…never mind he just saw him walk out of the woods. After 10 minutes the scouts were all out of the well.

#Scout's POV#

As we got out of the well we were amazed by what we saw. There were tree's everywhere, song birds, and real blue sky. It looked so beautiful, it was like a paradise. That is, if you forget the foreboding feeling in the air. Youkai roamed free here.

# Regular POV#

All the scout's were on edge, the look in their eyes told you they were expecting youkai to jump out at them at any moment. They didn't like it.

Slowly something was sneaking up on them. Though they were on edge they failed to notice. The thing kept creeping; it wasn't sure what its prey was. It looked over the girls. Its eyes landed on Makoto. Then quick as a flash it was behind its prey. It lifted on hand then…started to rub Makoto's butt.

Startled, Makoto grabbed its hand and threw it forward into the air. Closing her eyes she summoned Supreme Thunder Dragon and threw it at the predator. She never saw who it was until after the explosion.

Lying on the ground black, singed to a crisp, and swirlly eyed.

"Oh Kami!! HAHA HAHAHA!! That was hilarious!! I hope she does that again!!" yelled Shippo.

"Feh, stupid monk" (guess who. Hint: it's not Sango)

Everyone looked to Kagome for an explanation.

"..Eh heh heh…remember when I was talking about a perverted monk earlier? …Um…yeah…girls meet Miroku…"

After a few moments everyone sweat dropped and started laughing. Sango right away came up to Makoto and shook her hand and said, "You I like!!"

Makoto laughed nervously

"Way to show him his place! I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends!" beamed Sango.

Clearing her throat Kagome got everyone's attention.

"Anyways…guys I'd like you to meet the scouts." Kagome pointed to each girl and introduced them (A/N: I'm too lazy to write it out, oh and I decided that Kagome only brought the inner and outer scouts) "Girls these are my friends" Kagome then pointed to each member of the Inu-tachi. "I hope we all get along, and Miroku lay one finger on them and you'll get worse than Sango's Hiraikutsu!"

"Feh! Ya mean these are the people you were talking about that will protect you?! They look like they could hardly guard a fly! There's no way small frail-looking girls can be as strong as you say!" Yelled Inuyasha (A/N: dense ain't he?)

Right then the scouts got pissed, but before the got a chance to do anything; Kagome yelled, "SIT! Don't insult them; they are goddesses just like me! Show some respect! They are as strong as I am and if you want a demonstration I'll be glad to use you in it!"

Inuyasha looked away scowling with his ears down and muttered what sounded like bitch.

Shippo decided to break the tension by hopping onto Serena's shoulder and saying hello. It worked. The girls forgot their anger and decided instead to coddle the kawaii kitsune.

He turned to Serena and said wide-eyed and fluffy-tailed, "Hey! You smell like okaasan! Are you my aunt?" All the girls laughed at the cute scene.

Serena asked, "Who's your okaasan?"

Shippo answered, "I'm adopted, but Kagome is."

Kagome then said, "No Shippo. She's my cousin, so she'd be your 2nd Aunt. (A/N: is that right? Someone help me with that if I'm wrong. I'm real confused @-@) Well now that you've all met each other let's think of a plan to destroy Naraku if he comes after us."

And with that everyone started heading towards Kaede's village.

Whew!! I'm finally done with this chapter! *does a little dance* Sorry it took so long I had major writer's block. Well, tell me what you think!

Please review!


