InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In Which Inuyasha Tries to Convince Kagome to Leave ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

In Which Inuyasha Tries to Convince Kagome to Leave
FINALLY!” Inuyasha shouted in frustration as they crested yet another rather steep hill.
“What?” Miroku mumbled as he struggled to keep up with the hanyou. They'd been combing the woods for days in search of the castle with no luck. The young monk wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up.
“There it is!”
“There what is? Inuyasha, you're not making any sense.”
“What do you mean?! It's right there!
“What's right there? All I see is a valley full of trees and meadows.”
“Sesshoumaru's castle! It's right there!”
“Inuyasha, I think all this walking is getting to your head.” Miroku sighed as he leaned against a tree. He didn't know what Inuyasha's game was, but he didn't want to play. At the moment all he wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep, preferably beside Sango.
He put a barrier around it sothat only inuyoukai can see it! Inuyasha realized as he continued trying to explain to his sleepy friend that there was a castle in front of them. He wasn't looking convinced. “Look, come on. I'll prove it to you.” With that he proceeded to drag Miroku down the hill and stopped just short of the gate. “Now do you see it? Or can you at least feel the barrier?
“No, Inuyasha, trust me there is nothing...”He was surprised when Inuyasha proceeded to hoist him onto his back and jump over the gates to the castle, “…here…ok so I was wrong! Give me a break!”
“HA! And you thought I was crazy!”
“You there!” said the inuyoukai who was fast approaching them.
Think fast Inuyasha. What do you do? Inuyasha thought as he gripped Tessaiga's hilt and stood slightly in front of Miroku, in case the youkai decided to attack.
“What do you think you are doing waltzing into Sesshoumaru's castle like that? And you brought a human with…Tessaiga!”
Ok, now Inuyasha was confused. Just who was this dude, how did he know Tessaiga…and could he get anymore random?
“But that means…you are…Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha loosened his grip on Tessaiga.
“Are you Inuyasha, half brother to Sesshoumaru, lord of the West?”
“Who wants to know?” Inuyasha couldn't restrain his shocked expression when the inuyoukai suddenly dropped to the ground and kneeled before him.
“Forgive me; I am Hinaku, lord Sesshoumaru's head of security. We've been expecting you Inuyasha.”
“She's close,” Inuyasha said, turning towards the gardens. When they'd arrived ten minutes ago, Hinaku had led them to what appeared to be a banquet hall before excusing himself and going back to his post.
“Who?” Miroku, who was still in shock that they were actually in a castle, paused his inspection of the room and turned to look at Inuyasha.
“Kagome, stupid!”
“Well, once you find her, can I have a nap?”
Inuyasha ignored him and opened the nearby window. “Come on, I think she's right under us.” He once again picked up the sleep deprived monk and jumped down into the lush gardens that surrounded the castle. He spotted Kagome almost instantly. She was sitting in the shade of a Sakura tree. “Kagome!” He ran over to her, noting with annoyance that the kimono she wore bore the symbol of the House of the Moon. “We're leaving,” he said, grabbing Kagome's wrist and pulling her towards the outer wall. “Where's your stuff?”
“No, Inuyasha,”
The hanyou stopped and turned to look at her, shock clearly written on his face. “What?”
“I'm not leaving.” She pulled away from him and walked back to the tree, tossing some bread crumbs into the nearby pond.
“What the hell are you talking about? Of course you're leaving!”
“No, I'm not.”
“Well why the hell not?”
“I gave Sesshoumaru my word.”
“What does that matter? He's not a nice person Kagome. He hates humans for crying out loud! You're in danger here!” Inuyasha walked over to where the young miko stood and pulled her into his arms. “I can't..won't leave you here. You have no idea what he is capable of.”
Kagome pulled back slightly, searching out the twin molten pools of amber that resided on his face. “I know full well, but he needs me. I don't know why, but I can tell that there is something he needs my help with.”
“I won't leave without you.”
“You have to. She looked back at Miroku, who had leaned against the wall and looked to be quite close to dreamland. “By the way, where is Sango?”
“She disappeared a few days ago,” Miroku said, perking up when he heard Sango name.
“Well then what are you doing here? GO FIND HER!”
“I'm not leaving here with my bastard of a brother!” Inuyasha pulled her even closer, as if begging her to try and pull away.
“Inu, don't make me `it' you. Now go find Sango. I'll be fine.”
“Fine! But as soon as we find her, we'll be back!” Inuyasha grabbed Miroku and quickly leapt over the castle wall.
“What are you doing?” Miroku yelped, not appreciating being thrust so harshly back into reality. He waved a quick goodbye to Kagome as she disappeared behind the giant wall before turning back to see where they were headed. “Where are we going in such a hurry?”
“The faster we find Sango, the faster we get back to Kagome.”
“But..but…what about my nap?”