InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Impurity of Selfishness ❯ Return to Innocence ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey y'all- I'm back. I can feel your hearts rejoicing. Ok maybe not… Anyway here's part 5- I was going to call it Return to Innocence or Experience but I am cutting it in two parts because otherwise this would've been a seriously, seriously long chapter- I was having trouble figuring out where to end it and that was one of the reasons it took me so long to update.
Also, here's a shout out to Amy, Angelstars, pogo and mesmer- thank you sooo much for your input and precious words of encouragement! I can't tell you how much it pleases me to get positive feedback. Perhaps that makes me strange, but this is still kinda new to me… on second thought, I don't think I'll ever lose that thrill.
I know this chapter is a little shorter than I'd have liked- I'll prolly add just a little bit later. I'm also expecting to put up the next chapter tomorrow or the next day because I have it mapped out and filled in somewhat. I also added a poem I wrote last year to Ch 3/ Pt. 2- so check it out if you'd like!!! Anyway, without further adieu, let the spotlight return the story itself!
Previously in Impurity of Selfishness:
On the other side of the village, Miroku and Sango stare at the sight before them. None of them has any words or comments that they can verbalize. Miroku shakes his head and bravely cuts the silence with a knife. “I do not understand what this means. As for the note, we should let Inuyasha read it first. It's to him after all. But why would she do this and what does it mean?” Then, his voice fades out in confusion. Sango does not speak but just continues to stare.
Pt 5: Return to Innocence?
“Love - Devotion / Feeling - Emotion / Don't be afraid to be weak / Don't be too proud to be strong / Just look into your heart my friend / That will be the return to yourself / The return to innocence. / If you want, then start to laugh / If you must, then start to cry / Be yourself don't hide / Just believe in destiny. / Don't care what people say / Just follow your own way / Don't give up and use the chance / To return to innocence. / That's not the beginning of the end / That's the return to yourself / The return to innocence.”
- Enigma, The Return to Innocence
No wind rustles the leaves; everything is still and quiet. Even the normal sounds of the villagers working seem muffled by the heavy atmosphere. Miroku and Sango study a 5 foot long Shinidamachuu hovering intently near a warded dwelling. The youkai has been trying to gain an entrance into the building without success. Slowly, the youkai notices their approach and blinks in their direction. Miroku looks at the tail of the Shinidamachuu and sees a letter.
“It seems as if Kikyo has written a letter to Inuyasha. I just hope that he can read it.” He pauses to smile ironically, but Sango neither laughs nor responds. After a moment, he continues. “Why didn't she just come and see him? Is this a trick? This does not make sense to me.” He walks forward and accepts the letter. After bowing its head, the Shinidamachuu glides away without a backward glance. Slowly, Miroku sighs. His female companion looks on without comment or emotional response. Kirara sweetly jumps onto Sango's shoulder and Sango breaks out of her trance and smiles at her little friend. Miroku smiles at them, but then turns his attention back to the task at hand.
“Let us get Kaede to open the wards. As much as I want to know the contents of this letter, it's not our place.”
Sango looks at him and begins to smile. “He will probably spill the beans; he is not very good at keeping his feelings in most of the time.”
“I hope that you're right, Sango.”
Stealthily, Miroku, Sango and Kirara enter the little hut where Kaede had sealed Inuyasha. Softly, they close the door and sit down. Kirara walks uncertainly towards Inuyasha but then returns to her place beside Sango. In the corner, the hanyou sleeps somewhat peacefully. A bit of drool makes its way down his face as he snores. The three conscious comrades giggle despite the situation for a moment. Miroku gently nudges the sleeping hanyou. “Inuyasha? Wake up, please.”
Inuyasha's eyes burst open and he glares at the monk. “Hey Miroku- what do you want?”
Totally nonplussed by Inuyasha's rude, but not unusual, outburst, Miroku blinks and smiles. “I am glad that you are feeling so much like yourself. Listen, calm yourself. I apologize that you must remain in here. By the way, how are you feeling? Since you must be starving, we brought you some dinner.” Without another word, the hanyou grabs the meal and begins scarfing it down. “We also brought you a letter... that is, if you can read.” Miroku slightly smirks.
With his mouth still mostly full, Inuyasha narrows his eyes and responds. “A letter? That's ridiculous, Miroku. Who's it from anyway, Kikyo? Keh.”
The others sweatdrop and continue to watch. The monk nods slightly as he continues. “Actually, it is indeed.”
Inuyasha snaps to attention and puts down his food. “Well hand it over, asshole; why didn't you just say so in the first place?” Slowly, Miroku pulls the letter out and holds it out. After rudely snatching the piece of parchment, Inuyasha quickly reads it and then refolds it with a shrug and puts it inside his haori before finishing his meal. Miroku gives him a confused look and studies his usually spastic friend.
Inuyasha begins to eat and grumbles through his food, “Why didn't you bring me more food? Besides, you know how much I hate stuff like this.”
Sango shakes her head and throws back in a frustrated tone, “I'm sorry that the cuisine does not meet with your approval, sir. I wish that your table manners met with my approval. You'd think the son of a taiyoukai would have better manners.” Miroku begins to laugh, but tries to pass it off as a hacking cough when he sees Inuyasha's face.
Inuyasha stops eating for a moment and glares at Sango. “How dare you talk to me that way! Who are you to talk to me about manners when you have me locked in here? I bet you even read the letter before giving it to me!”
Sango narrows her eyes and sighs. “You do have terrible table manners, Inuyasha. It makes it hard to eat around you sometimes. Still, we would never read that letter without your permission. We were kind enough not to read it out of courtesy but you can imagine we are extremely curious to know what she said! It's not everyday a youkai drops off a letter.”
Inuyasha's face twists in fury. Coldly he says, “It's none of your damned business what she said! You dare to speak to me about courtesy!” He turns his anger towards the monk. “Just be courteous and let me out of here right now- I'm fine!” Suddenly, a very drowsy Inuyasha growls at his friends as he begins to fall asleep again. Sango tries to hold back a fit of giggles.
Miroku smiles and looks at him with marginal pity. “You won't hurt yourself in here and you need your rest.” He grins. “We are lucky that Kaede-sama's sleeping potion works. Get some sleep- after all, you do not really have a choice. We will return again soon. Dream well, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha scowls as his eyes close and sleep overtakes him.
Just as the last few golden rays of sunlight disappear, Shippo and I return to the village. I can see the little houses basking in the light of the sunset. Near Kaede's house, Miroku, Sango and Kirara are eating around a medium-sized campfire. Eagerly, I rush forward. As one of my shoes breaks a small twig, they turn to look towards me. They toss a hesitant wave in my direction. I bite my lip gently. They still look rather serious and apprehensive.
Miroku, the appointed spokesman, is the first to welcome me when I walk into range. Of course, he's always the polite gentleman- well, he is unless he's showing his perverted nature, that is. I turn my full attention back to the group and feel more warmth from their greetings. I smile and say hi. Meanwhile, a little orange blur leaps off my shoulder and heads straight for the food. Sango laughs lightly and catches my eye. Relaxing even more, I giggle with her. She walks over to Shippo and fends him off for a moment while she fills a bowl for me. After a moment, she pulls away and the little kitsune practically dives into the remaining food. Sango walks gracefully and purposefully towards me with the bowl and a couple of chopsticks. She sits down next to me and hands me the bowl and utensils while giving me a gracious, welcoming smile.
“Here you go, Kagome-chan. You must be ravenous after keeping up with Shippo out in the forest.”
I grin in response. “Yeah that's about right. He certainly has a large store of energy; there are many days when I wish I could borrow some. Thanks for saving me some dinner.”
She cocks her head to one side with a smile. “It's no problem- my pleasure. I am just glad you are feeling better. We were really worried about you.” Suddenly she stiffens and then tries to pretend that she hadn't. She throws me a half-smile as she gets up and returns to her seat to finish her meal. We eat in companionable silence and I fight to keep my curiosity in check. I want to know what I did! No, asking them would make them more uncomfortable. I must trust them; they will tell me eventually. I must be patient, because now is not the time to have that conversation.
The silence is broken by Shippo's contented sigh. He turns toward us and leans back against a tree stump. His blue eyes twinkle as he surveys the scene. With an innocent lack of tact, he begins. “Man, that was great. It's so much more fun to have everyone back together- well almost everyone. I don't really miss watching Inuyasha messily feed himself or take the food that I wanted to eat. Hmph!” Thoughtfully, he looks at me. “I do miss seeing you and Inuyasha fight, Kagome. It's so entertaining to see how dense he can be after all. Maybe he'll eventually admit what we all know to be true. For an adult, he sure acts like a child a lot. It's amazing that you put up with him.” He nods and smiles in my direction. Miroku and Sango look at each other and sweatdrop before glaring at Shippo for his outburst.
Puzzled, I look at them. Wait a second- I haven't seen Inuyasha since I got back. It was weird that Kaede-baa-chan seemed to expect me to be in love with Inuyasha- what a ridiculous idea! “Hey guys- where is Inuyasha anyway? I haven't seen him in a while. He should be eating with us right now; he's always hungry. Is he sick or something?” I turn to my friends questioningly as they grab Shippo.
Sango puts her hand over Shippo's mouth and gives me a nervous smile. “Of course you're wondering about him, Kagome-chan. It was silly of us to forget to tell you that… well… he's on a trip- something to do with his family I think he said.”
Miroku takes over the explanation from that point on. “Do not worry about him, Kagome-sama. He is fine and will return to us soon. I know you miss him desperately,” he winks at me, “but try not to let your mind dwell on him too much. We all know how impatient he must be on the inside to come and be back by your side.” He gives me an enigmatic smile.
They believe the same as Kaede-baa-chan! I don't get it- are they sure I'm the only one with selective amnesia? As Inuyasha would say, keh! “You guys are so messed up! You have the audacity to think that I am the only one with major memory lapses? Kaede-baa-chan also had some strange idea that I am in love with Inuyasha, which is totally insane! I have my own love that I miss back home. Why on Earth would I fall in love with someone else- especially Inuyasha- and why would I cheat on such a wonderful guy?” I roll my eyes and take a sip of water. They all look at each other with surprise as they take in this information. I shake my head. Sheesh, maybe they are as dense as Inuyasha.
Shippo quickly says goodnight to us and then bounds off to go to sleep. In front of us, the fire continues to crackle and shed its light and warmth upon all of us. I wish someone would say something in response. I didn't mean to be so sharp with them; they probably had no idea, for whatever reason. Sango looks at me gently. “I'm sorry, Kagome-chan. We meant no disrespect towards you. Maybe you are right- maybe we are also having memory lapses. I know that we had no idea about this perfect love of yours. I do not know how we could possibly have forgotten someone that is obviously so important to you.” She wets her lips before continuing. “Well, how is this love of yours so, well um, perfect?” She looks at me expectantly. Sheesh, I don't believe this! As if she can talk considering her amount of experience with such relationships! Kagome, that was a mean thought. Sango has been through so much and all she wants to do is help. Still, how do they expect me to explain this? I scowl lightly and sigh. Then I take a deep breath to respond.
A/N- Like I said, next chapter should be up tomorrow or the next day. I have some cool stuff planned- another one of Kagome's dreams and maybe some of Inuyasha's thoughts- and one of his dreams. I haven't decided whether to put the Inuyasha stuff in the coming chapter or the one after that- it depends, so we shall see. Please review with comments if you'd like- I'll adore you forever!