InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In One Breath ❯ To be who we Pretend to be: Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



[I]n [O]ne [B]reath


PG-13 Inuyasha Romance (Sesshoumaru/Kagome)

Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha do not belong to me, I hold no claim to them whatsoever. Therefore, do not sue.

Summary: Kagome has unknowingly given her heart to Inuyasha. Inuyasha is torn between Kagome and Kikyo, his past love and current "obligation". Kagome understands Inuyasha's confusion and accepts her place as second best and awaits Inuyasha's final decision. However, a heart can only take so much, and when Inuyasha keeps postponing his choice, Kagome is slowly falling out of love…and falling in love with another….

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Author's Note:

*sounds gong* Greetings my fellow readers :] I hope life has been a bit more lenient towards you than I since I've been going through quite a bit of an ordeal this past week or so. -sighs- My life is a terrible thing to pass by but enough of it! I have come to the conclusion that I will in length, make this fanfic longer than the original but with the same outcome and such. It won't necessarily be more in depth since I don't want to change the ditzy way I wrote it. (There are fond memories of past foolishness and such.) In other words, I will try to maintain the same plot at the same pace while revising, but don't expect too much. I will maintain some of the less admirable things in the story simply cuz I don't want my revised first fanfic not to sound at all like a first fanfic, if you catch my drift. But none of this really concerns you aside from the fact I will try to finish this up as soon as possible pour toi. Agreeable? I certainly hope so.

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[To be who we pretend to be: Part 1]

"The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be" - Socrates





A soft pale light blinked through the dense cluster of sheltering trees, its gentle gleam reflected off the surface of the clear water of the stream. A bent and worn figure of a stream, but a flowing one nonetheless. Slow and steady, seeping past obstacles in its course, but always steadily moving forwards.

This is how life is. No matter how hard the road we have chosen is, we must keep walking. Time doesn't stop for us, and we must not stop for Time. No matter how long our life may be, the grains of sand keeps flowing, just like the river.


The water reflects us in many aspects.


Our course in life in overcoming and becoming.


Our hearts and will, for we are but fickle creatures struggling to pass and move on.


Our souls.

Looking deep into pools of molten gold, a silver figure bent forward at a dangerous degree of elevation. The eyes are supposed to betray the deepest thoughts to the eyes of the beholder. Show the desires of the soul.

What were these secrets? What is being hidden?

What is it that his soul yearns for?

"Sesshoumaru! Sesshoumaru-sama!"

The impassive face turned from the surface of his mirroring image towards a young short girl. Rin. His Rin.

One thing this Sesshoumaru has learned to accept was that he was indeed more in touch with his inner-demon than he would've liked. He prided in being in control of his yin and yang so to speak, but the fact remains his elements are unbalanced, resulting in his demon form. Those with more positive energy were found as humans while those with less are founds as demons. Thus, that is to say, though not all humans are "good" and not all demons are "evil", it tends to turn out that way in majority due to the fact of their elemental properties and how much more vulnerable they are to corruption. The only balanced creatures are those called miko. They are entirely able to choose which side to aid. Most being born in the human form tend to focus more on their positive energies and try to purify themselves of their negative energies. Those who seek power and such focus more on negative energies. Both of these techniques are in fault, since it is this balance of the internal environment that enables them their more beneficial abilities from both sides.

Being youkai, Sesshoumaru is more in tune with his demon characteristics and natural tendencies than his more humane ways and good morals. However, he has made it a point to never give in to his youki entirely, because the thirst for power will easily drive him insane and cause him to make rash decisions much needed in order to maintain his status as Lord of the Western Lands. He practiced his demonic advantages thoroughly and held onto humanity to rein his desires, but during these feudal ages, such a thing was hard to do, considering what humans have done to his race due to discrimination. He can't say his own kind were entirely fair to the humans either, but the fact remains youkai are stronger in physical endeavors while humans are more in tune with their emotional and mental abilities. Thus the reason they are still alive, for the two cancel each other out. In the end, who knows which characteristic will help win the war between them? All Sesshoumaru knows is he will remain alive and in control after all of this, and Rin will be there to help him.

Because whether he has ever acknowledged it or not, Rin was his hold onto humanity, his last hope in mankind and saving himself from the clutches of his deepest desires in power and conquest. Without Rin, he will not have given a second thought in joining his own kind in wiping out all who are weaker than him.

It is the survival of the fittest, is it not? In these times, where learning has yet to flourish to the point in aiding in physical warfare, the youkai held the upper hand. Enough humans have destroyed his trust in mankind, and should Rin betray him once more, who knows what can happen?

"Sesshoumaru-sama! You must hurry! Rin found pretty lady crying! She's hurt!"

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[ End of Chapter 1. ]

AN: Not much happening here, I know. And it's kinda confusing I admit. Just deal with me alrite? I'm trying damnit. You know how hard it is to make a bad piece of work better while trying to make it still sound bad? If not, you go try it. If you say there's no point, well there is if you like having your first fanfic still sound like a first fanfic to you. -sighs- I'm going crazy aren't I? Maybe I really should go see a doctor…
