InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Spy With My Little Eye ❯ It's a Date ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

FTAM: Sorry that it took a while but here's the next chap. My laptop was jammed. I had to rewrite the last half of it twice because it jammed in the middle and shut down automatically, I didn't save it. *Sigh*
A warning first that I decided to tweak the date idea at the last minute…
Kagome raised her eyebrow, glancing at Inuyasha's `outfit' from head to toe.
“Umm…why is your outfit all black?” she asked.
“What's it to you?” Inuyasha peered at her.
“Can't believe I'm stuck with you.” He grumbled.
“Well, excuse me! At least make an effort!” Kagome answered hotly.
“Oh, you guys. Come on…” Sango walked into the hallway.
She stopped and stared at Inyasha's clothes proceeding to show her face in dismay.
“Look, it was last minute…Kagura…” Inuyasha didn't know how to finish.
Sango tried not to look disappointed about it.
“That's all right. I mean it's no big deal. Always think about others first before yourself. That's what they always say.” Sango mumbled on.
“Well, Miroku's waiting in my car and…” Inuyasha pointed at Kagome. “She has to come.” He stated the sentence in disgust.
“Why you…” Kagome felt her temper flaring up.
“Hey you guys.” Miroku appeared at the doorway next to Inuyasha all of a sudden.
He thrust a single red rose into Sango's hands. “I'm sorry that our marvelous date has to be cancelled but here's something for you.”
Sango took a look at the rose. “Please don't tell me this is from my dad's prize rose bush.”
Miroku shifted his feet uncomfortably. “Maybe…?”
Taking a quick peek at Sango's face, he quickly added: “Kagura said that she was sorry that she spoiled our date and will make up for it.”
Sango's face lit up. “Great! Just wait for us to quickly get changed. Be down in a jiffy.” She dragged Kagome into her room.
Kagome was getting very confused.
“What are we doing? Why is the date cancelled? Where are we going?” She fired out the questions.
“That's a lot of questions. One at a time please?” Sango laughed.
“Well, okay…” Kagome thought hard but could not make up her mind.
“What if we compromise and you answer them all in a sentence because I can't think which of my questions are more important then the rest.” Kagome suggested.
Sango took a moment before responding.
“You are going on your first mission with us which came up last minute so the date was cancelled.”
“Why were you suddenly so happy when you heard that Kagura was going to make up for our spoiled double date?”
“Well, normally when she is treating us on something, it's really cool.”
“What is the mission?”
“That will have to wait until we reach headquarters. Kagome, I noticed in your overnight duffel bag that you have a pair of black pants. Good, I'll just lend you a black sweater. Come on. We better get dressed quickly.”
Kagome took the sweater and changed hurriedly. Then she ran down to the car with Sango.
“About time you got here. What took you so long?” Inuyasha asked annoyed tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“We were not slow. You are just too impatient. Scratch that. I've never seen anyone more impatient and arrogant as you are.” Kagome said to him as she reluctantly sat at the front seat next to him while Sango sat at the back next to Miroku.
“Finally, someone who can share my pain.” Miroku patted Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Well see if you're ready for this.” Inuyasha grinned evilly as he started the car and sped off.
“Aaah…” Kagome screamed as Inuyasha made a wild turn at a corner, and then another, and then another, and then another.
“So,” Inuyasha said as he slammed on the brakes. “How was that?”
Kagome wasn't answering. She had her head bent down on her knees.
“Wuss.” Inuyasha taunted her.
“Leave her alone.” Sango scolded him. “Kagome? Are you alright.” She asked worriedly.
Kagome got up and out of the car slowly. She felt a little dizzy and took a while to adjust to the surroundings.
Slowly, she followed the others into the building.
“Kagome, you look a little green. Are you all right?” Kagura asked concern as she saw Kagome who staggered in.
“Yes, I'm fine. Inuyasha just went way past the speeding limit that's all.” Kagome tried to smile.
“Hey, I'm in need for speed. Okay?” Inuyasha protested. “Not like the police can do much about it than a speeding ticket.”
Kagura rolled her eyes. “You're just lucky that your dad is a powerful man. Anyway, back to your mission briefing.”
Kagome sat down on one of the comfy seats and began to listen with interest.
“First of all, I'm sorry about your double date. I knew you all were looking forward to it.”
“I didn't.” Inuyasha stated.
“You don't have to be embarrassed about it; I heard that the double date was planned by you.” Kagura said smirking at him.
Inuyasha turned to Sango who suddenly found the ceiling very interesting.
“I wonder how you found out.”
“Well, you can keep wondering.” Kagura told him happily.
“Why, you old…” Inuyasha clenched his fists.
“Temper, temper,” she sang.
Kagura cleared her throat ignoring all the colourful language coming out of Inuyasha's mouth and started to tell about the mission once again.
“This mission is very interesting. I was walking back from lunch trying to put all my change in my purse when a coin fell out. As I picked it up, I saw a piece of post it pad on the ground. It had some kind of code on it. After the staff from our decoder section scrambled the code, this was what we got.”
Kagura took the piece of paper out and handed it to Kagome.
Kagome looked at it.
“Remember- the plan would start in two months. Operation prepare and action.” Kagome read out loud.
“So I guess whatever it is, the action is happening in two months and they are preparing for it now.” Miroku said thoughtfully.
“Yes, but who? Do you think it's Naraku?” Sango suggested fearfully.
“Of course, it's him. Who else?” Inuyasha folded his arms.
“Who's Naraku?” Kagome asked not recognizing the name.
“Only the most ambitious and evil man alive.” Kagura said. “But we never knew what his big plan was, even after all these years. So your job is to find out if Naraku is really behind all this so we could hopefully be prepared somehow…”
Kagura tossed a car key to Miroku.
“After doing some testing with that note, we found grains of sand on the note. Miroku and Sango, Kagome and Inuyasha; I want you all to search around all the different beaches and investigate.”
Inuyasha groaned. “Why am I stuck with her?”
“You need to be able to work well with Kagome. You know why.” Kagura reminded him.
She turned around to Kagome. “You have the right to know too. Once you have completed your training, you would be the partner of Inuyasha.”
“What?” Kagome said in shocked.
“Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku used to be a threesome. Now it would be a foursome. Rather nice as you guys can pair off evenly. Don't worry. You would be doing missions all together most of time.” Kagura added hastily watching Kagome's face.
“Go on now.” Kagura showed them out to the door before sighing in relief that the drama was over. She had thought that Kagome would be paired off perfectly with Inuyasha and was still determined that she was right.
The car ride was very silent. Inuyasha drove, not speeding this time, but completely ignored her concentrating on the road.
“Where are we going?” Kagome broke the silence.
“The beach.” Inuyasha said.
“Which beach?”
“A private beach that I have a feeling is the exact beach we're looking for.”
Kagome looked out at the place. They were leaving the city and driving somewhere that seemed familiar. She tried to remember. The car suddenly stopped and Kagome got out. Following Inuyasha, they went through a cave to a private part of that beach. She looked at the calm blue sea lapping up against the sparkling sand.
“Crystal Clear Beach.” Kagome said knowingly.
“How did you know?” Inuyasha asked surprised.
“My dad used to take me here.” Kagome said sadly.
“But…you can't possibly know this place. It belongs to my dad separated from the public beach in this area which was Crystal Palace Beach. No one knows this place.” Inuyasha said annoyed.
“Well, my dad does and he brought me here.” Kagome said firmly.
She sat down on the sand. “You know, I've always thought that whoever named this beach was obsessed with crystals.”
Inuyasha relaxed. “Same.”
He opened his backpack for a torchlight.
“Is there gadgets in there?” Kagome asked trying to peer into the bag.
Inuyasha pulled the bag away from her. “A few but you can't have any. No spy can get gadgets until they completed their training.”
Kagome rolled her eyes as she strode away trying to find any clues that would prove that she was as good as a spy as him. Maybe not as experienced as he was but still as good. She searched and searched.
“Kagome.” Inuyasha whispered very suddenly.
Kagome whipped her head back. “What?”
“I want you to get into the car.” He told her.
“Why? Just because you've been with me for two hours is no excuse to try and get rid of me.” Kagome said.
“Just do it.” He insisted.
“No. I want to stay.” She answered back.
“No. It's too dangerous.” He grabbed her arm and started to pull her away.
“Did you find something? I want to see too.” She pulled her arm away from his grasp.
“Oh. You. Fine.” Inuyasha spluttered angrily storming off.
Kagome followed him eagerly wondering what he had found and hid with him behind a tree that barely covered the both of them.
“Sssh…” Inuyasha put a finger to his lips, turning off his torchlight.
Kagome squinted into the dark. There were two shapes further along the coast but she could barely see a thing.
“I know them from somewhere.” Inuyasha said, gently stepping a foot at a time forward.
“What are you doing?” Kagome hissed worried that they would be caught.
“I want to go and have a closer look.” Inuyasha said without turning his head.
Kagome stayed behind fidgeting at first but couldn't stand the suspense any longer.
She delicately treaded one foot after the other trying to get closer to the figures.
`I'm nearly near enough to roughly take a look at their faces.' Kagome thought excitedly taking extra caution as she moved towards them.
The figures exchanged something nodded and left.
Kagome stood still hoping no one would see her. One of them came moving in her direction. Kagome inhaled and held her breath nervously.
`Wait a minute.' Kagome peered in the darkness. `I know that face. Isn't that Kanna?' The figure stopped to put something in her bag then changed directions. When the coast was clear, Kagome breathed in relief.
“Inuyasha?” she called.
No one answered.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome squeaked.
`Where is he? Oh gosh, maybe the other one kidnapped him and took off. He went to take a look at them before I did. Oh please no, no…'
Kagome raced to the car filled with fright and opened the door.
There sitting in the car was Inuyasha himself clutching a cellphone and talking into it.
Kagome leaned over to him.
“How could you!” She screamed at him.
“Look, I gotta go. Yes, we'll be at headquarters soon. See ya.” He turned the phone off.
“Bitch, what's your problem?”
“What's my problem?” Kagome screamed again at him nearly in tears.
“Now, don't cry.” Inuyasha looked at her nervously.
“I'm not crying! I was so worried that something had happened to you.” Kagome looked away.
Inuyasha sighed. “I crept off once the two people left.”
He was silent for a moment.
“I didn't mean to worry you.” He said quietly.
“Forget it.” Kagome said. She tried to change the subject. “I must have sounded like a mum then.”
Inuyasha seemed sad for a second. “At least you have a mum.” He started up the engine and drove.
“Where's your mum?” Kagome asked timidly.
Inuyasha gripped the sterring wheel tighter. “Don't know.”
“Don't know?” Kagome raised her eyebrow.
“I said I don't know okay. Just leave me alone!” He yelled still not looking at her.
The car was very quiet afterwards.
Soon they arrived, but before Inuyasha got out of the car, Kagome tugged at one of his sleeves.
“I'm sorry.” She whispered to him.
“That's alright. At least you got a mum. I don't have both my parents.” He mumbled as he walked away.
“Wait a minute.” Kagome frowned. “How did you know that I don't have a dad anymore?”
Inuyasha was already long gone ahead of her.
Kagome quickly ran to catch up with him.
`He'll tell me about his family in his own time.' Kagome told herself trying to smooth down her curiosity.
She was out of breath from running by the time she reached the room. Sango and Miroku were already there.
“Right.” Kagura clapped her hands. “Let's get started. It's already eleven. You've been gone for four hours already. Let's hear the progress.”
“We didn't find anything.” Sango said forlornly. “We searched every beach we could possible think of until you told us to get back.”
“I've got news.” Inuyasha said proudly.
“We've got news.” Kagome corrected him.
“I did most of it. I brought you to the right beach and I saw the people first.”
“Well, how did you know what beach to go to?” Kagome asked him.
He shrugged. “Just a hunch and I thought that they would probably meet somewhere in private not just a plain and normal beach. Also I thought no one knew about this beach so they might have found out and made it their meeting spot.”
“I knew that beach.” Kagome said angrily.
“Whoa.” Kagura held both her hands up. “Calm down. No fighting. Ok, tell me what happened.”
“I saw two figures at the beach exchanging something and talking.” Inuyasha started.
“One of them looked like Kanna.” Kagome interrupted.
Everyone stared at her.
“What?” She asked.
“Dear, I think you got it wrong. Kanna was here all evening where she always was, working. In fact to prove it, I was just talking to her before I came in.” Kagura said kindly.
“But I'm sure it was her.” Kagome stubbornly insisted.
“Whatever, but I recognize the other figure which was Naraku's personal assistant. Well at least that was what I managed to hear.” Inuyasha said.
“I wonder what his name is.” Sango put her hand to her forehead. “That means Naraku is included in this.”
“I don't know the name. We will have to find that out then wouldn't we.” Kagura started writing.
“Where is Naraku now?” Kagome asked.
“No one knows.” Miroku said mysteriously. “Ever since three years ago…” He paused. “It had been very complicated.”
“Why can't someone tell me what happened.” Kagome whined.
“It's a very secretive matter. Even now, not many people know the whole story. I'm afraid it's not just business of the agency but also Inuyasha's personal matter.” Kagura said firmly.
“So, I don't get told.” Kagome sounded deflated.
“Maybe one day…” Sango nudged her and whispered into her ear. “Last time only Kagura and Inuyasha and his family could tell this secret. But now, it is only Inuyasha and his older brother Sesshomaru who can.”
“Maybe I'll get it off Sesshomaru.” Kagome felt hopeful until Sango whispered to her again.
“No way. Even Inuyasha is easier to get the secret off compared to his brother.”
“Oi. Stop whispering.” Inuyasha told them feeling irritated. “Kagome doesn't need to know it anyway and she wouldn't. That is that.”
“Kagome, we better start your training right away. I'm afraid you will have to work extra hard to complete the training. After all, you four are the only teenage spies we've got. The rest are all adults.”
Kagura nudged her head to the others. “They will help you with your training. Hopefully, whatever Naraku has planned for us, we would be ready.”
“I'll see you at 7am tomorrow.” Inuyasha grinned at Kagome.
“It's a Sunday!” Kagome protested.
“Never mind. All of us have to get up too.” Sango put her arm around Kagome.
“Oh…I didn't realize that.” Kagome felt bad.
“We'll get to increase our fitness and practice our training again to make us better, while you do your training. So don't feel bad.” Miroku cheerfully put in.
Inuyasha grunted. He forgot that he would have to do the training too.
Kagome laughed and winked at Inuyasha seeing his disgruntled look. “It's a date.”
FTAM: The next one would be about them two months later obviously when the `plan' goes in action. At least I can write Naraku now instead of just the man.
Also, I want to see more reviews coming in…