InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Wanna Be Bad ❯ New Kids ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha or the reference to Barbie/Tripp Clothing Line
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Kagome/Sesshomaru any others thrown in
Genre: Romance/Angst/Humor
Warning: Language, maybe lemon later on(If I can find someone to help me with hetero lemons)
Rating: PG-13/15 so far
Beta: None
Summary: Kagome's life has always been the same routine. She's always been the `good' girl. Following all the rules, staying out of trouble and getting nothing less than the best grades. She has her entire life planned out. Though her world is thrown out the window when two new brothers come to town. A harsh remark from the eldest sends Kagome's secure self esteem spiraling. She can't get what he said out of her mind. She sets out to prove him wrong. Getting Sango and Miroku to help her she gives herself a new project: To prove the arrogant Sesshomaru Inuyoukai that he was wrong about her. She intends to go from good girl Kagome to bad Kagome.
A/N: I just made that last name up on a whim so don't tell me it sucks since they don't have a real one (that I know of)
I will state this now: Kagome is notgothic, punk, or any other of those titles. She is just changing her clothing and her looks in order to get everyone's opinion of her to change.
I Wanna Be Bad
Running a hand through silky raven hair Kagome Higurashi stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. Taking a careful step from the shower she tilted her head so her hair pooled over her shoulder. Grabbing a handful of her hair she squeezed out the excess water flinging her hair back over her shoulder.

6:30 a.m. The digital clock's red colors shown brightly in the dim lighting of the bathroom. Staring at the clock for a few minutes she shook her head. She'd gotten out right on time. Wiping her damp skin she smiled happily as the big fluffy towel gilded over her skin.

The towel dropped from around her as she slid into her school uniform. She ran the red bandanna between her fingers before tying around her hair. It was one of the most enforced rules. To keep ones hair back. She had left her shoes in the other room so she tread lightly to the mirror. Touching her cheek lightly she stared back at the pale creamy complexion. She didn't tan. No matter how much time she spent in the sun or at the tanning beds she burned and that was the extent of it. She liked how she looked though tan or no tan. People told her it gave her a kind of ethereal beauty.

Her school's policy allowed barely any makeup but their short skirts somehow passed. Smiling back at herself she rummaged around under the sink for her makeup kit. Grabbing the black bag she unzipped the top and grabbed some eyeliner and eyeshadow. Applying them carefully so she didn't have to worry about getting in trouble for too much she pulled away from the mirror making sure she had put everything back in place.

Skipping to the door she stopped to wiggle her toes on the fluffy shag carpeting on the bathroom floor. Pulling the bathroom door open she shivered at the change in temperature before flopping down face first onto her bed. For a few moments she rested before fishing for the wool socks that she had thrown on there before her shower. Pushing herself onto her back she wrestled to get her feet into the socks so she didn't have to sit up and do it.

Standing up quickly she wiggled her toes so she had room and climbed over her bed to the window.
Climbing into the window's outcropping she grabbed her shoes. Snow was falling lightly onto the window making patterns here and there, then stopping to melt or be lost amongst the others.

Gently running a hand along the inside of her window Kagome drew faces in the steam that had settled.

With a last wistful look towards the snow filled sky she got off of the window, grabbing her bag by the door. Pushing her door open she took a deep breath and walked down the stairs looking at the pictures that adorned them now and again.

Her mother smiled warmly at her coming over to hug her. Grinning back at her mom she ran to the coat rack hitting Sota on the back of the head as she passed by.

“Kagome! Mom!”

“Bye mom!”

Sticking her tongue out at Sota she ran quickly back and kissed him on the top of his head.
Pulling the door open and hopping on one foot to get her coat on she watched as Sango pulled up in her car. Walking carefully down the steps she blew on her hands and sniffed.
The cold winter air misted her breath leaving trails of it behind. Her steps were careful and deliberate. The shrine yard was icy and she had no intention of falling again as she had yesterday.Last winter and the winters before she had the tendencies to fall over and over on the ice. No matter where she was she always fell. It wasn't until last year though that she had started to really be careful.

She'd slipped on a patch of obvious ice that was in front of the school. She had managed okay until
Miroku had shoved her telling her to hurry up. She'd started staring at the ground when she walked. She'd given the entire school yard a peek and that was something that no one let her forget.

“Shove it Sango.”

The slayer knew exactly what she meant. She couldn't help but laugh as her klutzy friend made her way across the shrine staring at the ground. She couldn't stop her laughing. Saluting she put the car in drive and pulled out.

The miko's cheeks puffed out slightly as she made a face at the slayer. Sighing she turned away letting her head drop to the car's window. She let her fingers draw in the clouds of steam on the car window as the scenery passed by.

The days were the same. Nothing ever changed. No one new came. No one left. Everyone lived secure lives. The days for her had started to mix together so that she'd think it was Monday and it'd be Friday. They passed by so quickly that she lost track of who she was or what her purpose was. Everyone knew each other and news traveled so fast. Once you gained a reputation it stuck. She was the good girl who followed all the rules and never got in any fights. She was the one who got along with all the gothic, punk, and pot smokers. But she never did anything. She hung out with the rough and rowdy Sango and the playboy Miroku. She never dated anyone and by age seventeen she had still yet to kiss. That doesn't mean she didn't have offers. Sango had to beat it into Miroku that he wasn't allowed to touch her. Everyone said she had the `untouchable' air to her.
The car lurched forward and luckily she had remembered to put on her seatbelt so that she barely went forward. Holding a hand to her heart she glared at the innocent looking Sango. The innocent look didn't come easy to Sango though with her dark eyeliner, lip ring, and the row of pierces up her ears.

Sango had the reputation of being a gothic/punk/fighter. Though it did fit her. She fought all the time and loved to hang out with the punks. She even had a job a Hot Topic which was considered the best place for gothic. She had gotten Kagome a job there as well but Kagome had limited clothing from there. Sango had all the piercings you could imagine and had yet to get Kagome to get any. She tended to get in fights at least once daily. Other than Miroku Kagome was her only true friend. She didn't trust many people after her father's murder. She was the one who helped Kagome and took care of those who talked bad about her. But the fighting for Kagome was done behind her back since the miko wasn't over fond of others fighting her battles.
“Come on Kag! We don't have the time to daydream!”

“I'm coming, I'm coming. Geez you drove fast enough so we should have plenty of time.”
Grabbing her bag at her feet she grinned and rolled her eyes stepping out of the car. She waved as Miroku ran up to greet them. Though he didn't get close to her as Sango stuck her foot out knocking the overly friendly Miroku down.

Trying to stifle her laughter she turned away holding her hand to her mouth. She knew about how Miroku felt towards the stoic slayer. Almost everyone did but Sango herself. She didn't want to believe it. She had been hurt enough and to see that the monk's intentions were true she had tracked him down and backed him into a corner, both literally and figuratively. She wasn't about to let her best friend get hurt again and when Miroku had confided in her she had backed off letting him pursue Sango.

“Well at least Kagome has the decency to turn away while she laughs.”

“Stop being a baby Miroku! You didn't even hit the ground hard.”

“Sango why are you so mean to me!?”

“Miroku why are you so touchy?”


“Guys if we don't hurry up we really will be late...”




Smiling nervously Kagome hooked her arms with that of her friends and dragged them off to the building. Sango and Kagome had the first three classes and lunch together. Sango and Miroku had fourth, sixth, ninth, and lunch. Miroku and Kagome only had fourth, fifth, and lunch.
Toting Sango to Science she waved to Miroku ignoring the whispers as they passed. It was just more gossip and rumors spreading. Though a particular one caught her attention.

“Did you see the new guys! They were so hot!”

“Their hair was an unusual color though...and the older one seemed a tad too tall and I thought we weren't allowed wearing hats...?”
“Who cares about that! Their looks are the only thing I'm concerned with. I mean wow...and they looked at me! The youngest one though is better looking. Tattoos on the face just don't do it for me.”

Blinking slightly she tilted her head to try and hear more.

“Kagome! Come on!”

“Eh...sorry. Did you hear what they were talking about though?”

“No. Should I care?”

Shaking her head she walked ahead of the slayer and slipped into the class room. Normally it was empty and started to fill a minute or two before the final bell. Today though there was a face she'd never seen before.

From the look on his face she could tell he wasn't happy to be here. His long silver hair was pulled back in a haphazard pony tail that laid on his back and silver bangs were lying on his face. Shorter strands were curled around his neck and chest. His face had two magenta streaks and a blue crescent moon was on his forehead. His long sleeved Independent shirt was pulled back to reveal two more magenta streaks along his arms.

His golden eyes locked with hers and held them. Her eyes wavered but he didn't look away.

A touch on her arm shook her out of her thoughts and she turned to the quizzical look of her friend.
A glare was given to the silver haired stranger and one was given back with the same intensity.

She heard her friend huff and grab her arm dragging her to their seats. Which wasn't that far away from the new student.

The warning bell rang seconds later and the classroom door was opened letting in the noise of the halls.

The whispers started as soon as the first few students entered the room. And didn't stop until the last.

Reaching down Kagome grabbed her pencil bag setting out all that she would need. She had to get her grades back up in time for midterms or her mom would kill her. Lining all her pencils up she looked up and frowned when the silver haired boy behind her kicked the back of her chair.

Turning around she glared at the younger looking golden eyed boy. He just grinned, kicking her chair again.

She felt her eye twitch and she turned around, taking a deep breath. Her breath came out forcefully as she felt another kick and tug at her hair.

“What's your problem!?”

Clapping her hands over her mouth she `eeped' when the instructor glared at her and tapped his ruler on the desk.

Growling she scooted her desk forward. She stuck her tongue out quickly at him and turned around once more.

She heard him growl his own response and felt when he kicked her desk even harder. The desk was sent into the one in front of her and the kid in front who turned around and yelled at her.

“Stop it!”

Chuckling Inuyasha grinned evilly before pulling her hair. Hard.
“Ow! Dammit!”

Gasping the miko sunk down into her chair holding her hands over her mouth once more. She glared furiously at the seat in front of her and threw one of her pencils behind. She grinned when she heard an `ow' and `god damned pencil'.


A cool crisp voice cut in their bickering and she heard more muttering from the one called Inuyasha.
Tilting her head to the side she looked over to see who had spoken and shut the annoying kid up.
It was the first new kid she had seen. She smiled nervously as he glared not only at Inuyasha but her. His glare hardened and his golden eyes glittered like ice. Groaning she sunk deeper into her chair before she heard strangled cursing.

“Shit! Stupid eraser...going to fuc-”

She cautiously looked over her shoulder to the snickering Sango who was holding eraser bits and flicking them. She giggled and grinned at Sango who winked back.

“Immature idiots.”

The whispered remark came again from the icy stranger. Turning back to him she made a face at him and stuck her tongue out.

The rest of their class went pretty much the same way. Inuyasha kicking her desk and pulling her hair and every now and then cursing his brother, Sango(for throwing things), and cursing in general, Sango throwing things at him, Kagome muffling her `ows' and plotting revenge, and Sesshomaru ignoring the three of them.

When the bell rang Inuyasha kicked her chair one last time and ran out of the room. Sango yelled after him saying she'd kill him for that. Clenching her teeth Kagome grabbed her stuff and shoved
them into her bag.

“Stupid jackass. I'll get him for this.”

“He must really get to you Kag for you to start cussing.”


“Haha. Come on lets go he isn't worth getting mad over.”

“Alright I'm coming go on ahead.”

“Okay if ya say so. See you in class.”

With a wave she watched as Sango left before grabbing the rest of her stuff and heading for the door.

Pushing it open she started out the door before being shoved back down.


Rubbing her back she glared up at the one who had pushed her: It was Sesshomaru.

“What the hell was that for!?”

“For being in my way.”

Without looking at her he started to brush by her.

“Hey! Don't walk away from me! It's rude not to apologize for knocking someone over! ...Dammit I'm talking to you!”

Running after him she grabbed his arm and pulled herself in front of him.
Glaring down at her Sesshomaru pushed her off to the side once more.


Pushing herself off the wall the miko ran in front of him again. Planting herself firmly this time she
glared back up at him.
“Get out of my way. Now.”

She flinched when he snarled at her but she didn't move.

“I can't stand people like you. They think they can do anything or that everyone likes them. Always so happy on the outside, putting others before yourself. It's bull shit. There has never been one person truly sincere about this. People like you are only in it for themselves. They act like they care and that they want to help you or care about you but they always want something. You know nothing of the real world. You're so used to this little town and it's lies. They lock you from the outside world and make you think that everyone is good and that the world is just. You live a superficial meaningless existence. Space is wasted on creatures like you.”