InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Impurity of Selfishness ❯ Exasperation ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys- Here's part 15… yes you have all been incredibly patient. I have been listening and so I am combining some chapters that would've been separate and taken out a little bit. Now, I thought about initiating the scene that will bring this to an end right here, but I really want to tie up a couple of things first. This chapter is not as descriptive so that I can keep it decently short, but part 16 will signal the beginning of the end. I hope that you guys are all happy to hear that. Let's see- my reasoning behind this: the mind is a complicated thing, especially when dealing with stubborn people. Aww heck, you'll see soon enough. This chapter explains about Kagome and her schoolwork- because boyfriend or no boyfriend, she still has classes on the other side. I don't want it to seem like I just like throwing details out the window- like how Kagome is always obsessing over her schoolwork. What can I say- I want to cover the bases!
Thanks to:
Angelstars- Yep, I'm glad that you liked the awakening of power thing… and you won't have to wait too long for the conclusion. ^_^ Yeah, I love RK too!
Classic Cowboy- Yeah I have no idea where the chocolate idea came from, but it worked with the s'mores things pretty well.
ZsaiQais- No, you don't sound ungrateful. You're right about things starting to drag just a bit. Thanks for the words of praise and encouragement- and for adding me to your fav list!
Pt 15- Exasperation
“Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated. Life's like this you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn into honesty- promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it”
- Avril Lavigne, Complicated
(I know-I didn't want to use anything popular, but oh well, this just ended up fitting.)
Inuyasha sleeps quietly in the corner, but opens his right eye when he hears a little bit of noise. Once again, he can see Miroku gesturing to him to come outside. Do they just enjoy messing up my watch on Kagome or do they really have something important to tell me this time? With a sigh, the hanyou gets up and drags his tired body out of the house.
In the crisp, early morning air, Miroku nods. “Inuyasha, we apologize that we are again disturbing you, but we needed to talk.”
“Fine, Miroku- what is it?”
Sango shakes her head. “Inuyasha… you know how Kagome is always going back forth because she has tests back in her time? Well, she hasn't said anything or worried about them at all lately and that is rather strange for her. Normally, she would have said something or being studying or something. We know that there are a few things that she does not remember, so we assumed that maybe she forgot that part… You see, we need your help because you are the only one who can travel through the well to Kagome's time.”
Before Inuyasha could answer, Miroku tries to get in a few more words. “We also thought about reminding her and having her go back home, but if she has really forgotten, who knows how she'll act once she gets there. So will you please take the job and allow us to watch Kagome while you are gone?”
Inuyasha thinks for a moment and then nods. “Sure, I'll go. Besides, her family knows me. That's a great idea- why didn't I think about that myself? Alright, you guys make sure that nothing happens to her while I'm gone. I'll be back soon.” He grins to himself and takes off towards the well at full speed and then as he reaches it, he leaps in without stopping to think. Yes I'll get her schoolwork, but I can also find out the truth about Kisho! Smiling with glee at his cleverness, he arrives in Kagome's time. Swiftly, he jumps out of the well and leaves the shrine to the well to see the sun rise over the trees.
After watching the day gently break over the horizon, Inuyasha slides open the door to the Higurashi residence. Kagome's mom, grandfather and brother are already sitting at the table eating breakfast. They stare at him in surprise.
The hanyou waves. “Yo.”
Souta's face lights up with a huge grin. “Inu-no-nii-chan! You're here!”
Kagome's mom smiles. “Welcome. Would you like some breakfast? But wait, where's Kagome?”
“Oh, she's still sleeping. I came back to get her school assignments, since she always so worried about that.”
With an understanding look, Mrs. Higurashi looks him over. “Yes, that is a very good idea.”
Souta jumps up. “I can help you! I know how to get her assignments from the school. Please let me help!” Man, this is going to be easier than I thought. Maybe Souta can also show me where I can find Kagome's friends, so that I can find out about Kisho.
“Right- that'll be great.” He looks down at his haori. “Um, can you help me find something else to wear so I won't look quite so foreign?”
“Inu-no-nii-chan, you have never cared about something like that before now…”
Oh shit, that's actually a good point. I hope that my intentions aren't too transparent… “Well, I…”
Mrs. Higurashi stands up and saves Inuyasha from embarrassment. “Of course, that would make it much easier for you. Come with me and we'll see if I can find something for you that will be appropriate.” Inuyasha nods and begins to follow her. Souta tries to come to for a moment, but his mother notices and gently commands her family. “Souta, finish your breakfast and then get everything that you need for school. Jii-chan, will you call the school and alert them that Souta is coming to get Kagome's assignments?” The old man dashes off to do his daughter's bidding.
Mrs. Higurashi takes him down a hall and then turns to the right. They enter a bedroom and she proceeds to open an old chest of drawers. “I am going to give you some of my husband's clothes; he certainly doesn't need them now. I'm sure that he would want them to be used, certainly by one of Kagome's good friends.” She pauses and pulls out an old pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt. Her voice softens somewhat. “You must be wondering what happened to him. You see, he died of cancer when Souta was still an infant.”
Unknowing what to say to her declaration, Inuyasha quietly responds, “Uh, um, I'm sorry about what happened to him.”
She breaks out of her quiet moment to reassure him. “No, don't worry; it's fine.” She holds up the clothes to him. “Yes, I think this will work.” As she pulls a black baseball cap out of another drawer, she quickly explains how to put the clothes on. “Well, let's see- what else am I missing here? Oh shoes, of course.” Running to the closet, she pulls out a pair of black sneakers. “These are…”
“Tennis shoes, like the new ones that you bought Kagome, but they're black.”
“Right, yes, they are like Kagome's aren't they? I am going to check for size.” She puts the shoe next to his foot and gasps. “Well, that'll be about right. They may be a little too big, but you'll have to wear socks anyway. Ok, that's it. If you aren't out in a few minutes, I'll send Souta in to help you.” She tosses his a pair of black socks and closes the door behind her.
Kagome's father's clothes… sheesh. But as he puts them on, he smiles as he examines them. Not bad, not bad at all. It's a little harder to move around, but I could maybe get used to this. Then, he stares at the shoes and socks. He puts the socks on without to much trouble, but becomes frustrated with the shoelaces. He hears a gentle knock from outside.
“Inu-no-nii-chan, can I come in?” He grunts and the little boy walks in the room. “Wow, you look so cool! Those are Dad's old clothes, huh?” The hanyou nods. “Oh well, I am glad that you are using them.”
“Uh, can you, um… yeah, maybe?” Inuyasha points at the shoes. Souta nods and quickly ties the laces.
“We should go now or I'll be late for school. So, put on your hat and we'll show Mama.” Souta leaves Inuyasha behind as he throws open the door and dashes left towards the kitchen where Mrs. Higurashi and her father are waiting for the fashion show to begin. Inuyasha sighs and follows the boy. As he walks, he marvels at the feel of the shoes. This feels kinda weird, but it would definitely feel better than stepping on rocks all the time. Hmm, Kagome's world is pretty wonderful.
He arrives in the kitchen to receive two gasps. “Wow, that outfit looks great. You are all set. You'd better get going- both of you. I'll have some food and other supplies ready for you when you get back.”
Kagome's brother nods and grabs his bag. “Ok, we're leaving. Later!” Inuyasha waves along with Souta and they walk outside. After a few minutes, Souta looks up at the now-almost-normal-looking guy walking next to him. “Ano, Inu-no-nii-chan, how is Kagome doing?”
Well I can't completely answer that and I guess it's time to ask him for his help… why is asking for help so difficult? “She is doing fine. Um, Souta, I kinda have something I need to ask you.”
“What is it- I'll do anything to help you!”
Suddenly, Inuyasha blurts out, “Well, can you show me which girls are Kagome's friends? I need to ask them about something…”
“Oh sure. They're pretty nice. They have been friends with Kagome since they were younger than I am and they know a lot about Kagome. I feel sorry for them- they don't know anything about the well and they shouldn't because then the secret might get out. What do you want to know?”
“Um, nothing really. I have a… message for them from Kagome.”
Souta still looks puzzled. “Shouldn't you give it to me? They know me- if they see you they might ask too many questions…”
“I need to do it myself.”
“Ok, whatever you say.” They arrive at Kagome's school and Souta points to a group of three black-haired girls under a tree. “Those are them right there. You can talk to them while I go get the assignments really quickly.” Inuyasha takes a deep breath and walks over to the girls.
They are sitting in a circle and giggling about something. Inuyasha does not bother to listen to see what they are saying. Before he realizes it, he is standing next to their circle. “Yo.”
They all stare up at him with surprise and admiration. Quickly, they all stand up. One of them asks him, “Um hi, excuse me, who are you?”
“I am a… friend of Kagome's.” The girls all look at each other and smile.
“Oh, it's you. She has told us a little bit about you. My name is Ayumi and this is Eri and Yuka. We are so excited to finally meet you!” Hojo comes running up to the group.
“Hi, everyone- have you seen Kagome anywhere? Is she coming to school today?”
“No, she's not. She's not feeling well today,” Inuyasha informs him.
Hojo looks at the newcomer with surprise. “Oh hi, I'm Hojo, and you are?”
I might as well use my real name… “A friend of Kagome's… I'm Inuyasha.” Meanwhile, the girls are looking excitedly from one guy to the other.
Hojo scratches his head and sighs. “Oh well. I wanted to give her these bath salts; they have been known to induce healing of the body and of the mind.” He frowns. At that moment, Souta comes running up to them.
“Hi everyone. Oh, Inu-no-nii-chan, here are the assignments. I have to run now or I'll be late.” He hands the hanyou the long list and stack of papers. “Oh Inu-no-nii-chan, come see us more often. You're cool. Bye, everybody!” He runs off towards his own school. The others stare at Inuyasha.
Hojo lights up. “Oh, Inuyasha-san, since you are going to give those to Kagome's family, could you please give them these bath salts for me?” Inuyasha nods and takes the container. “It was nice to meet you, Inuyasha. Please send my greetings and best wishes to both Kagome and the rest of her family. I hope that we will meet again. Well,” he checks his watch, “I must go do something before classes begin, so until later, everyone.” Hojo waves and heads off towards his own group of friends. Well I have nothing to fear from Hojo after all. Kagome said that she doesn't feel that way about him; now I see why. Besides, she has Kisho, so why would it matter?
Inuyasha turns back towards the girls. “So, what about Kagome's boyfriend?”
Eri winks at him. “Oh don't worry about that- Hojo is so dense. He just doesn't understand that Kagome is in love with someone other than him. As for her boyfriend, he makes mistakes sometimes, but she still loves him so much. From what it sounds like, she puts up with a lot, but he has his moments…”
“But he's pretty good to her?” Inuyasha looks down.
“Yeah I guess so.” The girls all shrug and give him a covered smile, but then the bell rings. They grab their things. “It was nice to meet you, Inuyasha-san. See you later.” Inuyasha is left behind with papers. As he makes his way back towards the shrine, he is more confused than before.
He walks up the stairs and sees Kagome's mother waiting with some bags. She waves and Inuyasha walks towards her. “So you're back and I see that you have a good bit of work to give Kagome.” Inuyasha nods. “Here is a bunch of food- including ramen- and some other supplies. I also packed your clothes, a few other shirts and clothes just in case you want to wear them. You know, that outfit that you have on really does become you well. I am getting away from the point. You want to get back to Kagome, right?”
He nods and hands her the bath salts. “These are from Hojo-kun. He sends his regards to your family.” He surveys all the care that she had gone into readying the supplies. “Thank you very much for all your help,” he says as he grabs everything.
She nods and pushes him out the door. “Ok, safe trip and send Kagome our love.”
He smiles, runs to the well, jumps in and returns home. Things must be complicated, you know? This is so annoying. I hope that Kagome is doing well.
In the early afternoon, I wake up to the smell of lunch. Sango is sitting in the corner and Kirara is curled up next to me. As soon as my eyes open, Kaede comes in to check on me.
“Good morning, err, afternoon, Kagome-chan. How are you feeling?”
“I feel fine, Kaede-baa-chan. Did I pass out again or something?”
“You fell out of the tree and luckily Inuyasha caught you. You seem to be in good health, though. They told me about your use of your powers. I want you to know how proud I am of you, girl.” I blush just as Inuyasha enters the house with some huge bags. He is wearing jeans, a t-shirt, a black cap and some shoes… wait those belonged to Dad! Inuyasha ignores the strange looks the others are giving him and fishes out the papers and hands them to me. With a sigh, he takes off the hat and shoves it in the bag.
“Um, thank you, Inuyasha.” I look closer at the papers. These are my assignments! “You went back and got my assignments for me? Oh I am so happy!” I read through the list of dates and realize that there isn't another test for two weeks. “Oh this is great- I don't have a test for a couple of weeks. Oh time to relax and study- this is the best!” Then, I look over Inuyasha one more time. “Oh, Inuyasha, you look great! Mom gave you some of Dad's clothes? They look really good on you, you know.” Kaede, Sango and Kirara leave us to talk, but neither of us notices. “I wonder what Kikyo would say if she saw you like this? That would be interesting!” I smile to myself and then put my head to one side as I notice him flinch and pout. “Well, sorry, but I don't really like Kikyo all that much, because she is always so mean to me and more than that, I kinda want the rest of my soul back. I'm sorry to state the truth; I can imagine how sad you are because of her.”
Inuyasha sweatdrops, because Kikyo is not what is bothering him. My words almost make him feel worse. Softly, he asks, “Why did you tell Kouga you belong to me?”
“Oh is that important? Well, I did because he wouldn't have understand why I wasn't with my boyfriend silly- oh yeah my boyfriend is not here because I travel through time via a well- that would go over well, haha.” He doesn't laugh at my pun. He groans instead. “Don't tell me you like little old me, Inuyasha?” I laugh it off, waving my hand slightly.
He mutters a keh and I look at him with a slight grin. “Nah, but you still looked as if you were sulking- suffering from the loss of someone you loved.” I become serious. “You've lost so many- your parents, Kikyo… but at least you got her back, neh? Everything will work out somehow, Inuyasha- just follow your heart and don't be afraid of the truth. If it's meant to be, it will be, no matter how much you worry about it.” I pat him on the head and admire his hair with a sigh. “Yura was right- your hair is quite lovely- both yours and Sesshoumaru's. Oh well, we do the best we can. I have a headache- so I'm going to bed to rest. Don't worry too much, k?” Inuyasha nods and leaves me to rest. He sits outside the hut and cradles his head in his hands.
Somewhere else in the village, Miroku and Sango are having some developments due to the stressful nature of the situation. Kirara and Shippo run by as they play with the village children. Shippo tosses a bouncy ball to Kirara and it ends up hitting Miroku on the forehead. He falls over as Sango retrieves the ball. “Shippo, why don't you and Kirara take the kids to play somewhere else, ok?” She turns back to the monk and kneels down beside him. “Houshi-sama, are you ok?” A familiar wandering hand on her butt answers her question. As her eye begins to twitch, she yells, “Hentai! Ok, no, I am not going to hit you, although believe me when I say that it is taking all of my willpower not to. I will tell you how it is. You just don't understand, so I will make you understand!”
“You aren't going to whack me on the head with Hiraikotsu or punch me repeatedly?”
“What are you lamenting that I am holding back?” She crosses her arms.
“Uh, no, not really. But why does it bother you so much?”
“Well, let me put it this way… Ok, I have got it. How would you feel if Naraku were to caress your rear end all the time and then just reply that he did that because your butt was right there? Would you enjoy that?”
Of course Miroku narrows his eyes and looks disgusted. Then hurt, he turns to her. “Naturally, I would feel uncomfortable and violated- well worse than that, this is Naraku about whom we are speaking. Sango, is that really how you feel about it?”
She taps her feet together and shakes her head no. “Of course I don't, but I wanted to make my point.” They stare into each other's eyes and then look away. She begins a new subject. “What about the situation with Inuyasha and Kagome?” They both sigh with relief about the change in intensity.
Miroku nods. “Well I just can see him sulking all the time, but I guess that I can't blame him. She's driving him crazy- if you ask me, he wants her, badly and isn't telling her because of everything that's going on.”
Sango nods and looks away thoughtfully. “Do you really think that true love is easy and just comes? I am a little worried… she is so young and I know I don't have much experience in these situations, but she seems dreamier than she used to be. She used to be a little more down-to-Earth. I can't blame her for that- Inuyasha had been acting like a jerk. I can see why she would repress those memories.”
“Sango, I have noticed that too. But remember: it's more complicated than it seems. She didn't just yell at him- well she attacked him. I think she, uh, got his attention, interest, ahem. I saw his eyes- he was getting a major adrenaline rush and he was looking at her with love until the shock wore off and the daze gave in to allow him to feel her attack and be shocked. More than that, I still don't know what was in that letter. I want to ask Shippo to steal it but I won't invade his privacy.”
“I'm curious about that as well. What about Kagome's powers? I am still a little scared of her, Miroku- she keeps fading in and out. She could turn on us at any moment, but when I am around her, I cannot think like that. Everything's a mess!”
Miroku smiles at her. “I told you- we'll all get through this… together. Don't worry- we just need to believe in our friends. As for me, I'll always protect you." They look at each other until Shippo and Kirara enter the scene and innocently break up the scene. The spell was broken.
That's all for part 15, everyone. Please review because the moments you have all been waiting for are drawing very near. I think I will name the next chapter The Control Needed to Survive.