InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In One Breath ❯ To be who we Pretend to be: Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



[I]n [O]ne [B]reath


PG-13 Inuyasha Romance (Sesshoumaru/Kagome)

Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha do not belong to me, I hold no claim to them whatsoever. Therefore, do not sue.

Summary: Kagome has unknowingly given her heart to Inuyasha. Inuyasha is torn between Kagome and Kikyo, his past love and current "obligation". Kagome understands Inuyasha's confusion and accepts her place as second best and awaits Inuyasha's final decision. However, a heart can only take so much, and when Inuyasha keeps postponing his choice, Kagome is slowly falling out of love…and falling in love with another….

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[To be who we pretend to be: Part 2]

"The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be" - Socrates

She was torn.

Torn between loyalty to a friend and her own heart.

What was she supposed to do?

What was she supposed to choose?

She cried out in pain as the small mirror she once clutched in her hand shattered…

…..just like her soul.

It hurts, her numbed mind registered. It hurts but I can't feel it, because my heart hurts far more. It hurts, but it soothes…

Somewhere admist her train of thoughts, she realized she close to the edge of hysteria. She knew that soon her passion for friendship and love will soon drive her out of sanity. Where her positive energies will burst from exhaustion and her negative energies will haunt her thoughts, causing an internal conflict of which her mind will not comprehend but others will categorize as mental instability.

She closed her eyes and loosened her grip on the shards. Gradually she feel into deep concentration, meditating and smoothing out the seams of her aura. She will think logically and try to understand.

A tear escaped from the corners of her eyes, and she opened them once more, peering into the eyes of at least five different girls lying on the floor- each with raven-black hair and sad brown eyes, a tear escaping their eyes as well. They were mocking her, amused at her own selfish sorrow and self-pity.

I can always count on your Kagome-chan.

Kagome-neesan will always be there for me!

Ah, Kagome-sama knows just the words to heal this poor-man's soul.

Feh, Kagome will understand.

Kagome always understands. She has to.

She shook her head in frustration, tears leaving a silver trail in the thin air. She blinked furiously and mouthed a single word. A single question.


For it was not the why she was interested in- being the kind soul that she was, she would do anything to help, anything to forget.

"How do you understand?"

She buried her face in the palms of her hands, shoulder quivering both from cold and emotional exhaustion. Her salty tears mingled with the still flowing blood, but she never heeded the crimson droplets falling just as quickly as her crystal tears.

A small crunch of crisp leaves and twigs snapped the poor girl out of her small world of misery. Eyes alert, she flashed a wide look towards the intruder, or more accurately, intruders.


A brief flash of terror flickered in her eyes before she quickly placed her hands behind her, glancing in slight fear at the snarling youkai behind the curious young girl. Shifting slightly so her body covered the pieces of glass on the floor, she smiled tentatively at the child and replied with a shaky nod.

But instead of a childish inquiry, a low growl was heard where the words were barely distinguishable.

"What the hell were you doing?"

She ignored him, watching instead as the happy little child bounced her way over to her, seemingly ignorant of the blood that lies straight ahead. Surprisingly, she reached behind Kagome's back and held her palms on top of her small lap and bit her lip in worry, a sort of knowing in her eyes that shook Kagome to the core.

"Rin, step away from the girl."

Again, he was ignored and already he looked slightly put off at being dismissed so easily by two younger human females and if one paid attention, though no one did, his lips slightly protruded as if in a small pout.

"Kagome-oneesan, what happened?"

But she never got a chance to reply, because at the moment, Sesshoumaru tore Rin away from her and knelt besides her, taking up her hands in his. "Rin, go find some of the herbs I taught you to find last week for healing minor cuts and wounds. Don't wander far and if you need help, scream."

Rin nods.

And Kagome stared as the small figure disappeared from sight in fear.

She was alone with Sesshoumaru.

She was alone with Sesshoumaru and he seemed intent on healing her hands.

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[End of To be who we pretend to be: Part 2]

Don't worry. There's only three parts of To be who we pretend to be. I know, I should just put them together as a long chapter but I like dividing them up and I don't wanna write so much at the same time. I'll update faster sure, but yea, don't push your luck. =]